My Once Handsome Husband

Chapter 236 - Tell The Tale

Delaney slept in late the next morning but Vincent slept in even later.  She lounged in bed for a while, waiting to see if he\'d wake up.  Eventually, she gave up and quietly got out of bed, ringing for Ms. Bird.

Looking around their room she smiled.  It was so wonderful to be home.  Dressing and having her hair done, Delaney made as little noise as possible in order to let her husband keep sleeping.  She took her spoonful of medicine and slipped from the room when she was finally ready.

Downstairs it was far too late for breakfast but Delaney\'s stomach growled and grumbled.  She walked into her sitting room where she found Cora sewing something that looked like a miniature shirt.  When her friend looked up and saw her a smile bloomed across her face.

"There you are!  Do you feel rested now?  I can\'t imagine how tired you must have been."

"I feel much better," Delaney smiled warmly and dropped onto the couch across from her, "Just hungry now."

"Well that\'s a feeling I\'m very familiar with," Cora sighed, before ringing for a servant.

It didn\'t take long for hot tea to be brought for them and plenty of finger foods.  Delaney had to keep herself from laughing as she watched Cora eat more than her.  It was strange how much better she felt about things now.  She was hopeful after all they had gone through and felt sure she and Vincent would soon have a child of their own.

The women were still sitting on the couch when the door opened and Miles walked in.  His cheeks were rosy and his hair windswept, giving away that he must have just returned from a ride on one of Vincent\'s horses.  Delaney knew her husband used to love to ride as well before he was injured in the war.  Now he mostly tried to avoid it because of the pain the jostling around caused him.

Miles dropped down beside his wife, leaning over to kiss her cheek before turning to grin at Delaney.

"Vince still asleep then?"

Delaney nodded, "Traveling in the carriages has been so much better with the medicine from Opal but it still hurts and wears him down."

"Well it\'s good that he\'s getting extra sleep," Cora said, "It will give his body time to recover."

Miles was quiet then, staring out across the room with his eyes not focused on anything in particular.  Delaney watched him curiously until Cora gently touched his leg, breaking his trance and bringing his attention back to them.

He cleared his throat, "So I suppose you can tell us the details of what\'s happened as well as Vince could.  I don\'t think we really need to wait for him to wake up since we don\'t know how much longer that will be.  Do you mind us talking about it before he\'s up?"

Delaney swallowed.  She knew some details would be hard to talk about but he was right.  There really wasn\'t much Vincent could tell them that she couldn\'t tell them just as well herself.  Taking a deep breath, she settled into her seat and began to tell her brother and sister-in-law all that had happened since they had left Edgewood.


Miles and Cora had been had not been shocked by most of Delaney\'s story.  By now, they had heard of Anna\'s horrible doings from Violet.  The older woman had come to Edgewood from the castle and immediately told them everything, including how Ian had nearly died and Delaney had saved him.  When she got to this point, Cora asked to see her hand.  She and Miles studied the scar there as if they expected to see some clue that it was a magical mark.

Delaney considered telling them about what she had discovered about Ian\'s feelings for her but decided against it.  Ian would have been embarrassed by the more people that knew about it anyway.  If Vincent ever felt like discussing it with Miles that would be up to him but for now, Delaney left it out.  If Violet had told them about the bit she overheard they didn\'t show any sign of it.

At last, she came to the part she had been dreading.  They both knew what had happened with Mason when he had run away from the castle.  Delaney and Vincent had told them that the Prince would be sailing to the Red Lands with Ilona Black where he would marry the Princess there.  They knew he had done it to escape a marriage to Anna.

Slowly and with tears in her eyes, Delaney told them how only days ago, Vincent had received word from Luke Black that they had discovered debris from the Black Tide, Ilona\'s ship, making it clear that the ship had gone down in a storm.  As soon as the words left her mouth, Cora gasped and they both sat back in shock.

"They... They\'re all dead?" Cora asked with an unsteady voice, "Ian\'s family and... and Mace?"

"They don\'t know that Mason was on the ship when it went down.  They couldn\'t tell if it sank before or after it made it to the Red Lands."

"But everyone else?"

Delaney swallowed, "Ian has gone to search for them and Daniel has given him command of all the royal ships and crews.  Captain Black has undoubtedly already sent his men out to do this as well.  They will scour the oceans for them."

Miles frowned, "If the ship went down in the ocean and especially during a storm what are the odds any of them survived?  Even on lifeboats.  There isn\'t going to be anything left for Ian and the men to find."

"Stop it, Miles," Cora snapped, shaking her head at him, "We can\'t think that way.  We have to keep our hopes up that they will be found alive."

"I think that\'s foolish, Miles argued, "If the storm was strong enough to take down their ship then how would tiny lifeboats have withstood it."

"You\'ve lived your life believing the worst is going to happen Miles and how has that helped you?"

Cora, Delaney, and Miles jumped at the sound of another voice.  Turning towards it, they found Vincent leaning in the doorway, his arms folded across his chest and his brows furrowed.  Delaney felt her heart flutter in her chest and quickly got to her feet, going to him.  He moved to put his hands on her waist as she gave him a quick kiss.

Taking his hand, she led him back to the couches with her.  As they went, Delaney noticed his limp was still present and only slightly better than it had been the night before despite all the sleep.  It worried her but she wouldn\'t dare to bring it up in front of the others.

"I think that\'s a realistic view Vince," Miles insisted, "You know yourself that it\'s next to impossible that any of them survived."

"It\'s not the likely outcome, no," Vincent sighed, "But your wife is right.  It\'s important that we have hope."

Miles sat back, folding his arms over his chest now with an expression of annoyance.  Cora looked over at him and rolled her eyes.  For a moment, they looked like much younger versions of themselves.  Back when they had both been much more hot-headed.

"Since Delaney\'s caught you up on everything that happened in the City while we were away, why don\'t we go to my study and you can catch me up on everything that\'s happened here.  I\'m sure Cora has things she can bring my wife up to speed on as well."

Vincent looked at his brother and Miles nodded and agreed.  Delaney was sad to see her husband leaving again so soon after coming to sit with her but she kissed him goodbye and sent him on his way to look after his work.

Miles walked ahead of him and Delaney watched as her husband limped towards the door.  She thought about going and getting his pain medicine and bringing it to him but she wasn\'t sure where he\'d left it or if he would even take more.  When she turned back, she found Cora watching him as well with a look of concern on her face.

"I don\'t remember him limping like that in the mornings at the ocean house," the woman said quietly to Delaney once the men had left and closed the door behind them.

"Yes," she agreed, "It\'s been worse lately.  I think... I think he\'s just pushing himself too hard."

Cora only nodded but dropped her gaze.

Delaney frowned at her, "What is it?"

"It\'s nothing," she answered quickly, shaking her head but her eyes wouldn\'t stay on Delaney\'s.

"You\'re clearly thinking something.  Just tell me."

Cora hesitated, fidgeting with the fabric she was sewing on.

"I just noticed his marks they\'re.... they\'re growing across his face."

"I\'m aware of that," Delaney said with a voice slightly cold and defensive, "His marks don\'t bother me.  I don\'t love him for his appearance although I still think he\'s incredibly handsome.  I was foolish for ever not seeing it in the first place."

"I know but... but they look as if they might soon cover his entire face."

"If it bothers you to look at my husband Cora then you can leave our home," Delaney snapped at her, suddenly furious.

"What?" Cora shook her head, "Vincent is my brother now.  His appearance doesn\'t bother me at all, Delaney.  That\'s not my point..."

"Then what is?"

"I just wanted to know if... if he\'s alright.  That\'s all.  With the marks and his limp being worse and..."

"He\'s fine," Delaney answered before the other woman could finish, "He just pushed himself too hard with the travel, and his marks spreading is just something we\'re going to have to accept.  But he\'s fine Cora and I would appreciate it if you wouldn\'t bring it up again.  I\'m sure my husband would appreciate it as well.  You know his marks and his trouble with his leg are embarrassing enough for him without someone drawing attention to them."

"Fine," Cora raised her hands in the air in surrender, "I\'m sorry I mentioned it."

"Thank you," Delaney answered but continued to frown.  She looked down at her lap and twisted her wedding ring around and around on her finger.

Across from her, Cora watched her out of the corner of her eye, a look of worry on her face.