My Once Handsome Husband

Chapter 245 - Last Hope

Delaney called for Ms. Bird and began getting herself ready before the maid even arrived.

"Please my Lady," Vincent tried gently, "Please try to understand..."

"No," she hissed, "There is nothing to understand.  You are taking away the happiness in my life because you have some delusional belief that I might end up happier elsewhere!  I can assure you you are wrong and you are a fool."


"Get away from me!  If you are so eager to be done with me then let\'s just start now."

The pain in his eyes nearly made her waver but Ms. Bird came in then and the distraction helped her regain her determination.

The maid could tell things were not right.  The Duke dropped down on the end of the bed with his head in his hands and his scars deep red.  The Duchess ignored him though and was already nearly halfway through dressing herself.  Ms. Bird knew it wasn\'t her place to ask if everything was alright but she worried.  She also knew she didn\'t want to be there if things got worse.

Once Delaney was dressed she didn\'t want to wait for her hair to be done.  She braided it down over her shoulder and moved to leave her room.

"Ms. Bird I\'m going to have my lunch outside this afternoon."

"That will be lovely my lady," the maid smiled nervously, "I\'ll let the kitchen know to prepare something special for you and Lord Adair..."

"No," Delaney cut her off, "The Duke will be eating in the dining room.  I will be eating alone"

Vincent looked up at his wife and it was clear in his eyes that his heart was breaking.  She lifted her chin and turned her cold gaze away from him as she walked out.

Delaney walked down the hall towards the stairs, fighting to keep herself together.  At last, she gave up though and opened the door to the nearest bedroom, sneaking inside and quietly closing it again.

As soon as she was out of sight of everyone she sank to the floor and worked to stop her tears and catch her breath.  She was so angry with him she was shaking but she fought to get control of herself.

She couldn\'t panic yet.  There were still other things at play.  She could still be pregnant no matter what Vincent said.  He had no proof they wouldn\'t be able to have a baby.  Also, there was her agreement with the Queen.  Even if her foolish husband sent a plea to the King to break their marriage contract there was still a chance she could convince him not to.

Vincent may be giving up on them but that didn\'t mean she had to.


Delaney spent her morning outside working to clean up her garden from where the storm had bludgeoned it.  Even as she worked her mind was spinning.  She needed to do what she could to make sure she stayed with her husband.  She couldn\'t guarantee that Sophia would be able to convince the King to ignore his favorite cousin\'s pleas.  Especially given all Daniel owed Vincent.

No her only way to ensure she would stay with Vincent and that he wouldn\'t fight it would be to make sure she was pregnant.  But how could she do that?  She had been taking the medicine exactly as Opal had told her and although it increased her chances the medicine wasn\'t magic.

Magic.  That was her last option.  Only magic could ensure she had a baby.

She thought back on Opal\'s offer to make her the potion to have a baby.  In order to get a new life though she would have to end someone else\'s life.  She knew she couldn\'t do that.  She couldn\'t take a life even if that was the only way to get the potion.

Delaney stood up, wiping sweat from her brow and staring out at the pastures as she watched the horses galloping about.

Magic was the only way to ensure she had a baby.  Maybe there was another way?  She needed to talk to Opal.  Maybe there was another magic that could help her.

Just then, a pearly white beast ran across the field and Delaney smiled.  Frost the half-unicorn in all his beautiful glory.  He was enjoying his time in the pastures.

Suddenly an idea dawned on Delaney.  Opal wasn\'t the only magical creature she knew.  Maybe the fairies could help!  After all, just one word from Nell and the pain in Vincent\'s leg had been masked so they could dance that first night she met the fairies.

Delaney\'s heart leaped in her chest.  This was it!  This was her chance!

She stared into the woods though and grew still.  How would she get to them?  Vincent wouldn\'t take her.  He wouldn\'t agree with her using magic to try to have a child, especially given what happened the last time she thought she was taking a potion for it.

No, if she went she would have to go on her own.

The idea of it made her sick with fear.  There were wolves and bears and all kinds of things in the forest.  How would she ever navigate the dark woods?  Even if she did know how to get around though, she didn\'t know how to get back to the place where Mabon the unicorn would be.

Watching Frost run through the fields she remembered something Vincent had told her about him once.

The half unicorn found his way to his father without having to be taught.

That was it then.  Frost would be her key.  She could sneak out and have him saddled and then let him take her to Mabon who could take her to the fairies.  It was risky.  Even as she watched him Frost bucked and kicked his feet.  Vincent was very serious about the half-unicorn being too wild.  The creature had become fond of her recently though.  She would just have to take the chance.  Especially if it was the only way to try to be with her husband.

Delaney looked towards the castle-like Edgewood.  She wondered if Vincent was somewhere inside watching her.

She would have to get out of their home tonight without him seeing her.  If he caught her trying to leave he would never allow it.  Especially if he knew the full extent of her plans.  With a long sigh, she pulled off her garden gloves and ran her hands over her face.  She looked out on the forest while twisting the ring on her finger.


By the time dinner was announced Delaney had come up with a plan.  Walking into the dining room she saw Vincent was already there.  He looked up with hopeful eyes when he saw her but she kept her gaze away from his.  She knew if she gave him a chance he could break her reserve and then she wouldn\'t follow through with her plan.  No, she would have to continue to be cold to him until she knew she could get away.

Their food was served and Delaney didn\'t speak.  With how upset she was she didn\'t feel much like eating but forced herself so he wouldn\'t worry too much and try to insist she eat more later.  Beside her, Vincent hardly ate anything himself though.  He pushed the food around and took a few bites here and there but mostly he watched his wife.  He wanted to talk to her but he didn\'t know what to say.  There was nothing he could say that would make this better.

After a while, she ate as much as she felt she could manage so she set her plate aside.

"Good night," she said shortly, getting to her feet.

"Delaney wait," Vincent stood, "Please let me escort you upstairs to..."

"That\'s not necessary," she fought to keep her chin up and not give away how much this hurt her, "I won\'t be going to your bedroom tonight."

"What?" he asked quietly.

"I let Ms. Bird know before dinner that I will be sleeping in my old bedroom until I leave.  She should have my things moved in there by now I would imagine.  Or at least all I will need tonight."

"Delaney," he shook his head, "Please... Please don\'t do this..."

"You have no right to ask me not to do anything," she spoke with a cold voice, "Good night."

Even though it broke her heart, Delaney turned then and walked alone to her old bedroom, leaving the man she loved behind.  She felt tears stinging her eyes from having to hurt him like that but she reminded herself this was his fault.  He could choose to stay with her forever and ignore their foolish deal.

She walked into her old bedroom and closed the door behind her.  She never ever wanted to spend a night apart from him but she had to if her plan was going to work.  Besides tonight she would visit the fairies and they might be able to fix everything at last.