My Once Handsome Husband

Chapter 282 - A Mother

Delaney slept in fairly late but her husband slept in even later.  She crept out of their bed, pulled on her robe, and hurried back to her old bedroom.  Ms. Bird was already there waiting and gave her a knowing smile.

"Did you and Lord Adair mend things then?"

Delaney nodded, a big smile on her lips.  Her maid came forward and took her hand, giving it a squeeze.


Ms. Bird had sent one of the men that had come with them from Honeywell to the dressmakers that morning to see if one of the dresses they had asked after for her mistress was complete.  Thankfully the dressmaker had already had one high-waisted gown just waiting for someone to need it so she was quick to make the adjustments and send it along.

It felt strange to Delaney to be wearing a gown that didn\'t hug her normally slim figure.  Her hand floated down to her belly though and she couldn\'t keep from smiling.  Looking at herself in the mirror she found she actually sort of liked the jade-green dress.  It reminded her of her husband\'s eyes.

Ms. Bird began to brush her hair, thrilled to be home at Edgewood again where all the Adair jewels were at her disposal.  Delaney protested the woman doing anything too fancy but her maid insisted she at least be allowed to tuck some diamond pins in for extra shine.

Her mistress gave in, knowing the happiness it brought the older woman to dress her up as if she was a princess.  Now half a dozen pins sat on the table in front of her, waiting to be used.

The older woman hadn\'t yet started her hair when a light knock came at her door.  Surprised, Delaney and Ms. Bird met one another\'s eyes and were still for a moment.  It obviously wouldn\'t be her husband waiting at her door but that left a variety of others it could be.  She didn\'t know if she really felt up to talking to any of them.

"Come in," she called, knowing there was no point in refusing.  The door opened and in came Violet Adair in a dark plum gown that was nearly black.  She looked at Delaney before turning to Ms. Bird and giving her a very pointed look.

"I-I have some things to fetch downstairs my Lady," the maid said to Delaney but with her nervous gaze on the imposing figure of the Dowager Duchess, "I will come back to finish your hair in just a bit."

Before Delaney had a chance to protest, Ms. Bird made a quick escape from the room, leaving her mistress alone to face her mother-in-law.  To Ms. Bird, she imagined the men had had an easier time when facing the dragons.

Delaney moved to pull her hair over her shoulder to brush it but Violet stopped her.

"May I?" she asked, lifting the brush from her daughter-in-law\'s fingers.

Delaney didn\'t reply but let the woman take it.  She turned back to face the small mirror on her dressing table, clasping her hands together on her lap.

They were quiet for a time as Violet gently brushed Delaney\'s chestnut curls, careful not to be rough.

"I used to dream I would have a daughter," Violet said after a while, a wistful smile on her lips, "I imagined I would dress her up in all kinds of beautiful dresses and brush her lovely hair like this.  We would talk about everything together, sharing secrets meant only for each other\'s ear."

Delaney looked at Violet in the mirror but the older woman was focused on her task.

"Instead I had two strong and handsome sons.  They are wonderful but there simply isn\'t the same excitement involved with boy\'s clothing.  Not to mention neither of my boys would have ever sat in place long enough for me to brush their hair."

Now she chuckled and met Delaney\'s gaze who smiled warmly, imaging her husband and brother-in-law as wild young things.

"For a long time after I had them, I still prayed I would have a daughter.  Their father was thrilled to have the boys off in the woods with him or teaching them how to use their swords.  I suppose I wanted someone for myself that I could share that closeness with... It was only that evening with you at the ocean house that I realized... I was finally being given my chance."

Delaney\'s eyes met hers in the mirror again and now she was surprised to see there were tears glistening in her normally formidable mother-in-law\'s eyes.  She paused in her brushing.

"I\'m very sorry Delaney," she said quietly, "I should have told you about Vincent.  I won\'t blame him for making me swear to keep it a secret.  I still knew in my heart that was the wrong thing to do and I did it anyway... The only thing I will say for myself is... is that I didn\'t want to believe it was true...  I think I even sort of convinced myself everyone was wrong...  He seemed to still be so tall and strong I just couldn\'t imagine something was inside him killing him."

"He was very good at hiding it," Delaney said quietly.

"Yes, he was," Violet sighed, "I didn\'t let myself believe it was really happening until we were at the ocean house and I noticed his scars were worse.  I was afraid to tell you and make him even more furious with me than he already was but I should have.  I should have that day and just taken whatever anger he threw at me."

Delaney looked down at her lap, feeling hurt for herself but also hurt for Violet.  She turned her wedding ring slowly around on her finger before looking up again.

"I understand why you didn\'t tell me... I love my husband completely but he is your son and you love him too.  If you... If you knew he was dying I don\'t blame you for not wanting to risk making him angrier with you.  You might have lost the time you had left with him."

"Yes," her mother-in-law nodded sadly, dashing at her tears, "But I\'m sorry my silence took time with him away from you.  I will never forgive myself for that."

Delaney gave her a small smile in the mirror, "Well I forgive you.  I\'m happy to be here with him now.  These last months when we\'ve been apart don\'t matter.  They\'re over and we can\'t change them...  Besides... we will all need each other now."

Violet nodded, a small smile tugging at her lips at last, "You\'re right... and I thank you for forgiving me.  You are much kinder than I am."

Delaney giggled, "My entire life you\'ve been an intimidating woman.  You\'ve always seemed unshakable.  I may be kinder but it\'s a relief knowing the fearsome Duchess Violet Adair is on my side at last."

Violet chuckled at that, both of the women laughing together.  Violet went back to working with Delaney\'s hair and the quiet was comfortable. After a while, she picked up the little diamond pins and tucked them into her daughter-in-law\'s hair.  She took a step back then and admired her work.

"Well, what do you think?"

Delaney moved to look at her hair in the mirrors and was surprised to find it was lovely and perfectly done.

"Violet I had no idea you knew how to do hair like this!"

The older woman smiled, "You forget my family wasn\'t noble and wealthy at first.  Just like my mother taught me to cook, she also taught me to work with hair.

Delaney touched her hair lightly.

"I barely have any memories of my mother left now," she said quietly, "And in most of them, she was already sick.  I don\'t know that she ever taught me much of anything."

Violet gently touched her arm, "I\'m sure your mother taught you many things, my dear.  You were just too young to remember."

Delaney nodded, dropping her gaze.

"You know I said I finally have a chance now to have a daughter," Violet said quietly, "If you would like it... You can have a mother again now as well."

Delaney looked up at the older woman in surprise, never imagining her to offer anything like that.

"I would like that very much," she whispered.

Violet added to Delaney\'s surprise by sweeping her into a tight embrace.  When she let go she stepped back but held the younger woman\'s hands in hers.

"I will need you soon anyway," Delaney smiled, "My baby will need their grandmother."

Violet squeezed her hands tight and beamed, "Oh I\'m so glad you mentioned it!  I\'ve been dying to talk to you about the baby since you announced it!"

Delaney laughed and she and Violet went to sit at the table by the windows.  She was anxious to get back to Vincent but for a moment she wanted to just enjoy this time with her mother-in-law.

For most of her life, she hadn\'t had a mother.  It was wonderful to know she had one again.