My Mysterious Mafia Mommy

Chatper 163

"With Chen Yu last night?"

"You follow me?"

Hearing this, Jiang Li frowned.

"Rong Jing, can you stop being so idle? You don\'t have to work so hard on me. I hate others prying into my life the most. You will disgust me very much."

If he hadn\'t organized the questioning, Rong Jing was inexplicably scolded, and an emotion called grievance poured into his heart.

"In your eyes...I\'m this kind of villain?"

His voice was hoarse and somewhat mocking.

Seemingly aware of his abnormal mood, Jiang Li pursed his lips and paused.

"I didn\'t say that."

"But that\'s what you think."

Rong Jing retorted, he covered his heart, only to feel sore and swollen, which was extremely uncomfortable.

"I respect your life and your choices, so I don\'t have anyone following you. As for why I knew that you were with Chen Yu last night, it was because the photos of your close contact were posted online, and the On the hot search."

"I\'ve already downloaded the hot search, Jiang Li, I don\'t want this kind of thing to happen again, since you have promised to be Xiaobao\'s mommy, please make a clear line with Chen Yu, otherwise I can\'t guarantee myself What kind of impulsive moves will be made.”

Knowing that she had misunderstood Rong Jing, Jiang Li\'s eyes darkened slightly and her heart was blocked. She thought for a while and said.

"I did stay with Chen Yu yesterday, because Qin Fei borrowed my car and was afraid that it would be unsafe for me to go home at night, so I asked Chen Yu to pick me up, but we didn\'t do anything too far, we were Friends are also partners, more like relatives.”

After a pause, she added another sentence.

"You can rest assured about our relationship, remember to help me and Xiao Baozi explain clearly, don\'t let him be frightened."


The male voice on the other end of the phone was a little dull, and he felt relieved, but found that Jiang Li did not mention his feelings in his words.

After waiting for a while, seeing only the sound of typing on the keyboard, Rong Jing hung up the phone sullenly and returned the phone to the desktop.

The hot search on the Internet has been down, and it has been cleaned up. Jiang Li looked online and saw that there was no problem, so he continued to deal with the contract.

The sound of typing on the keyboard has not been interrupted, but her cold eyes are a little dazed.

You seem to have wronged him?

He also helped himself deal with the hot search. If he hadn\'t helped him neatly, he would have to increase the workload again.

Touching his forehead, Jiang Li sighed.

"Forget it, let\'s thank him next time."

In Yun Ke\'er\'s lounge, a small figure ushered in.

"Huh? Ningning, why are you here?"

Rong Ning walked slowly to Yun Ke\'er and looked curiously at what she was about to shoot.

"I was kicked out by Jing." He murmured, his eyes brightened.

"Are you on a live broadcast?"

"Yes, what\'s up, sister, this equipment is first-class."

Yun Ke\'er raised her chin with pride.


Rong Ning narrowed his pupils slightly, tilted his head, and fiddled with the spotlight in front of him. He blinked his eyes and spoke sweetly towards Yun Ke\'er.

"Sister Yun, I also want to start a live broadcast, teach me."

He stretched out his fleshy little hand and pointed to himself.

"You?" Yun Ke\'er looked at him seriously, looked at the handsome little man in front of him, and smiled slowly.

"I think it\'s okay! Ning Ning has a style and looks very good. I will start the live broadcast soon, why don\'t you come with me, I have a lot of traffic, and it will save you from registering an account yourself. The procedure is very troublesome.”
Rong Ning pinched his chin and pondered, and he settled down in less than a moment.

"Okay, let\'s make a deal!"

His eyes were bright, and Yun Kawai couldn\'t hold back, pinching his smooth face.

"You look so much like your daddy, it\'s almost carved out of the same mold! If your daddy knew that you were doing a live broadcast on the Internet, that face must be very good-looking! I\'m really looking forward to it."

Yun Ke\'er thought badly, but did not notice Rong Ning\'s calm eyes.

She excitedly took Rong Ning to do a little makeup, and then asked the assistant to start the broadcast, and the title was \'Heaven Falls Adorable Baby\'.

As soon as the live broadcast started, there were countless fans pouring in, and some people poked in when they saw the title, and they were all curious about the word \'cute baby\'.

Yun Ke\'er smiled and watched the number of people on the live broadcast go up. She didn\'t realize that she was about to \'catastrophe\'!

"Hello everyone, it\'s time for the live broadcast that fans have been waiting for. Today is sunny and warm. I, Yun Ke\'er, have been blessed by God and won Mengbao * Rongning."

The barrage on the screen is frantically moving, and fans are racing to guess.

"Where is the cute baby? How cute? The old woman is selling her shit again. I hate it~"

"I bet a hot stick, the child is the anchor."

"Ah, ah, my lovely goddess, show me the child quickly!"

"No bad reviews."


The fans were very active, Yun Keer had sold enough money, so he waved to his side and let Rong Ning into the mirror.

When that handsome face mixed with ruthlessness and ruthlessness mixed with cuteness appeared in the camera, the fans were all boiling!

"My God! Is he an angel? How can he be so beautiful!"

"Where did the anchor vote for the child? Let\'s form a team, and we\'ll steal it too!"

"Team up to steal the child 72/Rongning 00."

"I saved my spicy sticks and breathed a sigh of relief, so that a handsome child would know at a glance that it was not born by an old woman."

Yun Ke\'er looked at the barrage and laughed.

"Of course this isn\'t my child, as I said, the old man gave it to me from the sky!"

Everyone did not believe it and scoffed.

Rong Ning looked at the barrage indifferently, his slender eyelashes trembled, and suddenly spoke.

"Hello everyone, my name is Rong Ning. I appeared on the live broadcast today to tell you something."

His little adult-like tone completely grabbed the attention of the fans, only to see the number of viewers increase wildly, and everyone was dazzled by the dense barrage.

"Recently, there have been unrealistic rumors written on the Internet, saying that my mommy and someone else are a couple. Today I\'m here to clarify that it\'s just mommy\'s friend. \'Good relationship\' is not a dream base for visionaries, my mommy It\'s my mummy, mummy\'s boyfriend is my daddy, mummy can only be mine and my daddy\'s, no one can rob it!"

His domineering speech completely shocked the fans. The more Yun Ke\'er listened, the more wrong it became. After she recovered, a trace of cold sweat had flowed down her forehead.

"My mother! Little Ancestor, stop talking! If I knew you were here to talk about this, I wouldn\'t let you appear in front of the camera if I killed you!"

She gritted her teeth tremblingly, tried her best to keep her voice low, and pulled the back of the villain.

Fans in front of the screen were trying to sort out this huge amount of information when someone suddenly asked.

"Kid, who is your mommy?"