My Once Handsome Husband

Chapter 271 - Moving On

Vincent asked Delaney if she would stay and have the big breakfast with him that they had talked about the night before but she said no.  The longer she stayed the more she knew it would hurt when she left.

"Are you sure you won\'t stay and eat with me?" he asked quietly, standing in front of her outside on the steps, "I know you haven\'t been eating well.  You\'re... you\'re so much smaller."

"You told me not to worry about you Vincent so you don\'t need to worry about me," she answered, not meeting his gaze.  She couldn\'t.  If she looked into his lovely, sad, eyes she would break down and cry.  She didn\'t want to do that.  Not again.

"Delaney I will always worry about you.  I love you."

She couldn\'t stop herself then as she glanced up at him, meeting his gaze for only a moment before she turned away again.  It wasn\'t fair.  It wasn\'t fair of him to tell her he loved her while also telling her to leave.  It was even cruel in a way.

Turning, she didn\'t say it back.  Instead, she walked down the stairs alone to the carriage waiting for her.  She got to the bottom of the steps and the footman opened the door and held out his hand to help her up.

"Delaney wait!"

She looked up to see her husband dashing down the stairs towards her.  When he reached her he didn\'t pause.  He took her face in his hands, cradling the back of her head, and crushed her lips against his in a fierce, desperate kiss.  Even when their lips had parted he held her there with his forehead pressed to hers.

"I love you, Delaney Adair," he whispered, his voice hoarse, "Please promise me you will never forget how much I love you."

Delaney felt tears burning in her eyes, "I-I won\'t forget... Never forget how much I love you either... Because Vincent I love you with all that I am."

"I know," he whispered, "I\'m sorry.  I\'m so sorry."

And suddenly he let go of her and turned to hurry back up the stairs, favoring his bad leg.  She stood in confusion watching him go, her heart aching and tears slipping over her cheeks.  She called his name but he didn\'t look back.  He walked through the front doors and disappeared into the depths of Edgewood Manor.


The carriage ride back to her Aunt and Uncle\'s home seemed longer than ever before.  She cried for the first part but eventually, she felt herself go slowly numb.  It was as if Delaney built a wall during that carriage ride.  It was a wall around her heart to lock away all her feelings but also keep everyone else out.

When she arrived, at last, she looked up at the doors and felt a flash of pain through her heart before she quickly stamped it out.  Standing there with his arms crossed was a man with jet-black hair and stunning green eyes.  This man wasn\'t the one she longed for though.

Miles watched her get out of the carriage with a frown of annoyance across his face until he noticed how defeated she looked.  His expression turned to one of concern as he watched her float up the stairs towards him in a sort of daze.

"I\'m sorry I left without telling you," she said before he could say anything, "I\'m sorry I didn\'t listen to you.  You were right."

She moved to walk past him but he caught her arm and looked at her seriously.

"Delaney I\'m sorry..."

"Go home Miles," she said quietly, not meeting his eyes, "Go home to Cora.  You\'ve been away from her long enough."

"I\'m here for you.  I want to help you..."

"You can\'t help me.  And now honestly it just hurts having you here.  Thank you for caring and taking care of me Miles but please go now."

She gently pulled her arm free and walked inside, past her Aunt and Uncle who had arrived in time to hear her last words to the man.  They looked at her in surprise but she didn\'t address them, instead continuing up the stairs to her bedroom.

That night she ate alone in her room, barely picking at her food.  The next morning she stayed in her room as well.  Miles came and knocked lightly on her door, wanting to tell her goodbye.  Delaney sat on her bed with her legs pulled up against her chest and stayed quiet.  He knocked a bit louder and called her name but still, she didn\'t answer.

Eventually, he gave up and left without saying goodbye.  She crept to the window and watched with teary eyes as this man who had been like a brother to her got in his carriage and rode away.

As much as it hurt her to see him leave she knew it was for the best.  It would be one less thing to remind her of Vincent.  It would also be one less person to care about that could decide to leave her behind.

The next day Constance stopped by on her way home to Bernard and little Benjamin.  She had heard what had happened and wanted to talk to her friend but Delaney had Ms. Bird tell the woman she was asleep.  She knew Constance wouldn\'t believe it but she also wouldn\'t press the issue.  Her friend left as well, leaving a note saying how sorry she was and inviting Delaney to come and stay with her as soon as she wanted and for as long as she wanted.

Ms. Bird, Uncle Felix, and Aunt Flora waited for Delaney to take to her bed and refuse to come out like last time but this time it didn\'t happen.  After only a few days, Delaney showed up downstairs for breakfast.  The entire household was surprised and held their breath, waiting to see if it would happen again.

Delaney was there again for lunch and then dinner.  She didn\'t eat much but she was there and dressed.  The next day she was there again and the following day as well.  After being home about a week, they all let out a breath of relief, seeing that things might be better this time.

It didn\'t take long for them to realize, however, that everything was not as good as they had hoped.

Although Delaney woke up every morning and dressed and came down to join them for breakfast, she barely spoke more than a handful of words.  She ate very little.  She never smiled.  She never really showed any emotion at all.

This person was a ghost of their niece, a woman who had always been happy and full of life.  She was going through the motions of living but she wasn\'t going forward.  She was stuck in place.

Delaney knew she was doing this.  Even though her heart was broken and she would have loved to curl up in her bed and not come out, she knew if she did they wouldn\'t leave her alone.  Last time, Miles had shown up to rescue her.  Who knows who they would send this time.

As long as she forced herself to do the bare minimum to seem like she was alright they couldn\'t complain.

And so she did.

Days passed and she did the very same thing she had done the day before.  She would eat a little, sit in the sitting room and sew with her Aunt Flora, and walk outside in the gardens with her Uncle Felix.  Once she felt she had met the required amount of time with other people, she would return to her bedroom where she would curl up in her bed and sit in silence.

Cora and Constance would write to her but she left their letters on her desk, unread.  No one knew what they should or could do for her.


One morning a letter came for her though that she did open.  It was from a woman who called herself Mrs. Gulley and said she was the housekeeper at Honeywell, the estate Vincent had purchased for Delaney.  The housekeeper wrote to tell her that all the repairs and preparations on the estate had been finished and now they were all anxiously awaiting her arrival.

Delaney reread the letter several times before handing it over to the hovering Ms. Bird to read as well.

"How wonderful," her maid trilled, "We should go and visit.  It isn\'t too far away, is it?  We could go there and back in a day.  What do you think My Lady?"

Delaney was quiet as she considered this.  She absolutely didn\'t want to go and live in a place planned for her by the man who didn\'t want her anymore.  Especially considering Vincent had purchased it and set everything up when he had known he would be sending her away but was still letting her believe they had a chance.

On the other hand though, if she went to live at this estate she would be all by herself.  She wouldn\'t have to continue having meals and spending time with others to keep up appearances.  All alone in her own home she could lock herself away and never come out if she didn\'t want to and no one would be the wiser.

"You\'re right Ms. Bird.  Tell them to have a carriage ready for us first thing in the morning.  We\'re going to Honeywell."