My Master Is A Tsundere

Chapter 85 - A Familiar Fish Dish

Rant Valo, Floriana Sabina, and Veia entered the room where Rant Valo and Floriana Sabina would sleep tonight. For now, they would use this room to get together while it was still not time to sleep.

Rant Valo pulled his knife from the sheath on his waist and cut across his wrist. He used a wooden bowl from Floriana Sabina\'s Storage Ring and collected his blood in it.

When he first did this a few days ago, it was quite disturbing. Seeing his own blood be collected in a bowl was not something that he was used to. It was a good thing that he got used to it quite fast. As long as he thought that it was to feed Veia, he was able to calm himself.


Rant Valo covered his wound with his other hand and used a small pea-sized medicinal paste to heal his wound. It was something that Floriana Sabina has as it was very effective in healing external wounds.

At first, Veia suggested using her saliva as it has healing properties, but Floriana Sabina objected. Even Rant Valo felt that it would be disgusting, so her idea was shot down.


Every time Veia sees Rant Valo\'s blood in this bowl, she feels like she was looking at a supreme treasure. She couldn\'t help but want to rush towards it and down it in one go.

Rant Valo gave the bowl to Veia after seeing the eager expression on her face. He felt like it would not be a good idea to keep it from her any longer.

"Thank you, Master!"

Veia took the bowl and started drinking it sparingly with excitement. Instead of immediately swallowing it, she let it sit in her mouth as she savored its delicious taste. Only after a few minutes later would she swallow it down her throat.

"It\'s still hard to get used to this."

Rant Valo couldn\'t help but say as he watched Veia drink his blood as if it was a century-old fine wine. He wouldn\'t have imagined that someone would actually be that into drinking his blood.

"Hmph! I\'m sure you just want her to bite you again."

Floriana Sabina snorted at him. She knows that he enjoyed being bitten by Veia and having his blood sucked that way. He was just a pervert, in her opinion.

"I can\'t deny that."

Rant Valo chuckled. He really did \'enjoy\' it.

"See! Pervert."

Floriana Sabina scolded him with a frown on her face.

A dozen minutes later, Veia was finally done with drinking Rant Valo\'s blood.

"That was so good…"

Veia\'s eyes were glazed over as she was still high from drinking Rant Valo\'s blood. It was like she drank booze laced with aphrodisiac but thousands of times much better.

"Master, there\'s a bed there… We can do it."

There was a lewd smile on Veia\'s face as she approached Rant Valo. After drinking his blood, she became more of a succubus.

"Not this again."

Floriana Sabina sighed. This happens every time Veia drinks Rant Valo\'s blood. Floriana Sabina was getting tired of it happening over and over again.

"You stay here, Veia. Me and Rant Valo will go out."

Floriana Sabina didn\'t think that it would be a good idea to go out with Veia right now. They could only leave her inside and explore the town themselves.


Veia called out to her drunkenly, but Floriana Sabina just ignored her and closed the door.

Rant Valo didn\'t stop her because he knew that if Veia couldn\'t control herself right now, things would become more out of control if he stayed near her.

Floriana Sabina and Rant Valo left the Narene Mansion. They were not stopped by the guards as Nale Narene had already informed them that they would be staying for the night, and they could enter and leave freely if they wanted to.

It was currently lunchtime, and the road was almost deserted. Everyone was either eating inside of their homes or eating inside restaurants.

"Let\'s eat there."

Rant Valo pointed towards a restaurant filled with people. It was bustling and was very noticeable from the deserted streets.

Rant Valo and Floriana Sabina approached the restaurant and sat on the seats right outside. They were facing each other, and a waiter approached them before giving them a menu. He was wearing a white long sleeve shirt with a black bowtie on his neck.

"Welcome to Karbel Dining. What are your orders?"

He greeted them as he held a small notebook and a pencil as he waited for their words.

"Your best dish."

Rant Valo didn\'t even glance at the menu. He just felt like acting like a noble for today. Floriana Sabina glanced at him and smiled faintly.

"I would like to have the same."

Floriana Sabina was also curious what\'s the best dish this place has to offer. It would certainly not be the best dish out there as this was just in a small town, but she was still looking forward to it nonetheless.

"You got it!"

The waiter quickly left after taking their orders.

They waited for a while before the waiter came back with two plates of steaming white fish meat. For some reason, it looked very familiar to Rant Valo and Floriana Sabina.



Rant Valo and Floriana Sabina smiled wryly at each other. They just had eaten a bunch of these a few days ago, now they were eating it again. Rant Valo didn\'t feel like eating anymore.

"Served in front of you is a rare Spirit Fish. It was said that it could improve your cultivation level. It is caught in—"

Just as the waiter was about to thoroughly explain the details of this fish, Rant Valo stopped him.

"Stop. You don\'t have to explain anymore."

Rant Valo was upset that he was gonna eat these again. He was not in the mood to listen to the waiter\'s incessant chatter about stuff they already knew.

"Alright. Please enjoy."

The waiter didn\'t mind and left them alone.


"Puh! Hahaha."

Floriana Sabina was the first to laugh, and Rant Valo couldn\'t help but laugh in concert. They thought that it was funny that they were eating the same fish that they could catch without much effort back beside the river.