My Evil Imperial Wife is Too Arrogant

Chapter 588

Lou Muyan said the words that made the white eyed wolf roll recklessly, which also surprised the others present.

It is Lou Muyan's style to distinguish kindness and resentment and act at will.

She will not indulge or forgive people who will betray the Lou family at any time for the so-called face or false kindness and false tolerance.

Many people still agree with her approach. The thousands of miles of embankment is destroyed by ant nests. If the family moths are not removed in time, they will one day become a major disaster.

A aristocratic family leader couldn't help but say, "master Lou, we are also a member of Yanzhou country. How can we live if we get out of the protection range of the array!"

What he said is not a lie. In many other countries captured by the demon clan, many families were displaced and even completely disappeared in the war.

Now Lou Muyan doesn't have to protect them. They can save the whole family in the imperial capital of Yanzhou. Why should she be so unkind?

Draw a line with the Lou family in front of life and death, but they didn't do anything harmful!

"How you live is none of my business?" Lou Muyan sneered, "I know what you think, but this is not the reason why I want to protect you."

"What's more, you can ensure that you won't stab Lou Jia in the future driven by other interests?"

Joke, now we can draw a clear line. If the leader of the demon family asks these people to deal with the Lou family, they can live. She believes these people will definitely be executioners.

Seeing many people disapprove, she added: "I can't let any hidden danger that will endanger the building family exist."

"But we are also from the Yanzhou country. Why should you let us get out?" a family knew that Lou Muyan had no regard for their life and death, so they couldn't help questioning.

Their home is in Yanzhou. Why should the emperors want them to leave? Although they have received the favor of the Lou family, it is normal to distinguish between life and death.

Lou Mu cigarette hook hook lips: "with my fists, so I has the final say."

"Master Lou, this is relying on the strong to bully the weak." the man said angrily.

"Yes, I just rely on the strong to bully the weak. The world is the law of the jungle. If your fist is bigger than me, I have nothing to say."

Lou Muyan casually swept away the people who jumped out and said coldly, "don't challenge my patience. If I don't get away, I don't mind wiping you out myself. I don't bother when I'm out of sight. I hate trouble most."

Hearing her words, the people present couldn't help cooling their backs. It was arrogant to be impatient in public and be able to shut up at any time.

However, the problem is that people's building Moyan has this arrogant capital.

"Master Lou, it was really our fault before, but if we leave Yanzhou country, we really have nowhere to go. Can we be more accommodating?"

The head of a family lowered his posture and begged, "I promise that our family will always stand on the side of the building family in the future."

"How far is it forever?" Lou Muyan said faintly sarcastically, "I've never looked at my eyes."

Seeing several aristocratic family leaders standing on the side of the building family before the emperor capital wanted to speak well, Lou Muyan added: "if you must live in the emperor capital, you can do it."

The others were delighted, thinking that she was Joe before.

Who knows that Lou Muyan's next sentence completely broke their hope.

"I will narrow down the array range and only cover the Lou family. What do I have to do with the life and death of other families in Yanzhou? You can live as long as you like."


Hearing what she said, the others quit.

"Lou wench, our royal family will take care of this. Don't worry." Yun Tianchen came out and said with a smile.

At this time, they must make a statement, otherwise he absolutely believes that the girl can do it if she can say it.

In essence, Lou Muyan is not a good person at all. Of course, she is not a bad person, but she always does things according to her will, and no one can take her.

"Yes! Master Lou, why bother you with such a small matter? Just leave it to us!" a patriarch of a big family smiled and answered.

I'm kidding. If the array only covers the Lou family, they don't mean to send the life of the whole family to the mouth of the demon family.

Without Lou Muyan's shelter, Yanzhou state is nothing in front of the six major gates and other top forces. It is definitely a abandoned chess piece.

Lou Muyan smiled and said gently, "OK! Then please."

The spirit stone thrown into the array by Mingxiu is enough for the Red Emperor and the red bee colony to eat for some time. There is a great difference between the spirit stone consumed by the building family and the whole empire.

How could she let them just sit back and enjoy their success, let her erase the factors that will become hidden dangers at any time, and let her be the bad guys. What else?

She doesn't have so much energy to deal with these small things and moths. It's strange not to pull them into the water together!

"Master, we are wrong. Please forgive us once." an elder of the building family suddenly knelt down in front of Lou zhantian and looked regretful.

How can they live in such a chaotic war without the shelter of the Lou family and the Lou family!

"Yes! My Lord, we were confused by lard before. If you don't remember the villain, please give us a chance to atone." several young disciples who have been specially trained came forward one after another to beg for mercy.

Lou Zhan's eyes were cold. He said to Lou Muyan faintly, "Yan'er, I'm tired. Let's go to the city and have a rest."

If these people don't come to beg for mercy, he still thinks they have a bit of backbone. For the sake of the Lou family, Lou Muyan will help them survive, but such a face really loses the Lou family's face.

If such people are in danger or driven by interests in the future, they will definitely stab them in the back.

How could he question his granddaughter's handling for such family disciples.

"OK! Grandpa, let's go." Lou Muyan didn't bother to look at the white eyed Wolves of the Lou family. These things will never be familiar.

Several people were pale and wanted to beg for mercy, but they were blocked by ice halberd and Long Yao. They directly threw them all out of the array using the space technique.

These people didn't give up trying to rush in, but they found that they couldn't get into the mask of the array. They found that Lou Muyan didn't say to scare them at all, but was really not ready to care about their life and death.

If they had known this, how could they have jumped out against their family at the beginning? Now they really regret it!

Soon, the royal family and several other families immediately sent people to expel the people who had fallen on the Lou family from the array.

The images of Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu's battle have also spread. The senior leaders of the six major sects and the top forces were deeply shocked when they saw the war!

At the same time, the consuls sent by the four defense lines submitted an application for Lou Muyan and Mingxiu's support to the high-level alliance temporarily established by Tianling mainland.