My Koi Fish Wife

Chapter 147

Qin Yiling looked around at the fields as she walked. A few days ago, she just went to enjoy the scenery in the fields. Now she looked carefully at the crops in the land, but suddenly found a problem.

"Xiao Yun, don\'t you grow food here in winter?"

Hearing the speech, Zhang Xiaoyun\'s face was filled with surprise and doubt, "can you grow food in winter?"

Seeing this, Qin Yiling asked tentatively, "do you grow wheat here?"

"Wheat, plant it! But isn\'t wheat sown in spring and harvested in autumn? It\'s winter now. How to plant wheat?"

Although Zhang Xiaoyun is only ten years old, she still knows something about planting in the village, because she will follow her grandmother to help during the busy farming season every year.

She couldn\'t have known about food as important as wheat.

Qin Yiling immediately grasped the key point of his words, "do you mean that you only plant wheat seedlings in spring? Never in winter?"


The province where she is now located was formerly called Shudu and is now called Chengdu.

This is almost the same as the map distribution of her world. It is certain that she is now in the south!

Although the winter in the south is a little cold, the overall temperature is not too cold, at least warmer than that in the north. Therefore, the climate in the south is very suitable for planting winter wheat, which is a geographical advantage.

Generally, winter wheat is sown in late autumn and early winter and harvested in summer. If there are seeds in the village, it should be sprouted according to time.

But all the way, she didn\'t see it in the crops, only scattered green leaves.

So, she has some doubts!

Although she didn\'t know when winter wheat was introduced, there were two seasons of rice in her original world, not to mention wheat.

In the south, not only the temperature is relatively warm, but also the soil is relatively fertile and the light is sufficient, which is very conducive to the growth environment of wheat.

Since we have such a good advantage, what a pity if we don\'t make use of it. If we choose to plant winter wheat, our living standards will improve, at least fewer people will suffer from hunger.

Although Zhang Xiaoyun doesn\'t understand why her little sister cares about this, she still answers truthfully.

"I don\'t know if I can plant vegetables in winter. Anyway, I haven\'t seen any people in the village. At most, I plant some small vegetables in winter."

Qin Yiling smiled secretly. What can she ask a little girl? Let\'s wait until Yan Ze comes back.

"Well, let\'s go up the mountain."

In this way, two girls, one big and one small, avoided the crowd and went up the famous mountain.

Originally, Zhang Xiaoyun was still a little uneasy. Even if the young master agreed with his little sister to enter the mountain, the mountain was also very dangerous.

Don\'t think she didn\'t know when she was young. There are man eating tigers in the mountain.

However, under the leadership and guidance of his little sister, when he met one crop after another of mountain goods, Zhang Xiaoyun was as happy as a flying bird, shuttling happily through the mountains and forests to collect and dig fungus wild vegetables.

As for the initial worry in her heart, she didn\'t know where to fly for a long time. Now she is full of wild fungi.

Qin Yiling saw that the little girl finally shifted her attention and smiled helplessly. She could finally start her task.

So they were busy with their hands and feet.