My Once Handsome Husband

Chapter 227 - Sophia

Delaney looked at Sophia in disbelief.  After all these years of trying, because of her sister poisoning her, she would never be able to have a child of her own.  Knowing how disappointed she felt after the short time she and Vincent had been trying to have a baby, Delaney couldn\'t imagine the terrible heartbreaking feeling that the Queen would have now.

"Never?" she asked quietly, "Are they sure?"

Sophia nodded and stared at her hands in her lap, "I will never be able to have a baby on my own.  The only hope that we have is with magic."

"Magic?  You mean you would get a potion from a witch?"

"Yes... Helena says... well she says there is one potion we could use... But it\'s very dark magic."

Delaney remembered what Opal had told her.  The witch had said there was a way she could guarantee Delaney and Vincent a baby but the magic had a price.  The price for a life was a death.

"I know of this potion," she admitted, "Our witch told me the night she took the poison to examine it before we knew it was poison.  She said she could make the potion for us but the price for it would be death.  We would have to take a life."

Sophia looked surprised to hear Delaney was aware of this magic but her eyes were eager.

"Yes," she confirmed, "That is what Helena told us.  She said Daniel or I would have to kill someone and then she could make the potion.  Apparently, she will need something from the body once the person is dead."

"Really?" Delaney asked with wide eyes, scooting forward a bit on the bed, "And then what would you do?  What happens with the potion?"

"Daniel and I would both have to drink it," Sophia answered, making a face that showed she clearly didn\'t like the idea of drinking something strange.

"But then you would be able to have a baby?  They\'re certain of it?"

"That\'s what Helena said."

Delaney was quiet then as she considered this.  The King and Queen clearly wanted to remain together.  They had continued trying to have an heir long after most would have given up.  Daniel defended his wife and protected her.  With Mason gone now though his court would pressure him.  Once word got out about what had happened to Sophia they would want the King to break his marriage contract and marry again to someone who could provide him with an heir to the throne.

If magic was her only way to ensure she could stay with Vincent forever, Delaney wasn\'t sure she wouldn\'t take the option.  The thing she didn\'t know if she could do though would be to bring about someone\'s death.  Was it fair to take a life to ensure she could stay with the man she loved?

"What will you do?" she asked Sophia.

"I don\'t know," the Queen sighed, "Daniel hasn\'t wanted to speak about it again since we were told.  I don\'t think he knows what he wants yet."

"I think he wants to be with you."

"He does," Sophia nodded, "But our love isn\'t like your love to Vincent.  We love each other probably more in the way you love Ian.  My husband is my very best friend and we don\'t want to be apart but it is to the point we have to decide the price we are willing to pay."

Delaney studied her, "Do you think... Do you think one of you could kill someone in order to make the potion?  That is the part that makes it so terrible."

The Queen swallowed and dropped her gaze, "I don\'t know... I had thought... well I\'m sure you\'ve heard by now that Luna... and Anna... will be hanged."

"Yes," Delaney said and shifted uncomfortably, "I\'m very sorry for the loss of your sister... Even if she has done truly evil things I can\'t imagine that it is easy."

Sophia considered her words.

"Anna has always been difficult.  I don\'t have any memories of her ever being anything else.  Yes she is my twin and I love her but my entire life I\'ve also always been sort of frightened of her.  I never would have imagined she would do something to me personally as she has but I\'ve always been worried what she might do to those around us."

"What do you mean?"

The Queen swallowed, "Anna has always been very cruel and uncaring.  She would do horrible things to the pets and servants if she could get away with it.  She didn\'t care.  She even seemed to think it was funny sometimes.  I think that was why my parents insisted on our marriage contracts being written like they were.  I would marry the King but the Prince had to marry my sister."

Delaney looked at her in shock, "So Daniel and Mason\'s parents agreed to let Mason marry someone so horrible?  Did they not care about him?"

"Oh no," the other woman quickly shook her head, "My parents kept the extent of Anna\'s disturbing behavior a secret.  Very few people saw it until we were older.  By then it was too late and the marriages were arranged."

Relief washed over Delaney\'s heart.  She knew from talking to Mason that he had always felt his father was disappointed by him and possibly didn\'t really love him.  It would have broken her heart if she had learned the past King had agreed to marry off his youngest son to an evil girl just to get a good wife for his older son.

"I suppose I owe Mason an apology," Sophia spoke then, bringing Delaney out of her thoughts, "I\'ve always been so angry with him for breaking his marriage contract to Anna but it seems like it was the best thing he could have done to keep himself safe.  She wouldn\'t have deserved him.  I think I\'ve always known that but didn\'t want to admit it."

Delaney smiled warmly at the Queen, "I\'m certain Mason will forgive you.  He\'s not good at holding grudges."

"Do you think Vincent will forgive us?  Daniel and I?"

"I\'m sure he will too," Delaney answered without hesitation, "He loves his cousin and you as well."

"Thank you for saying that," Sophia smiled at her, "I hope in time you and your husband will both be able to see Daniel and I as friends again."


The Queen left shortly after and Delaney found herself exhausted again.  She forced herself to stay awake and eat a bit of the food that had been left for her but she couldn\'t manage much.  She laid down and it wasn\'t long before she was fast asleep.

The next time she woke up, thankfully she remembered where she was.  She felt warm arms around her and snuggled in closer to her husband\'s chest.  He stirred and woke up. Seeing she was awake, he smiled and moved to kiss her.  Delaney felt his warm lips on hers and was happy to be safely in bed with Vincent again.

When their kissing slowed and came to a stop, Delaney told Vincent of all that she had discussed with the Queen during their afternoon talk.  Her Husband listened quietly but she could tell he was surprised.  When she told him of the potion the witches could provide that would ensure the King and Queen would have a baby and what the cost would be, she watched him closely.

"They will have to kill someone?  One of them would have to take a life to complete the potion?"


"But then they\'ll have a baby."

"Yes," she confirmed.

Vincent considered this as he lay on his back and stared at the ceiling.

"I suppose they could choose Anna or Luna.  At least their deaths and all the deaths they caused would have a sort of positive outcome."

Delaney nodded in agreement and they were both quiet for a time.

"Would you ever consider something like that?" she asked her husband eventually, "If it meant we could have a baby?"

Vincent looked at her with sad but serious eyes and shook his head, "No love I wouldn\'t."

"Why not?" she asked, feeling a bit stung that he had said no.

"Because I wouldn\'t ever want magic involved in the creating of our children.  Who knows how it could affect them in the future.  Besides... after the war, I\'ve known I never want to be the cause of a human being\'s death ever again."

Delaney swallowed and nodded.  She dropped her gaze for a moment but he caught her chin and tilted her head until she looked at him again.

"I\'m sorry my lady.  You know I love you with my entire heart but... especially after our recent dealings with witches... I just wouldn\'t want their magic involved in anything so important."

Delaney nodded.  She did understand.  Helena may have ensured Ian\'s safety using magic but before her, the duchess had trusted a witch was making her medicine to help have a baby but the witch had poisoned her.

"Let\'s get some sleep now," he yawned, "You look exhausted."

Delaney chose to let the subject go for now.  They weren\'t out of time just yet.  They would continue trying it on their own.

She curled up against her husband and let the sound of his steady breathing lull her to sleep.