My Once Handsome Husband

Chapter 280 - I Will Always Protect You

Delaney lay in her bed tossing and turning, unable to sleep.  Her mind turned over thoughts of her husband and all she had learned.

He had lied to her.  Not only had he lied to her but he had been doing so for their entire marriage.  He had pretended everything was fine and they had gone on with their lives.

She paused with this thought though.  They had gone on with their life together.  And he had worked hard to make sure their time together was the best that he could make it.  None of the bad things that had happened were truly his fault.  The poison, the pirate attack, all that they went through in the King\'s City.  He had caused none of that and had, in fact, only ever been trying to protect her.

He loved her so much and always tried to protect her.  She knew deep down that was why he hadn\'t told her he was dying.  Even with the terrible pain he was in and the terrifying knowledge that his life was coming to an end, he had still worked hard to protect her.  He carried the weight of that truth mostly alone to shield her from the burden.

Delaney was so angry that he had lied but she couldn\'t ignore the fact his motivation to lie had been because he loved her so deeply.  She had never questioned the lengths he would go to to protect her physically, not since the night so long ago when she had tried to run away and he had fought off the wolves.  She had never realized though all he was doing to protect her heart.

Vincent was dying.  He had been in pain and slowly dying since the day he had attacked and killed the dragon to save everyone.  He had saved the kingdom but it would cost him his life.

Her husband, the man she loved so deeply, was in the next room dying while she was here alone.

Delaney took a deep breath.  She could stay here alone and be upset.  Or she could go to him.  Forgive him.  And spend the rest of the time they had left, together.  She immediately knew what she would do.


In only her nightgown and robe, Delaney eased open her bedroom door and looked out into the nearly pitch-black hallway beyond.  She held a candle to light her way and slowly stepped out of her room.

The enormous manor was silent save for the gentle ticking of some clock that must be nearby.  Delaney walked on light feet down to the door to Vincent\'s bedroom... their bedroom... and paused just outside.  She took a deep breath to steady her nerves.  He may still be angry she was here but she was willing to risk it to be with him.

She pulled the door open as slowly and quietly as she could.  Stepping inside she found it was nearly dark except for the glowing candlelight here and there.  She could see Vincent sleeping, and sitting in a chair beside the bed was Miles.

He looked up when he saw her come in and a small, sad, smile tugged at his lips.  He turned to check on his brother once more before standing and stretching.  Without saying a word, Miles walked to her and gently took her face in his hands.  He looked into her eyes and she could see how sorry he was.  Leaning forward he pressed a quick kiss to her forehead before walking out the door and closing it behind him, leaving her alone with her husband.

Delaney took a deep breath and very slowly walked forward.  This was the bedroom she had shared with her husband and had so many wonderful memories in but somehow now it seemed like a completely different place.  It was a sad place.

Putting down her candle, she noticed that the large shattered mirror was no longer in the room.  She wondered if he\'d broken it further or just decided to have it removed.  Other than it being gone and extra chairs sitting around, everything else was exactly the same as her last visit.

Vincent was asleep, his breaths shallow, but he was no longer sweating as he had been earlier.  Taking off her robe, she went to her side of the bed, pulled the blankets back a bit, and climbed in.

Delaney moved across the bed until she was close to him, sitting upright with her legs tucked under the blankets.  She looked down on him and felt her heart ache.  His skin was so pale but the marks were so red and angry.  She saw now how thin he was and there were shadows under his eyes.  Very gently, she reached up and brushed his hair back from his forehead but quickly pulled her hand away.

He was burning up.  So hot she had been startled by the feel of his skin beneath her fingers.  Her heart beat with worry and she slowly raised a trembling hand back towards his face.  She took his mostly unscarred cheek in her hand, surprised by the feverish heat she found there but happy just to be able to touch him after all this time.

Vincent slowly blinked as he came awake, a small groan escaping his lips.  Feeling a hand on his cheek he turned towards it.  When his gaze found his wife she could see the happiness fill his face.

"Delaney," he whispered with a smile, "You... You came back to me."

"Of course," she smiled lovingly down at him, "I will always come back to you."

She bit her lip to try to choke back the small sob that escaped her.  Closing her eyes didn\'t stop the tears that began to slide over her cheeks.  She moved her hands to press them to her mouth.

"Shh," he said quietly, weakly raising a hand to take one of hers, pulling it slowly to his lips.  He lightly kissed her fingers before moving them back to their place on his cheek.

"Don\'t cry, my love... Please don\'t cry..."

Delaney turned away, pressing her chin to her shoulder and squeezing her eyes closed in an effort to slow the tears.  The harder she tried however the harder she seemed to cry.

"I\'m sorry, Vincent said with a raspy voice, "I\'m sorry I\'m... putting you through this...  I never wanted... you to have to see me... like this..."

His wife turned to look at him now, shaking her head, "You shouldn\'t have tried to protect me from this.  I want to be with you no matter what."

A small smile pulled at his lips as he looked up at her.  "Do you remember... the night with the wolves?"

Delaney frowned in confusion but nodded.

His smile grew, "I told you that night... I\'m your husband... I will always... protect you."

She smiled through her tears and shook her head, "I was just thinking about that night.  I remember watching you fight those wolves to protect me.  You didn\'t even tell me you\'d been injured.  That was the night I started to fall in love with you."

He was staring forward with a faraway look in his eyes and she wondered if he was picturing that night as she had done.  He was still holding one of her hands to his cheek but she took his other and brought it to her lips to kiss it.  It was then that he turned back to look at her.

"I love you so much."

"I know," she said quietly, "I love you."

He moved his hands now and slowly worked to push himself up.  He locked his jaw against the pain and closed his eyes but it was clear on his face and a groan came from deep in his throat.

"Vincent, wait," she said urgently, "You don\'t have to sit up.  This is fine."

He didn\'t stop though until he was upright.  His breaths came quicker and he had begun to sweat.  He kept his eyes closed for a moment and with one hand, reached towards the small table beside the bed.  He felt around until his hand landed on a bottle.  Holding it as tight as he could with his weakened grip, he brought it to his chest and finally opened his eyes again.

"Is that the medicine from Opal?" Delaney asked as she watched him struggling to remove the stopper, "I can open it."

"I can get it," he said although his brow was creased showing his frustration.

Delaney wanted to do it for him but felt that would upset him so she didn\'t move.  When the stopper finally came out she was relieved.

Vincent tilted his head back and took a gulp of the medicine, taking more of it than she had ever seen him take at once.  When he put the bottle back there was only a little left at the bottom.

"Was that... Was that all you have left?"

He swallowed, "For now... Harris will... meet with Opal tomorrow..."

"You should have saved more," she said with worry, "You didn\'t have to sit up."

When her husband turned to look at her now his happy smile had returned to his lips.

"I wanted to sit up," he said, "I wanted to... be able to take... a good look at you."

Delaney blushed but smiled, taking one of his hands and pulling into her lap now to hold it.

His green gaze moved from her face then down to her belly.  His smile had faded and now he was simply looking at it.

"You really are pregnant?"

"I am," she smiled fondly at him, "Do you want to... to feel it?"

His eyes snapped up to hers, wide with disbelief, "M-May I?"

"Of course," she giggled, "It\'s your baby too."

And then she moved his hand, opening it and placing it against the gentle curve of her belly.  He exhaled sharply, his lips parting and tears glistening in his eyes.