My Evil Imperial Wife is Too Arrogant

Chapter 521

Lou Muyan did not immediately leave the main nest of blood eating ants, but opened the ground with a sword. Sure enough, he found more than ten closed caves.

Xuexue excitedly put his body into the ground. After a while, many spirit grass and spirit objects were rolled on his vine and sent to Lou Muyan.

Lou Muyan put these things away one by one with narrow eyes and a smile.

If it hadn't been for the previous move of the blood eating ant queen to dig away the soil under her body and bite out the spirit grass, she hadn't expected that so many good things would be buried under the ground.

This harvest is really good.

After leaving the main nest, Lou Muyan didn't waste any money. He cleaned up all the eighth order blood eating ants trapped in the fire array. After earning the space ring, he withdrew the fire array and returned to the flying magic weapon.

When the disciples of Baji sect saw that Lou Muyan was so brave, they couldn't help being excited and proud. Even the disciples of Yaozong showed admiration.

"Younger martial sister, you are too strong!" Jane Yang cast a subdued look at Lou Muyan.

Lou Muyan smiled and asked, "elder martial brother, how did you provoke the blood eating ant colony?"

"We were going to rush to the core area of the inheritance place. We were careful to receive your messenger, but we still met a wave of dark market killers."

"Then we joined hands with the martial brothers of Yaozong to kill the dark market killer, but a lot of blood eating ants suddenly appeared around us, and then we were stared at inexplicably by the blood eating ant colony."

Jian Yang and others now think back to the previous situation and feel full of doubts, just like being trapped by someone.

Jin se frowned and asked, "is it the killer in the dark market? But it's not like it!"

If the killers of the dark market bring in the blood eating ant colony, they will suffer themselves.

"I found that a group of aristocratic family disciples led by Gu Ningmeng, the leader of extreme cold city, have been lurking around with you. When the blood eating ant almost came out, they turned around and went to the nest of the blood eating ant mother emperor." Lou Muyan said.

To become the talented elite disciples of various schools, they not only need strength, but also generally have no low mind. When they heard Lou Muyan's words, they immediately reflected that they had been calculated.

"How despicable, they want to use us to lead out the blood eating ant colony, and then lay hands on the blood eating ant mother emperor!" one disciple said angrily.

Although we don't belong to the same faction, it's really vicious to frame them with such despicable and vicious means.

Jin SE's eyes were cold. "I don't know if they have succeeded."

"No success." Lou Muyan said with a smile, "I followed them into the nest of blood eating ants and watched them beat the mother emperor of blood eating ants seriously, but they were also seriously injured, so I picked up a bargain."

Her directness and undisguised frankness stunned the disciples present and made them feel more favorable towards her.

Lou Mu's smoke overcame Gu Ningmeng's people. In fact, she can hide them, but she said it truthfully without taboo, which is also an open and aboveboard performance.

It makes them feel that their relationship with her has been brought closer, as if they have a common secret.

"Then don't they draw water with a bamboo basket?" Jin se asked with a giggle.

"Yes! Who let them calculate us first? I'm just treating people with their own way." Lou Muyan shrugged.

"Ha ha, you deserve it!" Jian Yang and others said with a smile.

They were inexplicably attacked by the blood eating ant colony, and they had met Gu Ningmeng and his party before, so they had no doubt about Lou Muyan's words.

Compared with the people who calculated them, the disciples of the two schools naturally prefer to see Lou Muyan get the body of the blood eating ant mother emperor, and write down the calculation hatred of Gu Ningmeng and others in their heart.

Lou Muyan saw that the effect he wanted had been achieved. With a gentle smile between his eyebrows and eyes, he asked, "are you going to the core area of the place of inheritance?"

"Yes! Younger martial sister is also going to the core area?" Jane Yang asked.

"Well, if you don't dislike it, you might as well sit over with elder martial brother Chi's flying magic weapon." Lou Muyan invited.

When they heard her invitation, they were very happy. After all, there were many crises lurking in the inheritance land, and now there was a conspiracy in the dark market. If they could work with Lou Muyan, their overall strength would be stronger.

"This will disturb younger martial sister and elder martial brother Chi."

In fact, the disciples of the two schools were confused about Lou Muyan's invitation to turn away from guests, but they didn't ask much.

Lou Muyan arranged a room for people before returning to Mingxiu.

"Hard work!" Mingxiu knew what had happened from the stupid dragon, opened his eyes and said with a smile.

Lou Muyan smiled: "it's worth the hard work to have such a great harvest."

"Have you practiced your secret method?" she found that there was a more mysterious feeling in Mingxiu.

Mingxiu got up, held her on his leg and kissed her face, "it's already done."

"By the way, I left the disciples of Baji sect and Yaozong on the flying magic weapon." Lou Muyan nestled lazily in his arms.

"Do you want to gather the disciples of LiuZong to deal with the killers in the dark market?" Mingxiu asked with a smile in his eyes.

Lou Muyan nodded. This guy always wanted to be with her. "The map of the dark market is not small. He also wants to annihilate all the six elite disciples in the place of inheritance. We can't let their plan succeed. Naturally, we have to twist the six disciples into a twist and tie them together."

"Well, the strength of the elite disciples of the six sects is definitely not small, and it is a rare strength to deal with the dark market." Mingxiu found it wonderful to have a lover who fits his heart.

"My previous invitation made them have a lot of suspicions about our relationship," Lou Muyan said.

Mingxiu hugged her hand tightly, lowered his head and said with a smile, "it's just that we can make our relationship public."

"Open the relationship now?" Lou Muyan moved in his heart and looked up at Mingxiu.

"Well, anyway, others will know sooner or later." Mingxiu nodded.

It is impossible for him to separate from Lou Muyan in the place of inheritance, let alone pretend to be unfamiliar with her.

The most important thing is to let night QingHan and Luo Li and other men who covet Lou Muyan know whose woman she is.

Lou Muyan doesn't care when to open the relationship, "it's up to you."

Since Mingxiu wants to be public, let's be public. Anyway, they are a couple.

As for the attitude of the eight pole sect, she was not worried. After all, there was a master of the great ancestor who protected the calf behind her.

The next day, when they appeared hand in hand in front of the disciples of Baji sect and Yaozong, they couldn't help but make the group lose their chin.

Jian Yang and others thought that Lou Muyan might have a good personal relationship with Chi Xiu, but they never thought that the two people had been together, and looking at the invisible tacit understanding between the two people, it was not like they were together in the place of inheritance.

This fact makes it difficult for the disciples of the two schools to digest. Are the two rising stars of the six young generation together?