My Legendary Years

Chapter 1771

"How's it going?" I asked.

"When the living Buddha came home, he killed his wife directly. He would rather watch his relatives die than be wronged or humiliated!! after killing his wife, he killed his children and killed all the Burmese in the house!! then he set fire to his house again!!"

"What happened later?" I was like listening to a story. The more I listened, the more curious I became.

"Later, the living Buddha took revenge on these Burmese people. He killed all their relatives and friends. All those who had relations with these people died!! this is the Revenge of the living Buddha. After the living Buddha finished these things, he disappeared directly!!"

"Disappeared?" I was surprised.

"Yes, he disappeared. Since then, he has become a myth. People have never seen this man again, but his fear is deeply imprinted in people's hearts. His story is constantly mentioned, and slowly he becomes more and more frightening!! originally, I don't believe in the existence of the living Buddha, but today I suddenly feel that he seems to be very close to me..." after saying these words, Steel egg took a deep breath.

I looked at the steel egg in silence, because I didn't know whether I should believe the story or not.

To tell you the truth, I think this story is too fucking bullshit. It's like lying to children, but I really see the fear in my eyes when steel egg mentioned the name of living Buddha!!

"I still don't believe in the existence of living Buddha!!" Meng song slowly stood up and cleaned up the on the table.

"But even if there is no living Buddha, will we do this task?" lin ning stood up and asked.

"Whether to do it or not, let's do that sun Shangxiang first!!" Meng song gritted his teeth and threw down this sentence, and then walked out the door with his briefcase.

We looked at each other and followed out.


After returning to the hotel, Meng song lay in bed and thought for a long time, then took out his mobile phone and dialed Bai wanmeng.

"Hello, Mr. Mengsong!!" Bai wanmeng answered the phone soon, with a sexy and charming voice.

"I did Zhao Qiwen for you, you owe me!!" Meng Song said in a cold voice.

"..." Bai wanmeng was silent.

"Do you believe that I have a hundred ways to torture you to death?" Munson continued.

"Mr. Mengsong, you and the living Buddha can't afford to offend me. Do you understand what I mean?" Bai wanmeng said very tactfully.

"Then I don't care. Tell me where sun Shangxiang lives. We're clear!!" Meng song's tone is very firm.

"... wait for me to contact you!!" Bai wanmeng hung up directly after saying this.

Half an hour later, Meng song's mobile phone received a text message with an address.

After reading the SMS, Meng song directly deleted the SMS and all contact information with Bai wanmeng.


Meng song shook the bolt of the gun, looked up and shouted at us, "brothers, work!!"


Two hours later, in a four-star hotel in Pu'er City, five of us disguised as cleaners sneaked into the guest room area.

"The cleaner will come and do it directly!!" Mengsong whispered to us at the corner.

"Understand!!" lin ning agreed.

Ten minutes later, the cleaning aunt appeared in my sight with the cleaning car.

Meng song waved his hand and lin ning rushed out in an instant.


The muzzle of the gun was against Bao Jie's waist, and the aunt in her fifties turned her head numbly.

"Don't fucking talk or shout, or you won't want to have grandchildren all your life, okay?" lin ning whispered.

"Ming... Bai, understand!!" aunt nodded again and again.

"Room 450, go!!"


Aunt agreed, then her legs trembled and pushed the cleaning car to 450.

"Aunt, it's not easy. Don't play tricks with me!!" lin ning followed her and gave her psychological counseling while walking.

"I can't, I'm an honest man..." aunt quickly replied.

"That's OK!!" lin ning nodded with great satisfaction.

Five minutes later, several of us followed my aunt to room 450.

"Son, do I have to knock at the door next?" my aunt asked lin ning very well after she got to the place.

"Ouch, aunt, you are familiar with this routine, isn't it the first time?" lin ning touched his head and smiled.

"It's the first time. I'm a little nervous..." my aunt reached out and knocked on the door twice. She shouted at the top of her voice, "open the door, clean!"

Looking at aunt's calm look, lin ning immediately gave aunt a thumbs up!

"Who?" five or six seconds later, sun Shangxiang's voice sounded in the room.

"Clean!!" aunt repeated.


The door was opened a gap, lin ning kicked on the door, and then a * * hit the cleaning aunt's face. All the actions were very consistent and completed at one go!!

After seeing lin ning do it, several of us rushed up and directly dragged the cleaning aunt into the house.

"What do you mean?" sun Shangxiang asked, looking at us with a cool expression.

"Brother Shangxiang, where's Shangxiang in the house?" lin ning asked with a smile.

"What do you want? How did you find here?" sun Shangxiang frowned slightly.

"Can't we find you if you can find us?" Lin Ning said with raised eyebrows.

"What do you want to do?" sun Shangxiang's eyes dodged.

"What do you say we do?" Meng song directly raised his gun at sun Shangxiang's head.

"Kill me?" sun Shangxiang was stunned.

"We've considered what you said and won't agree!!" Meng Song said very firmly.

"The living Buddha will not agree!"

"I'll fuck your living Buddha. There's no living Buddha in the world!!" Meng song kicked sun Shangxiang in the stomach, then pulled his collar and said, "I hate others to use me in my life!!"

"The living Buddha exists. He can see everything that has happened now!!" sun Shangxiang said mildly, like an old God stick.

"Fuck you, don't write with him!!" steel egg will shoot.

"Wait a minute!!" just as steel egg was about to shoot, sun Shangxiang shouted.

"What do you mean?" steel egg was stunned.

"You can see this video before you kill me..." as he spoke, sun Shangxiang took out his mobile phone and threw it to Meng song.

Meng song took a look at the mobile phone. On it was a video of a woman with a child.


I could see Mengsong's right hand clenched in an instant.

The next second, Meng song directly raised his gun at sun Shangxiang's head, stared and shouted, "I fuck your mother!"

"If I die, everyone on this video can't live!!" sun Shangxiang said expressionless.

"Believe it or not, I'll kill you now!!" Munson shouted.

"You dare not!!" sun Shangxiang shook his head.

"I heard that the living Buddha killed his wife himself!"

"Unfortunately, you are not a living Buddha..." sun Shangxiang smiled.

"..." Meng song clenched his teeth and looked at sun Shangxiang. His eyes were cold and terrible, but his fingers hooked on the trigger didn't press down.

Seeing that Meng song didn't speak, sun Shangxiang continued, "your only chance now is to complete this task, otherwise you won't get any benefits even if you kill me!!"


Meng song put down his pistol forcefully and breathlessly, with a very helpless expression.

"Big brother?" steel egg shouted at Mengsong with a gun.

"Let's go..." Meng song waved his hand decadent, then turned his head and walked out of the house.

"Grass!!" steel egg scolded in a low voice, then put down his gun and went out.

"What the fuck is going on!!" lin ning was also speechless, and then followed him out.

I looked up at sun Shangxiang and ran out.


In the van.

"Brother, why didn't you kill him just now?" steel egg shouted at Mengsong after getting on the bus.

"My daughter-in-law and children are in his hands. How can I fucking kill them!!"

Meng song shouted with a broken expression.

Back to the hotel, several of us were lying in bed smoking. The smoke was swirling in the room. It was like someone wanted to be immortal. If we didn't know, we thought it was on fire!!

"Cough!!" Meng song coughed softly, then looked at us and said, "our team hasn't been established for a long time, but I'm taking an unshirkable responsibility in this situation!!"

Meng song's voice is hoarse. He may have smoked too much.

"Come on, we're not a critical meeting now. It's real. What do you want to do next?" steel egg sat up and looked at Mengsong.

"My ex-wife and children are in their hands. I don't know how they found them. I haven't been back for ten years!!" Mengsong clenched his teeth, knocked hard on the table, and then stopped by: "I don't have a choice now, but you are different. If you don't want to take this risk with me, I won't stop you now!!"

"They have my girlfriend too!!" lin ning replied.

"When the fuck did you have a girlfriend?" iron egg's tone was a little incredible.

"Don't fucking talk, why can't I have a girlfriend..."

"What's the matter? Can you have a fucking girlfriend just like you B?" iron egg still didn't believe lin ning's words.

"Say something useful..." steel egg shouted irritably, then looked at me and said, "what do you think of leaves?"

I looked at the steel egg and was silent for a moment, then slowly said: "I sneaked into Myanmar to save my friend. If the living Buddha can really help me save my friend, I can participate!!"

"Think well, it's different from the original. It will be very dangerous this time?" Mengsong looked at me and whispered.

"As long as I can save my friend, no matter how dangerous it is!!" I answered very firmly.

"What are you two going to do?" Mengsong asked, looking at steel egg.

"... if you plan to go, I'll go with you. After all, I'll earn enough money to spend my whole life!!" steel egg grinned.

"Ha ha!" Meng song also smiled.

In this way, the five of us got together again, some for relatives and friends, some for money.

After confirming that everyone was involved, Meng song took out the file bag sun Shangxiang gave him.


Meng song unfolded the map, pointed to the map and said to us, "this is the plan of their trading place!!"

I looked down. It should be a place similar to a factory.

"There are about 20 to 30 people trading on both sides. The goods traded are * *, that is, * * *. The number of transactions is unknown, but it must be......" Meng song continued.

"What's the lineup opposite?" lin ning asked with a frown.

"Thirty people, everyone has fire in their hands. People in Myanmar have better weapons, * * what, domestic * * *!!" Meng song explained.

Lin ning nodded slightly, smiled and said: "this lineup is acceptable!!"

"Accept a fart, you fucking think you're Altman!! there are 30 people in the family, five of us, how can you fucking fight?" iron egg collapsed at the moment.

Everyone knows that if five people meet 30 people, even if they can't do anything opposite, they will die.

"You'll destroy your prestige before you work..." lin ning glanced silently.

"Iron egg is right. The five of us want to have a face-to-face adjustment with these 30 people, which is basically impossible..." Mengsong nodded and agreed with iron egg.

"What do you say?" lin ning asked.

"Although they are many, they also have their weaknesses!!" at this time, I opened my mouth and said.

"What weakness?" everyone looked at me.

"The two groups of people are Burmese and Chinese. First, they don't believe in each other. It won't happen if they eat black!! second, their language communication is inconvenient. In case of emergencies, they don't have a good chance to communicate!!" I analyzed with eyes burning.

"Do you want them to fight among themselves?" Mengsong immediately understood what I meant.

"Yes!" I patted the table and then said, "if the leader died while they were trading, who do you think would have moved his hand?"

"Opposite!! who else can it be!!" iron egg answered without thinking.

"Yes, if we want them to fight among themselves, it's not easy!! as long as we kill one person, they will be in chaos!! as soon as we shoot a few shots at random, they will suspect each other, and then they will fight. As long as they fight, we'll wait for them to fight. Just go out and clean up the mess!!"

Although my language was a little confused, all of them understood me.

"It's a good fight between mussels! You'll get a profit!" Meng song nodded at me. Obviously, he approved of my method.

"Although it sounds a little messy, I think the leaf method is very good!!" iron egg also nodded at me very seriously.

"Do you fucking understand?" lin ning rolled his eyes.

"Why don't I understand? You think I'm stupid?" iron egg said in a very unconvinced tone.

"If you're not convinced, tell me what's going on!"

Iron egg was stunned for a moment, and then stammered, "I... I don't fucking understand with you!!"

"Ha ha!!" I smiled, then looked at the iron egg and said, "you don't need to understand, just be responsible for the implementation and finish it!!"

"Yes, I'll be responsible for the execution!!" iron egg nodded quickly.


Meng song took out the map, circled a few places with a pencil, looked at us and said, "these places are good places for sniping. Who of you can use * * *?"

"I won't..." steel egg shook his head.

"I won't!!" lin ning followed.

"Grass, no one can!!!" Meng song scolded speechlessly, and then said, "no, I'll do the sniper task, but we lack a gun!!"

"I can handle this. I can fix whatever model and destructive power you want!!" lin ning patted his chest and said.

"Well, I'll leave the task to you!!" Mengsong smiled and said to the steel egg and iron egg: "you two are responsible for breaking into the enemy during the operation, listen to my gunshot as a signal!! kill when the time comes!!"

"Understand!!" steel egg and iron egg ordered a little.

"What am I doing?" lin ning asked.

"You follow me from the front..."

"OK!!" lin ning nodded.

"What about me?" I shouted at Munson.

"You are in charge of watching!!" Mengsong replied without thinking.

"No, I made the idea. Why am I still a stalker!! who loves his mother? I don't stare anyway!!" I stood up in an instant and shouted in a very speechless tone.

Mengsong squinted at me, touched his nose and said, "you can't keep an eye on us. You can go whichever you can do!"

When I heard this, I glanced at lin ning with my eyes. After thinking for a while, I whispered, "then I'd better watch. I think this job is suitable for me. My eyes are good..."

"Ha ha!!" Meng song grinned after listening to me, and then studied the map.

"I'll go out and look for a gun!!" lin ning saw that there was nothing wrong. He stood up and said to Meng song, then turned and walked outside the door.

"Be careful!!" Meng song asked with some uneasy words.

Lin ning gave a sound and walked out in a rage.

After lin ning left, the iron egg was boring and tossed around in bed.

"You fucking prick or what, what are you doing like an old sow?" the steel egg on one side scolded.

"My fucking heart hurts..." iron egg replied with a big mouth.

"Oestrus? It's hard?" steel egg was stunned.

"No, just feel depressed and want to go out for a walk..."

"Don't go out, just stay here these two days!!" Meng Song said without raising his head.

"Grass, what the fuck limits my freedom of life?" after hearing Meng song's words, Tiedan was directly unhappy and stood up and shouted.

"If you don't want to restrict your freedom, you can quit now!!" Meng song replied in a very blunt tone. After that, he walked into the inner room with a map.

"No, what do you mean?" iron egg shouted at Mengsong's back.

But Mengsong didn't seem to hear this. He walked into the house without looking back, and then closed the door with a bang.

"No, what does he mean? Why did I go out for a walk?" iron egg looked at steel egg and stretched his neck.

"Come on, don't fucking toss about. Don't go out if people don't let you go out. When this is over, we'll be liberated..." steel egg responded naturally and smiled back.

"Grass!!" iron egg scolded in a low voice, and then lay on the bed tossing and turning.

After tossing for a while, iron egg kicked me, smiled and said, "leaf, what does your friend have to do with you? In order to save him, I don't think you're dying..."

"Just an ordinary friend..." I replied casually.

"It's just an ordinary friend. You're idle. You talk to me about your original story? I think you're old and mysterious..."

Iron egg bared his teeth and looked very naive.

"Hehe... I don't have any story, nothing to tell you!!"

"Don't pull the calf. I can feel it. I'll tell you. Tell me about it!"

Then the iron egg sat next to me and put his arms around my neck. I looked at him helplessly and said in a helpless tone: "brother, I really don't have a fucking story!!"

"Do you want to talk?" iron egg put his right hand hard and directly strangled my neck.

"I said, I said, what do you do, my grass!!" I was annoyed by the iron egg, so I had to promise.

"Hey, hey, if you had promised me earlier, wouldn't it be all right!!" iron egg smiled and gave it away.

"In fact, I really don't have any story..." I looked at iron egg helplessly.

"Still pulling the calf, isn't it?" iron egg stared.

"I'm just a student. I don't have any stories. Otherwise, if you have any stories, tell me?" I turned my eyes and whispered.

Iron egg listened to me, thought seriously, lay down in my ear and said with a smile: "... Do you believe my big brother's Day pig?"

"Ha ha, really?" hearing this topic, I was instantly excited and shouted with laughter.

"Keep your voice down!!" iron egg pulled me nervously, then turned around and looked at the sleeping steel egg. After confirming that there was no problem, he said to me: "once my eldest brother drank too much and slept the old sow of others, and later he lost 5000 yuan!!"

"Why do you lose money?" I tried not to laugh.

"Because people say that sow is a virgin..." iron egg replied with serious eyes.

"Ha ha!!" I laughed when I covered my stomach. It's the first time I've heard that someone has to pay back the fucking money.

Iron egg saw me laugh, quickly covered my mouth and whispered, "keep your voice down and wake up my big brother, and we'll be over!!"

"No... no, I just want to ask you how you judge whether this pig is a virgin???" I'm already laughing and can't breathe.

"The man said there was blood in the pigsty. My big brother ate it for him by an old sow!! how to explain that they didn't listen and had to ask for money. Later, my big brother saw more and more people watching, so he couldn't give the money..."

"Ha ha!!" I can't say anything but laugh now.