My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 786

"What is the last item?" Fang Ze looked at big meow curiously and asked.

Although I have decided to choose Rainbow Bridge in my heart, Fang Ze still needs to know the last option.

"The last item is the branch of the world tree." Big cat said to Fang Ze, "this kind of branch material is extremely hard and has been used to make the barrel of kungunil, the long gun used by Odin."

"I choose rainbow bridge." Fang Ze heard the last option and chose rainbow bridge without hesitation.

After all, although the branches of the world tree are the top materials in the game, Fang Ze really doesn\'t have much demand.

After all, even if Fang Ze really wants to build a long gun, he also needs a gun head that can match the barrel. Where can he find such top-level materials.

"OK." Big meow heard Fang Ze\'s words, and with a wave of his paw, a round cover shaped object appeared in the room. Although it was small, it was enough to accommodate a person to enter and leave.

"And medals." Big meow said, putting a dozen medals on the tea table, and then said to Fang Ze, "by the way, the guest next week is a powerful Queen, who can help you when you destroy Baron Nash."

Big cat said that and left. Fang Ze took out his tablet to search for the powerful Queen after big cat left, and this is queen Isala at the top of the search results.

Queen Isala is a character in the world of Warcraft, the queen of the upper elves in the ancient war, and she eventually led to the explosion of the well of eternity.

So in terms of strength, Queen Isala can definitely crush Baron NASH in her heyday. If the guest next week is really queen Isala, Fang Ze won\'t feel late to kill Baron Nash even if he delays until Friday.

But because big cat only gave such a message to the powerful Queen, Fang Ze was not sure whether it would be aisala. After all, in serious calculation, the foolish king Mao can also be regarded as a powerful Queen.

The guests will arrive next week, and Fang Ze is not in a hurry. Now he was quite curious about whether rocky would change his fate of being crushed to death by mieba after he returned.

Although the changed rocky will probably become popular with askidd people, he will not lack love since childhood, let alone become a villain.

But at the beginning, a group of askidd\'s leading supporting actors, such as Rocky and heimdahl, were killed by the plot, mainly because the Thor trilogy has been finished, and Asgard has been destroyed, so these people have no plot to shoot in the future, and they simply die one by one.

So Fang Ze didn\'t expect rocky to survive, but as long as he changed the plot of rocky being crushed to death by mieba, it would be a good ending for him and the little spider to turn grey together.

After all, there is still the possibility of resurrection after being turned into ash by mieba\'s infinite gloves. Being directly crushed to death is really dead.

With this feeling, Fang Ze reopened the film of Thor and the Avengers.

As expected, there was no problem with Shi Jie\'s medicine. After rocky returned, his physical quality became strong enough to withstand the injection of magic.

And because Fang Ze had taught him many ways to use melee magic before, Loki became Asgard\'s third best fighter after odintol, and also won people\'s love and Odin\'s appreciation.

With a brother in control of his brother, rocky doesn\'t need to seek to seize Asgard\'s position as Prince. However, in Raytheon\'s films, Thor is still thrown into the world by his father for experience. This time rocky has become a proud brother who secretly protects his brother although he says he doesn\'t care about his brother.

Without rocky making trouble, mieba still found other twenty-five sons to help open the portal and attack New York, while rocky helped the Avengers a lot.

Then there was the attack of the dark elves and the Revenge of Haila. Asgard was still destroyed, but when he retreated, Thor took the space gem and drove the spacecraft to other parts of the universe alone, which distracted mieba and others. As a result, askidd\'s spacecraft was not attacked by mieba himself, and rocky was not crushed by mieba.

Unfortunately, the survivors of Asgard led by Loki were attacked by the little brothers of mieba in the process of evacuating to the earth, which led to heavy losses for Asgard, and heimdar was still killed by the plot. As Fang Ze guessed, Loki who survived was turned into a pile of ashes by mieba\'s infinite gloves. Thor still needs to kill mieba in order to find a way to revive Loki.

In general, although this ending is not perfect, it is much better than the original ending of abusing death.

Baron Nash is still rampant in New York, but people\'s lives continue. As long as the address is not in New York, no company or school will have a holiday because of the monster invasion.

So there is good news for Fang Ze.

The chicken eating game student made by his own game company is finally ready.

Although the picture is poor, there are a lot of bugs, and the characters are still mosaic, the playing method is indeed better than any chicken eating game on the market.

After getting the source file, Fang Ze optimized the game while naming the game "frontline of life and death", and asked Lin Jingxuan to go to the marketing company to start preparing to publicize the game.

Although most employees in the company were a little shocked by Fang Ze\'s early promotion of the game, with the support of Lin Jingxuan, who knew the inside story, all kinds of publicity began to spread.

"Life and death line, domestic chicken?" Mei Linghui, who was surfing the Internet in the Internet cafe, accidentally saw the name. After thinking about it, she asked her companion next to her, "Hey, Lao Li, is that domestic chicken eating game made by geese factory called frontline of life and death?"

"No." Lao Li replied in surprise, "it\'s called the infinite law, which has been tested in Southeast Asia."

"Where did this line of life and death come from? You see, they have even made the game picture." Mei Linghui asked Lao Li to come and see the game playing on his computer screen.

"This is CG." Lao Li said without thinking, "you know, this is the problem with many domestic page games. The games are poorly made, but CG is very good-looking. The purpose is to deceive you."

"Really." Mei Linghui listened to Lao Li\'s words and was a little unwilling to believe that such a good game picture was only made by CG.

However, since the promotional videos have been made, the research and development progress should also be improved. You can participate in the internal test to see if it is a page tour eating chicken.

Mei Linghui thought while clicking on the following introduction, and found that it was clearly written on the web page that the game would be open for public beta in two days. Please go to the official website to download if you want to play.