My Master Is A Tsundere

Chapter 64 - Ahhh!! Master, I’m Coming!


Floriana Sabina chuckled to herself. Cooking seemed to have become so much easier when she used her magic techniques.

"Wait, the fire is spreading!"

Rant Valo quickly noticed that the bush was set on fire and it slowly spread to the surrounding bushes. This forest is basically the home ground of the fire.

"Kukuku, don\'t worry, Disciple! I\'m the Youngest Saintess in the world for a reason."

Floriana Sabina said with supreme confidence. She looked at the spreading flames and raised a hand into the air. She opened her palm and closed it exaggeratedly. Suddenly, the flames went off with a puff of smoke. She killed all of the flames with a simple hand motion.

"What kind of magic technique is that?"

Rant Valo asked in amazement. Seeing something like that in person was so breathtaking. It was like the flames followed her command.

"It\'s something you will learn after reaching the Mana Dominion stage. Anyways, time to dig in!"

Floriana Sabina did not dwell on it further but walked towards the cooked deer. She ignored the still-smoking flesh and pulled a chunk of meat off. She took a bite and happily munched on it.

"Uwaaa! This is really good."

Floriana Sabina exclaimed in amazement. The taste of the deer meat was quite earthy and the meat was quite firm.

Rant Valo went forward and unsheathed his knife to cut a small portion. He tried to grab the portion he cut with his hands but it was very hot. He blew on his fingers as touching that hot deer meat was quite painful.

He looked at Floriana Sabina happily eating the deer meat as hot steam escaped her mouth. She was totally unaffected by the heat.

"Master Floriana, why are you not affected by the heat of the meat?"

Rant Valo asked in wonder. He saw her do it so many times in the past already and he never really had the chance to ask her. It always confuses him whenever he sees her do it.

"Master Floriana? What the hell, Disciple Rant?"

Floriana Sabina took notice of Rant Valo\'s different form of address to her. It startled her as she was not used to being called that way.

"I just think it suits you better, Master Floriana."

Rant Valo didn\'t really have any particular reason to change his form of address to her. It just makes it easier for the readers to distinguish between him and Veia. Ehem. The fourth wall is not supposed to be broken.

"You\'re just making your life harder, Disciple."

Floriana Sabina glanced at Rant Valo and sighed. She never told him to do something like that. It was just unnecessary in her opinion.

"I guess? Anyways, why does the heat not affect you?"

Rant Valo shrugged his shoulders at her. It was not that inconvenient for him to call her \'Master Floriana\', it was just one added word anyway.

"Hmm… Isn\'t it obvious? I\'m a Fire Element Magic Cultivator!"

Floriana Sabina tilted her head and looked at Rant Valo peeringly. She was looking at him like he was an idiot. After all, Rant Valo had already seen her use flames so many times that he ought to have realized that he was a Fire Element Magic Cultivator.

"Ah! So your main element was the reason."

Rant Valo immediately understood. He just hadn\'t thought of it that way. That the main element of the cultivator affects their immunity to that element too. Because Floriana Sabina is a Fire Element Magic Cultivator, she is immune to things related to fire like heat.

"Yes, Disciple. Veia, what\'s with that look?"

Floriana Sabina turned and looked at Veia who was looking at them once again in envy. She was glancing at the deer from time to time. It looked like she had something to say but held it in.

"Veia, if you want to taste it, you can have a small piece."

Rant Valo offered. He carved out a small piece of meat for Veia to eat. He picked it up and blew onto it before passing it to Veia. Veia looked at the meat with disinterest.

"You don\'t want it?"

Rant Valo asked in confusion. She was acting like she didn\'t even want to eat it when she clearly glanced at it repeatedly earlier.

"I\'m not interested in the meat, Master. I just thought that it\'s envious to like unseasoned meat."

Veia replied with a frown on her face. She was sure that even if she took a small piece of that deer, she wouldn\'t like it. After all, when she tasted the bear meat, it tasted very bland. That was because it was unseasoned. She doesn\'t want to risk her own soul just to eat bland meat.

She wanted to experience what they were experiencing right now. No high expectations from the meat. Just happy after eating the unseasoned meat.

"You can drink my blood?"

Rant Valo tilted his head and exposed his neck to Veia. If she couldn\'t eat the meat then she could just drink his blood. It seems that she enjoys it after all.

"Yes! Master, you read my mind!"

Veia said with excitement overflowing on her face. She went forward and bit Rant Valo\'s neck. Floriana Sabina watched as they both squirmed in pleasure. Her face was deadpan as she looked at both of them.

She couldn\'t believe that they were getting off from sucking blood and having their blood drunk. Though Floriana Sabina is also guilty of enjoying Veia\'s blood sucking. She was once bitten by Veia on her wrist when they first met.


A short while later,

"Ahh! Such a sweet flavor! Ahhh!! Master, I\'m coming!"

Veia tiptoed as she ran towards Rant Valo. She just came back and there were berries on her bosom. After drinking Rant Valo\'s blood, she went to look for other sources of food to eat. She then found a sweet berry bush which she ate some.

"Woah! Veia, that looks really good."

Rant Valo praised as he looked at the berries she was carrying with her arms.