My Once Handsome Husband

Chapter 284 - The Witch

Vincent was exhausted so it didn\'t take him long to fall asleep.  As soon as he was, Delaney slipped from the bed, careful not to wake him.  She found her cloak and boots in her old bedroom where Ms. Bird had unpacked them from the chest but hadn\'t had a chance to put them away yet.  She pulled them on and hurried out to find Harris.

The others were still in the dining room.  She could hear them talking, likely having some wine before going off to bed.  Thankful they were distracted, Delaney hurried out the front doors, eager to not be spotted.  If Miles or Violet found out she was trying to sneak out they would try to stop her.

She moved quickly along the front of the manor, staying in the shadows as she walked towards the corner where Harris should be waiting for her.  She was relieved when she could finally make out the shape of him standing with two horses saddled and ready.

They didn\'t say anything and he helped her up onto the horse before climbing on his own.  He looked at her with concern and Delaney rolled her eyes before tapping her heel against her horse and sending it moving forward.  Harris was quick to follow.

She knew the way to the lake now and rode between the waiting guards who seemed surprised to see her but didn\'t try to stop her.  Harris kept close and she knew he was probably terrified something would happen to her while she was with him.  Vincent would never forgive him.

The night air was warm and the night animals and insects happily sang their songs from the shadows of the woods.  Somewhere far away a wolf howl could be heard but Delaney didn\'t worry, knowing they weren\'t close at all.

When they arrived at the lake\'s edge, Harris got down from his horse before helping her down.  He tied them both to a tree branch before lifting the lantern he\'d been carrying and heading into the woods with the duchess at his side.

As they walked, Delaney couldn\'t help but wonder when Vincent had taught his valet how to get to their meeting place with the witch.  How many times had Harris come alone now?  And what had Opal thought when Delaney never came back again?

They slipped through the inky darkness and Delaney worked to walk quietly as her husband always had.  She was somewhat relieved to see Harris wasn\'t as silent and skilled as her husband.  It made it less noticeable how loud she was.

At last, they arrived at the meeting place and Delaney was careful not to slip down the incline as she had before.  Harris kept his eyes on her as if he was expecting something terrible to happen any moment.

"Lady Adair!" came a wheezing voice suddenly, "You\'ve returned at last.  How wonderful!  And I see you\'re pregnant.  Did you use magic?"

Delaney looked down at the funny little witch, surprised she could already tell she was pregnant.  "Hello, Opal!  It\'s wonderful to see you.  I am pregnant but I didn\'t have to use any magic."

"Well that\'s even better," she gave her gap-toothed grin, "And what have you come to see me for this evening?  I know it\'s not this medicine for your husband or the red-headed man could\'ve just come on his own."

Harris frowned at her and held his hand out for the medicine bottle, "You know my name, Opal."

"Yes, but I don\'t like it," the witch said matter-of-factly as she handed it over.

"You\'re right," Delaney bit her lip to keep from laughing at Harris, "I did have something else I wanted to ask you about.  Opal... you know my husband is very sick don\'t you?"

The witch\'s head bobbed up and down, "He\'s dying."

The blunt response made Delaney swallow hard and Harris make a noise of displeasure.

"Yes," Delaney stared into her eyes, bright in the light of the lantern, "Opal I need to know... Is there anything you can do for him?  I don\'t mean the medicine for his pain but something for the actual poison.  Can you save him?"

Opal frowned, "Oh no my Lady.  There is no medicine strong enough to fight that poison.  It\'s in his blood and by now even his bones.  There\'s no medicine for that."

Delaney swallowed, feeling anxious, "Oh Opal I didn\'t mean a medicine actually... I meant... Well, I meant magic."

"Magic?" the woman repeated with raised eyebrows, "Lord Adair doesn\'t like magic."

"I know," Delaney agreed, refusing to look at Harris even though she knew he was staring at her now, "I know he doesn\'t like magic but I don\'t want him to die.  I refuse to let him die if there\'s absolutely anything in the world we can do to save him."

Opal studied her closely, a hand on her chin, but she didn\'t speak.  Delaney couldn\'t stand the silence though so she continued.

"We were in the King\'s City and I saw Helena.  My friend was dying and she did magic to save him.  She linked me to him so I could save him," she raised her hand to reveal the scar across her palm that linked her to Ian, "I just need to know if there is anything like that or better than that you could do to save my husband.  Please Opal I can\'t lose him.  Is there anything you can do?"

"Delaney... My Lady," Harris said seriously, "Vince won\'t like this."

"I know," she said giving in and turning to him, "But do you know what he will like even less?  Dying before he gets a chance to see his baby.  Or losing the chance to spend the rest of his life with me.  Or not being able to be here to continue taking care of us all..."

"Alright," he cut her off, raising his hands in surrender, "Alright."

They both turned to look back at Opal and she was still staring at Delaney.

"Well?" Delaney sighed, "Is there anything you can do?"

Slowly, the little witch shook her head, "I\'m sorry my Lady but there is nothing I can do."

Delaney stood perfectly still, feeling as if she had the air knocked out of her.  She couldn\'t move or even breathe.  This had been her only hope.  She felt as if she would suddenly just fall apart into a hundred pieces.

"Wait," Harris said quickly, frowning at Opal again, "I\'ve learned over the months that this witch is a bit mad.  She only answers exactly the question you\'ve asked of her and she doesn\'t always give you the other information it would be useful for you to know.  So what about this Opal... Is there anything any witch could do to help him? Or to save him?  With magic or medicine."

Delaney\'s eyes snapped back to the witch now.  She and Harris waited anxiously to hear her reply.  The little old woman frowned at him but then looked down, scratching her chin as she thought.  At last, she looked up again.

"I can\'t do anything for you but a stronger witch may be able to.  A dragon is a magical creature so there may be some kind of magic that can pull his poison from your husband or at least slow it.  I\'ve not heard of anything specific myself but I don\'t do that kind of magic.  Stronger witches do."

A squeak of excitement escaped Delaney and she clapped her hands over her mouth as tears filled her eyes and she felt her heart begin to pound in her chest.

"Alright then tell us where we can find these stronger witches?" Harris asked urgently, now just as excited and anxious as his mistress, "Give us their names and tell us how to find them."

"I won\'t do that," Opal stuck her nose in the air and turned away from him.

"B-But Opal why not?" Delaney asked, her voice desperate, "Please tell us!"

"I won\'t," Opal smiled at her, "Because you already know her name and where to find her."

Delaney\'s paused, "H-Helena?  Helena is stronger than you?  She can help us?"

"She might be able to help you," Opal corrected, "But yes she\'s much stronger than me.  And you already know where she is."

"The King\'s City... She\'s in Daniel\'s castle.  She\'s... She\'s one of his witches."

"Yes," Opal smiled, "You know where she is so you can go to her and ask her to help Lord Adair.  She\'s one of the most powerful witches there is so if anyone can, it will be her."

"My God," Harris whispered, "Delaney you... you might have found a way to save Vince."

Delaney felt her heart thundering in her chest.

"We need to go," she said as she turned to leave with Harris now, "Thank you so much Opal for everything.  I will go to see Helena as soon as I can."

"My Lady!" Opal called urgently, making Delaney pause and turn back to her.  The little witch looked up at her with sad eyes.

"You need to hurry my Lady... He doesn\'t have much time."