My Evil Imperial Wife is Too Arrogant

Chapter 569

Black fog Canyon, one of the ten most dangerous places in the mainland, is near an abyss.

Lou muting held a girl in his arms. A middle-aged man and the main force of several mercenaries collapsed to the ground and was surrounded by a group of masked people.

From the group of masked people came a soft and beautiful woman in white. The woman looked at them like a cat catching a mouse with a kind of joke in her eyes.

At this time, their faces showed an unbelievable look.

Her woman's voice was soft, but cold, "where are you going?"

"Bai Luoyin, it's you who betrayed us." a man around Lou muting covered his chest and showed some pain on his face. "It's the poison you put in the medicinal porridge."

"Yes!" Bai Luoyin chuckled, "it took me more than a year to get you used to the porridge I made."

"Your identity was false when you approached us at the beginning." Lou muting's lips were stained with blood. The sunshine smile he had always had on his face had disappeared. He looked at the woman in white and asked, "you designed to save me last time, right?"

Bai Luoyin's eyes flashed, pressed down the difference in her heart, and sighed: "Mu Ting, in fact, you have already noticed it, haven't you? It's just that you are pure and don't want to believe it."

In fact, she has feelings for Lou muting, but his identity and physique doomed her to fight him.

She converged a touch of pain at the bottom of her eyes and replaced her eyes with firmness and determination. She had no choice..

"What's your purpose?" Lou muting asked incomprehensibly, "I don't know what you can plot for so long."

"Mu Ting, do you know that he has the body of killing?" Bai Luoyin looked at him faintly and asked.

Now her face has been exposed in front of them, and she doesn't have to pretend anymore.

Lou Mu Ting sneered, "you really came for my killing body."

"Yes!" Bai Luoyin nodded and looked at the pure and lovely girl in Lou muting's arms with sinister eyes. "I didn't want to do this to you, but the recent plans have been destroyed by this little bitch. I can only guard against the future in advance."

She paused and said, "and your insidious and cunning sister is not a kind person."

Since Lou Muyan let the white snake spirit pet find them and follow them all the way, every time her plan would be disturbed by the dead girl, and even almost exhausted.

This time, everything was going well in the plan of using medicine to peel off Lou muting's killing body. Who knew it was the dead girl who rushed out to save a group of people, otherwise she wouldn't be exposed so soon.

"Bai Luoyin, you are a bitch. What are you qualified to accuse Miaomiao and my sister?" Lou muting heard Bai Luoyin scold Miaomiao and Lou Muyan. The calm mood was ignited in an instant, "you are a colorful poisonous snake."

"Mu Ting, you should say so about me for this dead girl." Bai Luoyin pointed at Miao Miao fiercely and said, "our relationship will gradually break up because of her appearance. Do you want to protect her like this?"

If it weren't for the appearance of the dead girl, she would quietly peel off the killing body of Lou muting. After completing the task, maybe they would have a future.

But now they are all destroyed by this dead girl. She can only force Lou muting from dark to light.

"What feelings do we have?" Lou muting smiled sarcastically. "Bai Luoyin, you used to put medicine in the medicine porridge that can cause people to hallucinate. You have been suggesting that I want to like you with spiritual power since you saved me. Don't you think I know?"

"I haven't liked you from beginning to end. I was poisoned in the medicinal porridge before, which was caused by your hint."

Bai Luoyin was stunned. Her calm face was finally broken and her face was gloomy. "How do you know?"

"Is it still useful to say this now?" Lou muting looked at Bai Luoyin coldly like a stranger. "It's useless to say more. Just say what you want to do."

No wonder his sister said that his temperament still needs to be honed. After Bai Luoyin's betrayal, he didn't feel any pain. He just felt unpredictable. His previous way of doing things showed that he was too naive.

If Miaomiao hadn't detoxified the ecstasy in his body, he didn't know what he would do under the hint of Bai Luoyin's spiritual power in the future.

Miaomiao nests lazily in Lou muting's arms and looks at Bai Luoyin with a smile.

She was too lazy to waste words with this woman. All she had to do was let Lou muting, an idiot, know.

Bai Luoyin could not stop her hatred in her heart as soon as she had a pair of clear eyes full of water.

Lou muting was so fond of this dead girl that he didn't know why.

"Miss, it will be too late if you don't take action to peel off the array." an old man behind Bai Luoyin whispered.

Bai Luoyin closed her eyes. When she opened her eyes, she had made a decision. Her soft face took the last trace of nostalgia, "muting, don't blame me. I'm also forced to be helpless."

Then she nodded to the old man and said, "let's start."

Lou muting can't live without taking drugs to strip away the killing body. If he dies, he is also hurt by the dead girl Miaomiao.

She didn't want to see Lou muting die like this. After all, she really liked him.

"Let's send the others on the road together. Take the dead girl to refine her soul and send the snake body to Bai's refining device."


Bai Luoyin finally took a look at Lou muting, turned and disappeared on the cliff.

As soon as she left, the masked man led by the old man continued to seal, and an iron chain with a black Rune tied Lou muting.

"How do you feel?" Miaomiao looked up and asked Lou muting.

Lou Mu Ting spoiled and pinched her little meat face, "I don't feel it. It's just an insignificant woman."

"It's almost the same." Miaomiao raised his chin, then looked at it not far away and said, "smelly bird, haven't you seen enough?"

As soon as Miaomiao's words were finished, a gentle and handsome young man came out of the space, with Bai Luoyin in a coma in his hand.

"Miaomiao, are you okay?" although Bing halberd often quarrels with Miaomiao, she dotes on her as much as Lou Muyan.

"It's all right, you clean up these flies." Miaomiao waved his hand and broke the black iron chain on Lou muting.

Then the old man and others saw that people who should have been poisoned and paralyzed stood up one after another, and Lou Mu Ting was not affected by the spell.

"You, you haven't been bewitched." the old man was surprised.

"You're not too stupid." Miaomiao laughed.

"Escape!" after the old man said that, he took the lead to escape in one direction, and the others scattered and began to escape.

Ice halberd sneered: "you want to escape?"

Then a few clusters of ice blue flames burst out of his mouth and burned all the fleeing people to ashes in an instant.

"Let's go when we've had enough. The master is anxious to find you." Bing Ji looked at Miaomiao and Lou muting and said.

"Yan'er has something urgent for us?" Lou Muyan asked in surprise.

"Well, I'm in a hurry. I'm waiting for you at Lou's house."

Lou muting turned and said a few words to the teammates of the mercenary regiment, then looked at the middle-aged man and said, "uncle, let's go back to Lou's house first."

"OK." the middle-aged man nodded, his eyes a little more excited.

"Smelly bird, deal with this woman too." Miaomiao looked at the white Luoyin in the ice halberd's hand.

She never likes to leave any trouble behind.

Ice halberd shrugged, "all right."

Then in his hand, an additional flame shrouded the white Luo sound, and soon the other party turned into a wisp of smoke and dust and dissipated with the wind.

Bai Luoyin didn't think she would die like this until she died.

Miaomiao looked up and saw Lou muting indifferent, looked indifferent, pulled his skirt with satisfaction and said, "let's go."

"OK!" Lou muting rubbed her head.