My Evil Imperial Wife is Too Arrogant

Chapter 591

The third commander of the devil looked at a red and a white figure, and his heart clicked. When he heard Lou Muyan's words, his face became gloomy.

"Are you Lou Muyan and Chi Xiu who destroyed the demon nine corps?"

Lou Muyan smiled, "yes! What advice?"

"Since you sent them to the door together, you should die with them." the third commander sneered.

Then, under the sign of his eyes, more than 100 sword gods of the demon family immediately surrounded Lou Muyan and Mingxiu, and were about to avenge the ninth demon Legion.

Lou Muyan winked at Mingxiu and said, "let's start."

Ming Xiu's thin lips were hooked, and array balls were sacrificed from his sleeves, like fireworks exploding in mid air, and killing arrays spontaneously drilled out of the array balls.

A jade belt composed of spirit stone flew out of his space ring and piled up into a mountain, constantly maintaining the operation of dozens of six grade serial killing arrays.

The Red Emperor stirred his wings, and the melodious and pleasant voice poured out of her mouth. A trace of spiritual suppression also spread all over the battlefield. The sword saint and sword Zun of the demon family only felt sleepy.

The sword lights were drawn from the magic tools of the 100 sword gods. Lou Muyan turned his hand, and the six or seven level seal characters seemed to be smashed in the direction of the demon family without money.


The continuous array explodes at the same time, together with the six and seven grade seal characters in the air.

"Ah!!" then I heard a shrill scream constantly on the whole battlefield.

As soon as the power of the explosion in the air stopped, groups of black and dense red bees opened their mouths, exposed their fangs, and soon swallowed all the injured demon clan legions.

After they swallowed the flesh and blood of the demon family, their strength obviously went to a higher level.

Blood and blood are no less. He has been promoted to the tenth level mutation demon plant. He deeply plunged his roots into the soil, waving vines one by one, with circles of lavender lightning wrapped around it.

After a while, a big net built by vines netted all the demon legions.

Lou Muyan didn't want Miaomiao to expose the real body of the golden dragon, so she turned into a huge white python, opened her mouth and spewed out dark green fog, and all the demons in the network were attacked.

Golden spikes spontaneously flew out of the vine and flew to the demon family in the net.

As long as the yuan force in the demon family who was stabbed by the sharp thorn and inhaled the green fog was frozen, the body could not move, and even had no strength to speak.

Just in a moment, it was bitten and eaten by the red bee that drilled through the gap of the vine net.

The faces of the third and fourth leaders of the devil changed again and again. They didn't expect that more than half of their troops were killed and injured in a Kung Fu that was less than a incense stick.

Among them, the 100 demon families at the sword God level were also killed by the power of level 7 runzhuan and serial killing array blasting.

Red bees have a light layer of lightning power on them. Every demon attack will be hit back by an electric power. While paralyzing for a moment, more red bees will rush up and bite them immediately.

The ice halberd turned into a body. One by one, the ice cones with ten order divine beasts flew out and directly shot many demons into a sieve.

Long Yao stood aside. Once there was an escaped demon clan, he immediately threw it back into the blood vine cage with the power of space.

The third and fourth demons saw that their eyes were full of blood and roared, and a black fog covered them.

"They are going to be demonized, and you have the Dragon Yao." Lou Mu Yan frowned and said.

Long Yao originally saw that the spiritual pets of Lou Muyan were as powerful as the coming of God. He was almost useless. When he heard Lou Muyan's command, the dragon body shook immediately.

As long as he completes the hostess's task, he will be rewarded with seven pills. The more he looks at the two demon leaders opposite, the more pleasing he is.

Before the two demon family leaders were demonized successfully, a handsome man in purple quietly appeared behind them.

The space was immediately distorted, and two claws came out of thin air, and went straight through the heart when they couldn't prevent it.

The eyes of magic three and magic four were full of unbelievable. They turned their heads and narrowed their pupils when they saw the man who attacked them.

"You are the ancient void dragon." the smell of magic three gradually faded. He stared at Long Yao with big eyes, and had an incredible illusion.

Long Yao raised his eyebrows. "It seems that you still have some eyesight."

"I didn't expect that the ancient void dragon clan with such arrogance would also play the trick of sneak attack." Long Yao's claws directly grabbed their hearts. The third demon was shrouded in death, and his heart moved to excite the general.

As long as each other doesn't crush their hearts, they have hope of living.

Long Yao's cold face showed some evil smile and said, "my master said that we should learn more about each other's means in wartime, so we should play Yin when dealing with you shameless demons."

"This is what I learned from you." Long Yao shrugged innocently and said, "I think this is what the hostess said. Pay him back in his own way."

"You..." magic three and magic four almost didn't have a breath of blood. This dragon is so shameless and shameless.

When did they sneak attack and play yin? At least it's fair to attack Tianling continent now!

They wanted to say something else, but suddenly there was a broken tearing pain in their heart, and their body fell like a broken doll to the ground.

Before he died, he was dragged into the ground by the blood that had been waiting for a long time.

For a moment, Lou Muyan's spiritual favourites combined with the power of array and seal characters to wipe out all the demon clan legions.

The demons in the golden vine net have also become the food of the red bee. Blood is now more picky and only absorbs the blood essence of the sword God level.

After swallowing all the blood essence of hundreds of sword gods here, the blood turned into a reddish gold seed, took root and sprouted again, and promoted to the middle stage monster of level 10.

Ice halberd skimmed his mouth. The cultivation of blood actually caught up with him. He had to work harder.

When the battle was over, Lou Muyan took out several bottles of pills and asked Bing halberd to distribute them to the sword God present.

Then her mind moved, her hands kept printing, and wisps of green fog came out of her body, enveloping all the Terrans in the battlefield.

A trace of green aura penetrated into their bodies. The seriously injured swordsmen only felt that the wound was healing slowly, and there was a vibrant breath in their bodies.

For so many people to heal and recover, Lou Muyan consumed a lot. She took out a bottle of six product tonic elixir and poured it into the mouth. The spiritual power immediately filled the dry elixir field.

She also absorbed all the unused aura of the pile of spirit stones thrown by Mingxiu.

Half an hour later, the Terran swordsmen on the eastern front basically recovered, and their shock and gratitude were speechless.

"Thank you for your help this time." the famous sword God with the highest cultivation here said excitedly to Lou Muyan.

"Yes! I didn't expect that the two Taoist friends have so many means. It's really admirable for us to kill such a huge demon army with the power of two people." a sword God echoed from his heart.

Lou Muyan smiled modestly and said, "no problem, let the old friends of the mainland provisional alliance quickly double the materials and spirit stones we just lost.
