My Once Handsome Husband

Chapter 267 - My Heart And Home

The carriage came to a stop in front of the grand front doors.  The rain was still drizzling down, making the flames of the torches dance.  Delaney looked out and felt suddenly frozen in fear.

This was it.  She was here at last.  She was going to walk in and see her husband, the man she loved.

A footman came and opened the door to the carriage for her and Delaney knew she couldn\'t wait any longer.  Taking a deep breath, she let him help her down.  The poor man was clearly shocked to see the duchess of Edgewood step out without her gown over her layers but Delaney barely noticed.

She was staring at the doors where they were now opening and a man was stepping out.

Her breath caught in her throat when her gaze met a pair of beautiful green eyes.

Vincent looked down at her in disbelief.  His lips parted as if to speak but no words came out.  He was dressed in only a pair of black breeches and a flowing white shirt that hung open over his chest.

The rain continued to shower them both but neither moved.  Neither breathed.

"D-Delaney?" his voice came finally and she was barely able to hear it over the rain but the sound of it at all made her heart soar.

Her hands flew to cover her mouth as she felt warm tears begin to slide over her cheeks.  He took a hesitant step forward, first one and then another.  Her husband held out a hand to her, beckoning her to come to him.

Suddenly she couldn\'t wait any longer.

Delaney lifted her skirts and rushed up the stairs as Vincent hurried down to meet her.  They met in the middle and neither paused.  He pulled her into his arms in a warm, crushing embrace.  She wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her fingers in his black locks, being careful with her injured wrist.

And then they kissed.

Time stopped when their lips met.  Delaney\'s heart felt like it would burst and she felt weak, melting into his chest.  Gravity seemed to bend around them.  A wave of warmth washed over her and her mind spun.  She could no longer think of anything but this moment here with him.

His kiss was deep and hungry, opening her mouth until she tasted his sweet, familiar taste again.  There was no space between them as they pressed their bodies close together.  One of his hands moved up and his fingers lightly cupped her cheek, the warmth of his fingertips like their own kind of kisses against her cool skin.

Their kissing slowed and became more tender until at last, he eased his lips away from hers.  They both stood with their heads resting against one another and their eyes closed as they tried to catch their breath.

Delaney felt dazed and her lips were swollen but she didn\'t want him to stop.  Her body ached for his touch and his kisses.  They had so much time apart they needed to make up for.

When she opened her eyes she found his serious, burning gaze on her and she held it for a moment before her eyes moved to take in his face.

Rain slid down over his skin, catching on his scars and being redirected.  His scars had grown even more now she noticed and she reached up to let her fingertips lightly brush over them before moving her eyes back to his.

His expression was a mixture of confusion and longing as he looked down at her.  His gaze fluttered over her face and he reached up to gently wipe something from her cheek.  When he moved his hand back he frowned.

"What\'s happened?" he asked quietly with worry, "Is everything alright?  You have... you have dirt on your face and your clothes they\'re..."

"I had to come to you," she looked at him, desperate that he would understand, "I have a letter for you."

"A letter?" he repeated in confusion before glancing past her and frowning deeper, "That\'s my brother\'s carriage.  Where is Miles?"

"He\'s alright," she answered quickly, "He\'s back at the card club with Constance..."

"Card club?  Your card club?  Why is he there?  He told me he was going home."

It was only then that Delaney remembered Miles had told her Vincent didn\'t know he\'d gone to see her.  She felt her stomach knot.  This would likely cause a fight between them later.

"Yes he was there but that\'s not what\'s important," she shook her head, "Vincent I..."

He cut her off, kissing her deeply once more and making her head spin.  When he pulled away again she had lost her train of thought completely.  She felt his warm breath against her cheek.

"I\'m sorry," he apologized quietly, "I just... I just can\'t believe you\'re here."

Delaney met his green gaze again and now a smile graced her lips.  "I can\'t believe I\'m here either.  I thought... I thought I\'d never see you again."

He nodded, looking over her face again, taking in every detail.

Just then the breeze picked up and Delaney shivered and pulled herself in closer to him, soaking in his unnatural warmth.

"My God you must be freezing," he said suddenly remembering her state of undress, "Come on."

Vincent moved back, and she felt almost physical pain at being parted from him.  He held his arm out to her then though and she quickly slid hers through his.  He led her up the stairs towards the doors where now there were nearly a dozen servants standing and watching them in shock.

They stepped through the first set of doors out of the rain and Vincent paused, turning to her.

"Wait-Wait here," he said and looked sorry to step away from her.  The butler was opening the second set of doors and now Vincent stepped through them, leaving her standing alone.

She watched as he spoke quickly to their butler and then turned to speak to Harris who had come to join them.  The butler said something to the other servants waiting before shooing them on their way back up to their beds.  They looked disappointed but did as he said.

Whatever Vincent was saying to Harris, the man looked uneasy and put up a little argument.  Delaney wished she could hear what they were saying.  At last, Harris seemed to give up, nodding and turning away.

As soon as he was finished, Vincent hurried back to her, pausing with a pleased smile to take in the sight of her again before holding his arm out.  Delaney was quick to take it, wanting to make sure at least some part of her was always touching him.  As if wanting to ensure he was real and this wasn\'t a dream.

"What happened to your dress?" he asked as they headed inside and towards the stairs.

"Oh it tore," she answered sheepishly.

"Do you have another packed?  Where are your things?"

Delaney blushed and dropped her eyes, "I don\'t have anything else with me.  I left so suddenly I didn\'t have anything packed."

Vincent frowned in confusion but they had reached the stairs now and as they started up them, his pain in his leg distracted him.

Holding onto his arm, Delaney tried to remember if he had walked this slowly up the stairs before she had left.  She couldn\'t remember and wasn\'t going to ask her husband.  She decided he must have and it only seemed slower to her because she\'d been away.

They reached the top at last and he walked with her down to their bedroom, his limp fairly noticeable now.

"Are you alright?" she asked gently, "You seem sore."

Vincent looked away, "Oh yes I\'m fine I just... I just probably did a little too much today."

She nodded and looked up to see they had come to the door of their bedroom.  He opened it and stood back so she could walk in before he followed her.

Stepping inside their room, Delaney felt her heart warm again and happy tears come to her eyes.  It was their bedroom.  It was their bed and all their things.  She felt instantly at home again.

Turning, she was surprised when she looked at their huge mirror.  It was shattered with a spiderweb of cracks spreading from a spot in the middle.  She gasped, "Oh Vincent what happened?"

As soon as the question was out of her mouth she realized what had likely happened and she wished she hadn\'t mentioned it.

"I um... I threw something at it.  I\'m sorry.  I was just angry at the time and..."

"It\'s alright Edgewood has many others," she answered quickly with an understanding smile as he turned and closed the door.

Delaney had guessed that was what had happened.  He hadn\'t liked his reflection before and now that the scars were spreading she was sure he especially hated it.

He turned back to look at her and they both seemed nervous.

And there she was alone with her husband.  Just like she had been dreaming of since he had sent her away.

Finally they were together again.