My Evil Imperial Wife is Too Arrogant

Chapter 555

Lou Muyan did not expect that after the destruction and collapse of the saint, the residual soul power in each inheritance hall would gather all the auras and send them a good fortune.

It was not long before she entered the place of inheritance that she broke through the cultivation of Jian Zun. When she came out, it was already the cultivation of Jian God. Luck is really rare.

Feeling the majestic spiritual power in her body, her lips were filled with a soft and pleasant smile.

With his sealed yuan power, Mingxiu can also be promoted to the sword God after he leaves the inheritance place. However, with this chance, he will soon reach the cultivation of flying to the Guangling world.

Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu had a tacit arrangement. They advanced to the sword God together and fell into the open space outside the dark swamp.

"Master, the ancestor of jade Zen." Lou Muyan saw several old people with profound cultivation sitting together drinking. He was stunned and smiled to say hello.

Old man Tianxuan smiled, "girl, you are the same generation as the old man."

Whether in the cultivation world or in this world, strength is respected, so the generation will be upgraded with cultivation.

After Lou Muyan was promoted to the sword God, he and the sword God of Tianling mainland also became peers, and the leader of the six sects became a junior in front of her.

Lou Muyan smiled and replied, "master, no matter what the disciples' accomplishments are, you will always be my master."

She didn't miss the pride and cunning in the eyes of the cheap old man. She must deliberately show her deep love between teachers and disciples in front of these sword gods.

Although she didn't worship old man Tianxuan for a long time, she regarded him as a master in her heart, so she was willing to play with him.

She knew from Mingxiu that after she participated in the six big competitions, the people of the dark market and the white family secretly fought against the Lou family, but they were well protected by a group of mysterious sword saints.

He found out that those people were sent by her master and senior brother, which made her feel uneasy.

"Ha ha, of course, I'm waiting for you to die." old man Tianxuan laughed and said.

"Lou girl, you brewed this spirit wine?" the supreme elder of Jianzong's serious face softened a lot, and then added, "by the way, I'm your eldest brother Lou mubai's master."

Lou Muyan knew that brother's master was an ancestor of Jianzong, but he didn't expect to be an elder of Jianzong.

The color of alienation on her face was much less. With a smile, she took out several pots of spirit wine from the space ring and stuffed it into the supreme ancestor of Jianzong: "I said how to look at you so kind. It turned out to be my brother's master. These are several pots of spirit wine I brewed. It's no respect."

After seeing my brother this time, I feel very different. I can see that the great grandfather really cares about the cultivation of Lou mubai. Naturally, she will throw wooden peaches in return for Qiongyao.

The supreme elder of Jianzong was stunned. Obviously, he didn't expect Lou Muyan to make such a Taoist move.

He laughed and immediately stared at the envious eyes of others and put away several pots of spirit wine. "You can teach me, little girl, you are much more pleasant than mubai, a lonely boy."

Although he said something disgusting, the smile in his eyes still showed that he was as satisfied with Lou mubai as he wanted.

Although Lou mubai's temperament is not as pleasing as Lou Muyan, he always likes his mind. His talent and insight are also the strongest among his disciples, so he can't help but focus on training.

I didn't expect that this cold disciple would have such an interesting sister. The most important thing is that this sister is still a senior spirit wine master. Does that mean that he won't lack senior wine in the future?

"After that, please take care of my brother more." Lou Muyan said with a smile.

"Ha ha, your eldest brother got this great opportunity in the land of inheritance. He has been successfully promoted to the sword God. There are not many places for me to take care of in the future." he smiled and said truthfully: "but as a disciple of me, I will naturally take care of him within my ability."

What he said is not big talk. After all, Lou mubai directly crossed the sword saint's later stage and promoted to the sword God, but he is still a lot worse in understanding experience.

"Thank you for that." Lou Muyan said with a smile after getting the promise from the ancestor of Jianzong.

Compared with several top strongmen who have lived in Tianling mainland for hundreds of years, Lou mubai, a new sword God, really needs to be cared for. At least he can take fewer detours in his cultivation experience.

Lou mubai saw that his sister showed some warmth on her cold face for his filial piety to his master, and a smile like spring breeze overflowed on her lips.

"You stinky girl, why don't you honor your master? I don't care what this old man does." the old man Tianxuan said in a sour tone.

Lou Muyan smiled angrily and said, "it's not enough to be filial to you!"

Hearing Lou Muyan's promise, Tianxuan said with a smile, "it's almost the same."

Then he threw a provocative and obscure look at the supreme elder of the sword sect, paused and said, "you old man, you can drink the younger generation's wine? How should you give the smelly girl a meeting gift?"

The supreme elder of Jianzong glared at Tianxuan and took Lou Muyan's wine. Of course, he was going to give some gifts. He was not interrupted by this old man.

"Girl, I heard that you are a senior alchemist. I just got two spirit grasses. I'll give them to you as a gift." he took out two boxes made of ten thousand years of cold ice and handed them to Lou Muyan.

Tianxuan raised his eyebrows and said, "just take two broken grass and send it away?"

"What do you know? This is the spirit herb for refining seven pill." the supreme elder of Jianzong glanced at him.

Once Lou Muyan heard that it was the spirit grass refining the seven pill, his eyes lit up, immediately took the box and said with a smile: "then I'm not polite, thank you!"

After she was promoted to the sword God, she had reached the lowest threshold for refining seven grade elixir. Because the spirit of Tianling mainland was thin, there were few high-grade spirit grass, and seven grade spirit grass was even more difficult to find.

Ben also wanted to use some way to make some high-level spirit grass to refine seven pill. I'll give it to * * * *.

Seeing Lou Muyan smiling like a cheating kitten, Tianxuan knew that she was satisfied and would not say more, but he was ready to help the smelly girl blackmail the rich old people here.

"Lou girl, do you still have your spirit wine?" the Supreme Master of the Royal beast sect is always a wine lover. When he sees such good wine, he certainly doesn't want to just drink a little with the light of Tianxuan's ancestors.

The other grandfathers also cater with a smile. At their age, there are no people who don't love wine.

They don't have disciples like Lou mubai. Naturally, this smooth and cunning girl won't take the initiative to give them spirit wine. She has to fight for everything by herself.

Before Lou Muyan answered, Tianxuan first answered, "no, no, don't think about my disciple lingjiu."

Hearing what Tianxuan said, the faces of several supreme elders turned black. The old immortal ate meat and didn't give them a drink!

All I had to do was beat my chest and think about why I didn't expect to accept a spirit wine master as a disciple before. Otherwise, Tianxuan, an old thing, would be so arrogant and blow the sky in front of them.