My Evil Imperial Wife is Too Arrogant

Chapter 552

Lou Muyan looked at lance and signed the IOU with a smile.

Although noumenon and projection separation have essential differences, their spiritual power is the same. Therefore, even the noumenon of the South China Sea King signed by lance can't refuse to admit it here.

"Miss LAN, you really deserve to be the king of the South China Sea of the sea people in the Guangling world." she smiled and said, "when I go to the Guangling world, I will find your body to exchange this IOU."

Lance said with a warm smile, "no problem. Just be satisfied with Xiaoyan."

At the same time, the guanglingjie is in a deep-sea palace.

A handsome man with long blue hair slowly opened his eyes. His eyes were even deeper blue than the sea. His cold temperament was as warm as jade.

He frowned slightly, raised his palm and said to himself, "this damn projection part dares to write that kind of low-grade IOU with the king's spiritual power."

Then he narrowed his eyes, opened his mouth to the deserted hall and asked, "how long does it take for the projection body in the Tianling continent to return?"

"Report back to the king. It is expected that it will take half a year to send it back." an empty voice sounded respectfully in the hall.

The man stared into the distance and didn't know what to think.

Do you smoke? It's really the first time that a woman who is interested in her own projection can appear.

He hooked his lips and didn't believe that Lou Muyan would really dare to ask him for an account with the IOU signed by his projection when he flew to the Guangling world.

Soon, the name of Lou Muyan was carelessly thrown out of his mind and closed his eyes to practice.

The altar of Tianling continent.

Gu Yanran's black spot in the middle of her eyebrows gradually expanded, and a faint smile flashed in her drooping eyes.

She wants to destroy the inheritance place as planned and draw all the people here to refine their souls.

"Go to hell." her voice was so low that she wouldn't find it if she didn't pay attention.

Everyone around her heard her.

But no one showed a look of shock or fear. Instead, Mingxiu and lance looked at each other and saw the certainty in each other's eyes.

A black light burst from Gu Yanran's forehead in an instant. Lance and Mingxiu raised their hands at the same time.

Two layers of French seals flew out and disappeared into the black spot on Gu Yanran's forehead, and the black awn was immediately covered up.

Night QingHan, who was standing opposite Gu Yanran, had a long blue sword in her hand. With a gentle wave, a silver sword disappeared into her eyebrows in an instant.

She had a calm, dark and cruel face, which was frozen in an instant. She showed disbelief in her eyes. She pointed to several people and said intermittently, "you, you have found it long ago, have found it?"

"Of course." Lance's deep eyes showed sarcasm. "Do you think the king will make the same mistake after taking it lightly once?"

The saint pupil gradually lost focus, and a violent force in the sea flew out of Gu Yanran's head.

Just before they flew out, they were shrouded in a dark green flame net. A golden little dragon and a mini purple gold unicorn also drilled out of the eyebrows of Mingxiu and loumuyan.

Three fire suppression, even if the saint's soul is strong, coupled with the law of the interface to suppress her, there is no possibility to break free.

When the soul of the holy emissary went into the building to admire Yan's body, Mingxiu, lance and night QingHan found that the saint was wrong.

Several people did not scare the snake. First, they were worried about the comfort of Lou Muyan. Second, they wanted to attract the holy woman to lift the bottom card, otherwise there would be endless trouble.

The three flames quickly intertwined, and a woman's shrill scream and constant curse were sent out in the flame.

"The saint must draw your soul and refine your soul in the future, and you can't surpass life forever."

Her voice became smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared in this space.

Mo Yan opened his mouth, and then the green flame returned to his body.

The soul of the saint is marked with a unique brand of the demon family, which cannot be refined, otherwise its soul power will explode.

Therefore, Mo Yan combined the spirit fire of Mu Yan and Ming Xiu to annihilate them.

The golden little dragon and the mini Kirin returned to nature and stood on their shoulders. They looked arrogant and arrogant. Long Yao and ice halberd rolled their eyes one after another.

At this moment, Lance's look changed, "bad, go!"

With that, a blue flying fish with wings came out of his body. With a sweep of his sleeve, all the people present fell on the flying fish.

The flying fish didn't need Lance's control, and rushed out of the altar.

At the same time, a blue light came out of the deep well in the center of the altar and fled in the opposite direction.

Just after the flying fish and the green light rushed out of the channel leading to the altar at the same time, suddenly the whole pool shook in a large area.

"Boom!" several loud noises accompanied Gu Yanran's body, which exploded like fireworks.

Black light shone from her body, and the deep well was destroyed by the explosion.

A dark crack suddenly appeared in the altar that had been destroyed, leaving only space storm.

At the same time as like as two peas in the remote area, the same dark and dark cracks appeared on the altar of the remote clan.

A man in black who could not see his face suddenly fell quietly on a statue of the altar.

"Lord, the soul of the great saint has been destroyed, but the task of destroying the altar of the spirit continent has been completed." a translucent shadow knelt behind the man and said respectfully.

After a half ring, the man in black slowly said, "let's start the plan."


In an underground palace of the demon family, a woman with a soft and beautiful face suddenly opened her eyes, and a big mouthful of blood gushed out, with a ferocious face like a ghost.

With the blood gushing out, her already white face was instantly extremely white, and her whole body was wet with a layer of cold sweat.

Then another mouthful of blood gushed out, and half of the body became translucent.

Her eyes were scarlet and full of vicious hatred. "If the soul is destroyed, I will make your life worse than death."

After a while, she calmed down, quickly took a dark red pill, closed her eyes and recovered.

A moment later, the gate of the underground palace opened and a body whose temperature had not dissipated was sent in.

Soon, the body was all around the woman sitting, and a trace of black death came out of the body and went into the woman's body.

Half of the woman's translucent body gradually stabilized, but the ferocity on her face did not dissipate.

Land of inheritance.

Although Lou Muyan and others were sitting, Lance's flying fish rushed out of the altar in time.

But soon the whole inheritance land began from the altar, and the space fluctuated and fractured inch by inch, and all the land, trees and buildings were involved in the space storm.

The wanton aura forms a hurricane and naturally falls on all human swordsmen who are still alive in the land of inheritance.

After a time of incense, the whole inheritance place made countless loud sounds, and finally collapsed centered on the altar.