My Evil Imperial Wife is Too Arrogant

Chapter 529

After Lou Muyan sent the demon pet of others, he said hello to other disciples and took Mingxiu back to the room.

The six high-grade pills she refined are not only useful to the spiritual pets, but also of great benefit to them.

She poured one for Ming Xiu and said with a smile, "there are six pills left, one for each of us, and the rest for the two brothers of the Luo family, my brother and senior brother."

Mingxiu took the pill, ignored stupid dragon's eager eyes and took it directly, "OK!"

His alchemy talent is average. He still has a long way to advance to the sixth grade alchemy division. The sixth grade pill is what he needs now.

"Hostess, give me another one, and I'll get the spirit grass to exchange with you." Long Yao regained his cold temperament.

Lou Muyan lost a bottle of six grade intermediate pills to him, "there is no more advanced six grade pills left. Take this bottle of intermediate pills and remember my double spirit grass."

Long Yao didn't dislike it. After all, he occasionally took one or two pills from Mingxiu. He thought that he was still admiring the happiness of lingchong in the building, and the pills were unlimited.

No wonder this woman's spiritual pet keeps fat and watery one by one.

Long Yao automatically ignored the ice halberd and several other spirit pets. He wanted to eat his eyes. He dodged and ran to the effect before digesting the space in the body.

"Long Yao is still a young dragon?" Lou mu Yanshun asked with a smile.

Long Yao's temperament is not like an adult dragon, otherwise he wouldn't be so stupid occasionally.

But stupidity also has the advantage of stupidity. It's interesting to have such a cold temper as Mingxiu and a spiritual pet like long Yao.

There was some helplessness and smile in Mingxiu's eyes. "Well, it's only sixteen years since he was born in a broken shell."

The usual arrogant and cold appearance is actually to disguise his own age.

"No wonder he is so jumpy." Lou Muyan chuckled.

"Well, but it's good. I'm not so boring if I often deceive him." Mingxiu's feelings for Long Yao are also very deep. It's funny like watching his brother grow up, but he won't be stingy when he should be spoiled.

Lou Muyan nodded: "yes, when he reaches adulthood, he won't be so stupid and fun."

In fact, Long Yao's stupidity is only aimed at Mingxiu and them. The external thing is smart.

Mo Yan's half closed eyes also showed a faint smile. He must beat the stupid thing in adulthood.

"By the way, the ice halberd has not been affected by the power of this inheritance space after it has been promoted to level 10. Can other sword saints of six schools also enter?" she paused and asked.

Mingxiu shook his head and said, "no, in the inheritance space, promotion will automatically mark an inner mark and will not be excluded. Moreover, ice halberd and stupid dragon have the same space talent and magic power, so they will not be excluded."

"As for the six swordsmen, I don't think they can get in." he paused and said: "I suspect that the space of the land inherited a hundred years ago is unstable. The inability of the swordsman to enter is a conspiracy planned by the demon clan for a long time. Of course, it also includes the last opening."

"I also think it should be the ghost of the demon clan." the unspeakable feeling in Lou Muyan's heart is getting stronger and stronger.

After chatting for a while, Mingxiu began to digest the power of the pill.

Lou Muyan went to the room of the two brothers of the Luo family.

"Mu Yan, why are you here?" Luo Li opened the door and saw that the visitor was Lou Mu Yan. His eyes lit up.

Lou Muyan smiled and said, "I've brought you pills."

"This pill is too valuable." Luo Li shook his head and said.

Lou Muyan patted Luo Li on the shoulder and said, "little wild cat, we are friends. Don't be so polite."

"All right!" Luo Li took out some spirit grass from the space ring and gave it to Lou Muyan. "This is the spirit grass I collected. I was going to give it to you. I haven't had a chance before."

This is the spirit grass he met in his family's experience. At that time, he wanted to leave it to Lou Muyan.

After they became friends with Lou Muyan, they seemed to take advantage of her many times. He thought that if he met more good high-level spirit grass in the future, he must leave it to her.

"HMM." Lou Muyan also put away the spirit grass impolitely.

"Thanks a lot!" Luo Ye nods and smiles at Lou Muyan.

Lou Muyan thought for a moment and said, "Luo ye, there is only one main medicine left to cure your eye diseases. After you find it, you can cure it for you."

Luo Ye's body stiffened and burst into a Tsinghua smile: "it's bothering you."

He had no hope for his eye disease. The last time he heard that Lou Muyan could cure it, he saw that she had never mentioned it, and his mind gradually faded. Unexpectedly, she had been looking for spiritual grass for herself.

"No problem, who makes you the brother of the little wild cat." she takes Luo Ye's illness to heart, first, when he is a friend, and second, for the sake of the little wild cat.

"Moyan, it's very kind of you." Luo Li smiled brightly

Then he said slightly gnashing his teeth: "Chi Xiu is really lucky to cheat you for a hundred years."

Lou Muyan knew that Luo Li's hostility to Mingxiu was only superficial, and jokingly said, "yes!"

Hearing Lou Muyan's approval, Luo Li's black face immediately restored a sunny smile.

After returning to the room, Lou Muyan took the pill and began to practice in isolation.

She can feel that the central area of the inheritance place is absolutely dangerous. If she doesn't improve her cultivation, if she meets the sword God again, she will have nowhere to escape like last time.

A few days later, Lou Muyan rushed to the peak of jianzun with the power of Dan medicine.

Before, she did not focus on Cultivation and put her mind on the art, but deliberately suppressed her cultivation from improving so quickly.

Now as long as she wants to, she can impact the sword saint in a short time with the power of Dan medicine.

That day, Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu finished their training and sat down together to play chess.

Lou Muyan dropped a chess piece. Just as he was about to speak, his face suddenly changed.

She immediately took out her life array and saw that after the two small red dots gathered together, the light of one became much darker and the light of the other began to fade.

"My brother and senior brother are in danger." she got up urgently.

"Let's go and have a look." Mingxiu frowned and said.

Su Jin's strength as the first person in the internal sect of the eight pole sect is very strong. If he and Lou mubai are still defeated soon, the other party may either use the array trap or have stronger cultivation.

It is even possible that the two met the sword God attached to the dark market killer.

They didn't say hello to the other disciples. They flashed out of the flying magic weapon and asked long Yao and ice halberd to jointly break open the space to rush.

Limited by the place of inheritance, although Long Yao has the power of space, he can't open up a separate space to go on his way, but he can only be assisted by the power of space to promote to the tenth level ice halberd.

Although a dragon and a bird don't like each other, they won't lag behind at the critical time, so they each blow out a glow to break a crack in the space.

Mingxiu and Lou Muyan went through the space directly with two mounts, and soon arrived at the location of Lou mubai.