My Husband With Scholar Syndrome

Chapter 59: lost control

It was already more than eight in the evening when I left the Mu family. The Mu family\'s parents sent the young couple away, and standing at the door as usual was a sigh of relief. .

"Who says that autistic children can\'t speak, I see our family, Ogawa, and they can speak very well. Please don\'t regenerate sickness. This sounds more sincere than wishing you good health." Shen Qingyi At that time, I just felt warm.

"Isn\'t it." Thinking of Shirakawa\'s solemn look just now, Mu Ruozhou was also relieved. Although their son-in-law was a little dumbfounded, they really pretended to be them.

On the way back, Mu Xiaoya was still in a bad mood. She was both blame and uncomfortable. Originally, he was ready to die again four years later due to illness, but because of his mother\'s sudden illness, Mu Xiaoya saw a glimmer of hope. She thought that she could catch the signs of hereditary diseases in advance, and she could make a breakthrough, but did not want to be in the end. In fact, death is not the most terrible thing. The most terrible thing is that you think you are in a desperate situation, but in the end it is still empty.

And there is ... When she accompanied her mother in the hospital for an examination in the afternoon, she even hoped that some symptoms could be found on her mother. How could she have such an idea? Mu Xiaoya could hardly forgive herself.

"Don\'t worry about it, I begged my parents, they promised never to get sick again." In Shirakawa\'s eyes, Mu Xiaoya\'s body always haunted a bright sunshine, but it seemed that every time When the Mu family returns, Mu Xiaoya\'s breath will be covered by another haze. Today, it is particularly serious.

"Promise?" Mu Xiaoya didn\'t understand clearly, "What did my parents promise you?"

"They promised me ... I won\'t get sick in the future," Shirakawa explained. "They don\'t get sick, so you don\'t have to worry."

Mu Xiaoya stunned, the throttle at her feet was loose, and the speed suddenly slowed down. The white car behind them scared the horn sharply. Mu Xiaoya was stunned, and quickly pressed down the throttle again to keep the distance between the cars.

"It\'s useful where things like illness are promised." When the car returned to stability, Mu Xiaoya returned to Shirakawa with a bitter smile.

"Useful." Shirakawa began to give an example. "Grandma was sick before, and was always hospitalized. Later, she promised me not to regenerate the disease, and I never went to the hospital again. It wasn\'t until the grandma\'s time came.

Grandma Bai promised Shirakawa not to get sick, and never went to the hospital again?

How could Mu Xiaoya believe in this kind of thing? She just guessed it a little bit and guessed. Grandma White must have avoided Shirakawa and called the doctor home.

"Okay, I see. Thank you." Mu Xiaoya understood Shirakawa\'s kindness, but couldn\'t believe it like him.

"You don\'t believe it." Mu Xiaoya\'s breath didn\'t change. Shirakawa knew that her comfort didn\'t help. Mu Xiaoya didn\'t believe it.

The untrusted Shirakawa was a bit frustrated, and he was extremely lost. He knows that he is different from others, and that he is separated from the real world. Professor Feng and his grandmother have told him not to worry, to accept his true self, to let himself be involved little by little, and not to be anxious and irritable . But sometimes, he still can\'t control his anxiety. He should not only accept the help and comfort of others. He also has people who want to help and comfort.

But his method always seemed wrong, and it was of no use at all. Grandma used to sigh, but Xiaoya is always low now.

The two were speechless and returned quietly to the community. When they entered the house, they saw the watch box left by Bai Yan at the door of the room.

Mu Xiaoya picked it up and looked at it, and entered the room and returned the message to Bai Yi, saying that she had got it.

"Here, the watch is fixed." Mu Xiaoya handed the watch to Shirakawa.

Shirakawa glanced at the box and asked, "Is it from your brother?"

Mu Xiaoya said for a moment: "How do you know?"

"Four years ago, he also gave me a watch that was two seconds slower per hour," Shirakawa replied.

"Yes, Brother wants you to bring it." Mu Xiaoya saw Shirakawa\'s heart clear, and did not hide it.

Shirakawa took it, opened the watch box and put on the watch, and then ran to the attic alone.

Mu Xiaoya was surprised, and when she was about to see what was going on, Bai\'s WeChat came back: Did Xiaochuan wear it? Is your watch slow?

Mu Xiaoya replied: Put it on, Ogawa didn\'t say, it should be fine.

Bai Yan: That\'s good. I\'ve arranged it for the company.

Mu Xiaoya then remembered the treatment plan she had formulated for Shirakawa, but she hadn\'t had time to discuss it with Shirakawa, so she promised: OK, I\'ll tell him soon.

Mu Xiaoya turned her head to look at the direction of the attic, turned to step up the stairs, and walked up. She originally thought that Shirakawa would read in the study, but when she looked in the study, the dark lights inside did not turn on. Mu Xiaoya hesitated, turned right, and went to the outside terrace.

A dark shadow was curled up on the dim terrace chair, and the dial of the watch was exuding a glimmer of light. Mu Xiaoya put her hand on the light bulb switch and was about to turn on the light, but was stopped by Shirakawa\'s voice: "Don\'t turn on the light."

Mu Xiaoya retracted her hand, and for a moment, walked towards Shirakawa. She stood one step in front of Shirakawa, but could not see the expression on each other\'s face because of the darkness. Mu Xiaoya has seen Shirakawa in many ways, happy, shy, angry, anxious, and even indifferent. But these emotions are single, never once like this, she kneaded multiple emotions.

"Not happy?" Mu Xiaoya asked.




"A little bit depressed ..."

Shirakawa responded with a sense of frustration, and hummed when he understood it.

Mu Xiaoya sat across the road from Shirakawa with her knees crossed, and the concrete floor was exposed to the summer sun all day, even at this time, there was still a lot of room temperature.

"I\'m not happy, I\'m a little bit angry, and I\'m a bit depressed." This time Mu Xiaoya was not in a hurry to solve Shirakawa, and her mood was very bad at this time, and she also wanted someone to solve her.

Shirakawa didn\'t say anything, the silence in the air was suffocating.

Do you really understand?

"Ogawa, I\'m a bit tired." The darkness made people vulnerable, and Mu Xiaoya\'s strong atrium lost a mouth instantly. "Can you hug me?"

Do not know what to do, Shirakawa seemed to find the guiding light, he hurriedly got up from the hanging chair, kneeling beside Mu Xiaoya, hugged the person tightly in his arms.

"Ogawa, I\'m a little scared." Mu Xiaoya buried her head in Shirakawa\'s arms, telling the fear in her heart, "I thought I wouldn\'t be scared, but I would still be scared when I think of it."

"Not afraid, not afraid." Shirakawa coaxed the children.

"I\'m not strong at all. I\'m actually an ostrich. I buried my head desperately, waiting for that day to come."

"When I was in the hospital just now, I even hoped that something would go wrong on my mother\'s checklist so that I could ... I ... how could I do this."

Shirakawa didn\'t know how to comfort Mu Xiaoya, who was suddenly out of control, and even some did not understand the meaning of Mu Xiaoya\'s words. He could only treat the current Mu Xiaoya as himself after the onset of the disease, holding tightly but quiet Saying nothing.

"Sorry, I\'m out of control." When the vent was enough, Mu Xiaoya looked up embarrassedly. She didn\'t expect that she would lose control in front of Shirakawa.

"It turns out ... Xiaoya will also get sick." Shirakawa\'s voice was a little new.

Onset? Mu Xiaoya froze, and the conclusion was quite appropriate: "Yeah, I will also get sick and have an emotional disorder."

"It does not matter, I do not mind."

"Really, thank you so much." Mu Xiaoya laughed at Shirakawa\'s unforgiving tone, and her mood improved instantly.

"Let\'s get up, it\'s a little hot on the ground." Shirakawa wasn\'t just hot. He was kneeling on his knees, and it was hurting for a while.

The two got up from the ground and sat in the hanging chair where Shirakawa was sitting. This hanging chair was specially selected by Mu Xiaoya. It is a double hanging chair, so they sat down completely.

"How about you, why are you unhappy, angry, and depressed?" Mu Xiaoya\'s emotions recovered, and she hadn\'t forgotten Shirakawa\'s emotions.

"I\'m fine now."

"Well? You\'ll be fine if you see me sick once?" This guy wouldn\'t be gloating.

"No ..." Shirakawa shook his head and explained, "I don\'t know how to comfort you, so I\'m in a bad mood. Now that you\'re fine, I\'m fine."

"..." Mu Xiaoya tilted her head up, and in the dim environment, only Shirakawa\'s hazy side face could be seen.

She suddenly realized that the family was not only supported by herself. Shirakawa was also growing. Although he was clumsy, he worked very hard. Mu Xiaoya didn\'t want to cry anymore, but her eyes became hot for a while. She turned her head and let herself look into the distance, overlooking the night view of the city from the high top floor. A companion is probably the kind of person who can make you feel that he is supporting you.

Shirakawa quietly shook Mu Xiaoya\'s hand and didn\'t bother Mu Xiaoya\'s quietness, but just made sure that she no longer had the haze.


Suddenly the phone in Mu Xiaoya\'s pocket rang. She took it out and sent it from her mother.

Mom: Xiaoya, when you were cooking in the kitchen just now, Ogawa asked me and your dad for a request. He very solemnly asked us not to regenerate sickness. We received this and agreed to it. Although this is an impossible request, no one will be sick for a lifetime, but we will take this heart and work hard to take care of ourselves.

Mom: We didn\'t intend to tell you about this, but I thought about it with your dad. Ogawa suddenly made this request. It is because of you. So daughters, parents will take care of themselves, don\'t worry.

"Ogawa, you\'re right." Mu Xiaoya smirked as he looked at the phone, "It will be useful if you agree."

"it works."

"Then you promise me one thing, too?"

"OK." Shirakawa habitually agreed to Mu Xiaoya\'s requirements.

"Tomorrow morning, I will take a taxi to work alone." Mu Xiaoya said at the opportunity.
