My Evil Imperial Wife is Too Arrogant

Chapter 583

The pressure released by the demon clan makes the people of the whole Yanzhou country in a panic. This sense of powerlessness is very much like the meat waiting to be slaughtered on the chopping board.

As the capture of Yanzhou was commanded by the three saints, the demon clan Legion was composed of 30 sword gods, 3000 sword saints and sword zuns.

Such a combination can be comparable to one-third of the power of the high-level strong in Tianling continent.

Although the overall strength of Yanzhou has been greatly improved in the past two years, there is still a lot of difference compared with the superpowers in other regions.

The superpower can't hold up for an hour in the hands of such a combined demon legion, let alone the flame universe that doesn't even have the cultivation of sword God.

The highest cultivation of Yanzhou is Lou zhantian, who has just broken through the sword saint, but such strength is not enough in front of the enemy.

"Do you abandon the city and surrender, or do we draw your soul and refine your soul?" the leader of this demon army opened his mouth with high momentum.

His voice spread all over the imperial capital of Yanzhou, which made the people of Yanzhou tremble. If they were drawn to refine their souls, they would never be reincarnated.

"If we abandon the city and surrender, can you let go of the people in the city?" Yun Tianchen was desperate in addition to powerlessness.

If abandoning the city and surrendering could make most of the people in the imperial capital of Yanzhou survive, he would rather bear the curse.

"Ha ha, just because you also deserve our conditions?"

The leader of the demon clan disdained: "if the three saints hadn't ordered to turn the Yanzhou country into Purgatory, all people related to Lou Muyan must be smoked to refine their souls. We didn't bother to kill you directly in the city."

Hearing his words, the people present were shocked and turned their eyes to Lou zhantian from time to time.

Many of these eyes imply complexity and resentment.

It turned out that Lou Muyan had offended the demon army attracted by the three saints of the demon family. Many people had an unspeakable resentment against her.

Lou Muyan must have received the news and fled long ago. Now it's them who have an accident. Why should they bear it!

Lou zhantian naturally found so many resentful eyes. He closed his eyes, looked at the demon leader in front and said, "I'm Lou Muyan's grandfather. Lou Muyan is a member of our Lou family. If you have any moves, come to our Lou family. It has nothing to do with others."

Listening to the old man's words, many people feel better, but some people in the building family quit.

"Old man, why should we suffer from the trouble caused by Lou Muyan? We are just a branch of the Lou family." an old man retorted on behalf of many people in the Lou family.

"Hum, then don't enjoy the resources brought by cigarettes to the building family!"

Lou Muyan's second uncle sneered and said, "when you enjoy resources, you are more active than anyone. Now when you are living or dying together, you all want to get rid of responsibility. Where can you have the best of both worlds in this world."

"Even if we enjoy less resources than our own family, don't say so high sounding. In that case, we are now separated from the building family." the man said angrily.

Lou zhantian glanced at the man coldly. He used to think of a word "Lou", regardless of outsiders. Since Lou Muyan's brothers and sisters joined the sect and brought rich resources, the master also made great efforts to cultivate branches.

I didn't expect to say it well. I can see people's hearts only when life and death are difficult.

Some people, like Yan'er, have been feeding unfamiliar white eyed wolves all their life.

"Well, those who want to break off the relationship with our family today will stand up. The matter of Yan'er will never involve you." Lou zhantian said coldly with a righteous face.

The people on the other side of the demon family looked at each other. The demon family leader looked at the fight in the building with great interest. Anyway, they are all dying people. It doesn't matter to look at the drama of their fight.

After Lou zhantian finished, sure enough, some people came out and broke off their relationship with their family.

Lou zhantian took a closer look. Basically, nearly half of his life had such thoughts. Even some of his lineages who focused on training also stood on which side silently.

Of course, not everyone is a coward.

More than half of the people still stand on the side of Lou zhantian and want to live or die with the Lou family.

Seeing that the separation of the building family and the demon clan had not been stopped, the minds of other aristocratic families were also active. Many people immediately jumped out and denounced the building family. They all said that the building Mu smoke did great harm to people.

Yuntianchen and yunlaozu looked at each other and saw each other's struggle.

Finally, both of them showed their determination. Yunlaozu nodded to yuntianchen.

"Do you think that if the building family gets rid of the relationship, the demon family will let go of Yanzhou?" Yun Tianchen fiercely glanced at those restless people. "The demon family captured the whole Tianling continent, and the attack on Yanzhou is not just the anger of Lou Muyan."

"Don't you forget that there are so many countries captured by the demon family, which city doesn't exist like purgatory? The final results of many surrendered countries still can't change and become the food of their ghost beasts."

He said with awe inspiring righteousness, "since we can't avoid death, why don't we have more dignity?"

He saw that the demon leader had been playing with them as mole ants, and had no intention of letting anyone go.

In fact, other occupied territories are lessons from the past. Why should they fight with hopeless hope, but only increase the laughing capital of the enemy.

Hearing yuntianchen's words, many people were stunned and thought of the miserable situation of other occupied kingdoms.

Yeah! Even if there is no Lou Muyan, the demon clan will capture the Yanzhou state, and it is impossible to let them go at that time.

But if you don't complain at all, Lou Muyan must be false.

"Don't complain about Lou Muyan either. Without her, the royal family of Yanzhou country and major aristocratic families could not have developed to this point." Yun Tianchen's words are really heartfelt.

A high-level official of an aristocratic family hummed coldly, "what if it develops to this point? It's not going to be involved by her. If we know that the final result is now, we'd rather be the same as before."

"You..." Yun Tianchen was angry and was stopped by Lou zhantian as soon as he was ready to say anything.

"Well, what's the use of arguing like this?" Lou zhantian looked at the family leaders behind him and said, "those who want to break away from our Lou family should stand up quickly. If the demon clan is really angry because of smoke, it has nothing to do with you."

Hearing what he said, many aristocratic families stood up and completely drew a line with the Lou family.

However, there are opposites. Naturally, there are also those who maintain Lou Muyan and Lou family. After all, practitioners know more about gratitude and reward than ungrateful white eyed wolves.

Lou zhantian kept them in mind one by one.

"Are you finished fighting inside?" the leader of the demon family joked after watching the play happily: "we didn't say that even if we draw a line with Lou Muyan, we will let you live. The friars in your heavenly spirit continent are the food for us to feed ghost beasts."

"As food, do you feel qualified to question or choose?"

After the words of the demon leader fell, everyone looked pale, especially those who had fallen out with the Lou family before. It was not easy for them to have silk hope and be deeply cut off.

The leader of the demon family enjoyed their desperate appearance very much. He waved to the people behind him and said, "kill all but one."