My ghost husband spoil me too much

Chapter 457

I don't understand Luo Lifan's decision. If Tangbao is not allowed to do this, his skills will be lost. Now Qu Yong has set up his own house, and Luo Lifan can't put him on the list of candidates, but he has no other apprentices. So I tentatively asked, "do you really not intend to pass on your magic power?"

Luo Lifan sighed, "Yin Yang master is also responsible, but in fact, there are not many people who have made great achievements in this field. Moreover, if they are careless in the process of communicating Yin and Yang, they will go astray, just like Zeng Chunping. Of course, this is a minority, but few people can stick to their original intention. Even if Tangbao can resist such temptation, I am not willing to let him face it You know I'm alone in this line of business. It doesn't matter if I do it. But I've helped Tangbao to reverse his fortune, so he won't be troubled in this aspect in the future, so there's no need to wade through this muddy water. "

"You are really well intentioned, but I don't know whether other people will lead you to this kind of affection." Although know Luo Lifan don't care about these, but still can't help sighing a few words. What's more, Luo Lifan's question is also a very realistic thing. Although it is said that those high-ranking people who have achieved the Tao are much better than ordinary people, they still lack some things relative to the joy of ordinary people. We have to say that Luo Lifan is still thoughtful in this matter.

Luo Lifan and I were chatting. Suddenly, a ghost errand appeared behind me. I had met this person and often served the ghost king. However, I can't remember the name. However, I came to my side at this time. I guess it's something about the local government.

"Niang, you let the servant have a good meal. The ghost king is asking you to go back!" When he saw me, he naturally had to bow to me, and of course he did not forget the most important thing.

The ghost king never comes to me easily. I'm afraid there's something important to do this time. However, I don't seem to be in a hurry when I look at the ghost errand, and I'm still uncertain about the ghost King's intention. So I asked, "I remember you, but how did the ghost King send you here? Is it important? "

The ghost difference raised his head to reply, but his look was also somewhat unnatural. It was estimated that my question was somewhat difficult to answer, "Hui Niang, this small one is really unknown! But please go back earlier. "

I also want to continue to ask what, Luo Lifan was on the edge of the laughter, "just now I want to tell you, you run like this in the sun every day, it is inevitable that the ghost king will miss you! It seems that this man can't help saying, don't linger and go back quickly. It's not good for people to do business. Of course, your family's patience is not very good. Don't let him wait! "

In front of the ghost errand, Luo Lifan dared to tease me. I couldn't help but stare at him, and then said, "it's like you really know the ghost king, but I'm not stubborn with you. Anyway, you just said to let me go back. Well, I'll go back first for the time being, but if there's any disturbance in the sun, please remember to inform me."

Luo Lifan didn't speak, just waved to let me go back. I also thought about the matter of the underworld, so I went back directly with the ghost messenger. Along the way, the ghost was very strict and did not ask anything valuable.

Just saw the hall, I was anxious to run inside, but also did not see the ghost king, I turned to ask the ghost poor, "ghost king? Don't you come to me for something urgent? Why didn't you see anyone? "

"I just forgot to say that the ghost king is now in the mother's other courtyard. It's my negligence. Please forgive me. "

Seeing the ghost errand and bowing to me again, I stopped in a hurry, and then said to him, "OK, these rules don't have to be in place all the time. I'll wait for myself to go and do your work."

This is the reason why I don't like the local government very much. People are not so equal, and the hierarchy is strict. The ghost is not so polite because he has been following the ghost king all the time, but it is still too frequent compared with the equality of everyone I want. Sometimes the ghost king would be very curious about my practice. In his eyes, the master and the servant could not be equal. Of course, I don't blame him for thinking that he was thousands of years earlier than me. Therefore, if we get along with the people in the hell, we will not interfere with each other.

Generally, the ghost king will discuss with me in the main hall, which is more formal. But this choice in another hospital means that things are not as important as I thought, or serious. Is it possible for Luo Lifan to guess? The ghost king really thinks about me, and then can't help sending for me? But before I was in the sun for so long, he only occasionally came a few times, what's the matter?

As soon as I got to the other hospital, I felt the serious breath as soon as I entered the door. The handsome face was very angry at the moment. I hastened to sum up that it was only two days since I left, and I didn't do anything unforgivable during this period? But looking at the appearance of the ghost king, it is really the state of being provoked. I understand this expression, but I have not seen him like this for a long time.

Seeing me come in, he also sat on the couch all the time and didn't speak. He just looked at me coldly. I don't know. So, the atmosphere seemed strange, but he still asked in a low voice: "what's the situation? What's the big deal about calling me back in such a hurry? "

Ghost King cold hum a, and then deliberately ignore me, as if in and I don't like. When I saw this, I could only soften my attitude. "Look at you. What's the matter? I have come back now, you tell me, don't be so appetizing! And I didn't do anything to upset you when I went out this time? " I just confirmed the itinerary again, still did not find what can make him unhappy, but the ghost king is not angry at me.He took a cold look, and then said coldly, "if there is no big deal, can't you call you back? I said why you like to run to the sun so much. I warned you not to always associate with Luo Yifan. It's good for you to take advantage of it. Now you find Luo Lifan again! And you are not in the sun now, and you are not in the sun. Is that money for Luo Lifan

Listen to this, I just a long sigh of relief, I still thought it was the local government and what happened, dare to be our family vinegar jar fell! Luo Lifan and I often appear together. It's not like these two days, but we are also a pure cooperative relationship. And people have helped me many times. I should repay them occasionally. But he suddenly turned over his heart and said that women are difficult to understand. I look at men as the most difficult one! , the fastest update of the webnovel!