My Evil Imperial Wife is Too Arrogant

Chapter 511

When the two sword Qi were easily caught and extinguished, Lou Muyan's body shape immediately exploded and withdrew 100 meters.

Chu Han raised his head, the scarlet color in his eyes was more intense, and there was an evil spirit on his cold face.

"This smelly boy has been suppressing me from coming out. Thanks to your spiritual attack, his soul is sleeping, otherwise I can't take the initiative of this body so quickly." Chu Han's voice becomes hoarse and dark, with an old state.

Lou Muyan narrowed his eyes, and the sword God in Chu Han came out.

"Even if I don't need mental attack, as long as he loses, you can still master his body with a secret method." Lou Muyan said calmly.

"Ha ha..." Chu Han laughed: "you smelly girl know a lot. Did you attack his eyes on purpose just now?"

"I hate scarlet eyes and want to destroy them." Lou Muyan knew that the other party was testing her and coldly used the excuse to deal with Shen Mufeng.

Chu Han's eyes showed the color of doubt. Logically, there should be no weakness after demonization, but why would being attacked to his eyes make the smelly boy sleep?

"Jun Luochen, doesn't he know the weakness of the demon family after demonization!" Lou Muyan said.

Jun Luochen disdained and said, "he is a miscellaneous essence with impure blood. He can't even demonize. How can he know that the weakness is the eye? He's just testing you."

In the demon family, only people with pure blood can demonize, and only those who can demonize know the secret of weakness.

However, every pure blood demon family will be added by magic from birth. As long as they don't take the initiative to tell the secret, they will not leave any information even if they are forcibly searched.

Chu Han, who was possessed by the body, didn't think too much. He looked up like a dead man and stared at Lou Muyan. "Your spiritual fire level is very high. When I kill you and take you away, the spiritual fire will make up for the smelly boy."

Then he grabbed it in the air, and an invisible force attacked Lou Muyan.

Her mind moved, and nine divine beasts rushed in front of her to counteract the force.

Chu Han said lightly, "it's a little interesting, but it's useless."

His strength soared continuously. With one move, the falling double-edged sword flew up in an instant.

He held the giant sword, waved it gently, and a sword spirit that kept the space fluctuating like a collapse flew out.

The Jiuyou killing array in front of her was only affected by the sword Qi. In an instant, it collapsed and dispersed one after another.

Lou Muyan's original life, the breath of Unicorn spirit fire, withered, turned into a purple light and flew into her eyebrows.

"Poof!" Benming's spiritual fire was damaged, and she also suffered internal injuries.

Mo Yan suddenly jumped out of Lou Muyan's shoulder and turned into a giant beast of the size of a hundred feet. He opened his mouth and a cluster of green flames spewed out.

The sword Qi with strong power and the fire of the nether world made a loud noise.

Then the fire of the nether world returned to Mo Yan's body, and the sword Qi disappeared.

Chu Han showed surprise in his eyes, and then with a look of joy, "ha ha, it's the fire of the nether world. If I kill you and take away the fire of the nether world, maybe I also have the hope of breaking through the sword God and flying to the upper world."

Mo Yan stepped back again and again, his eyes were cold, "dreaming."

Chu Han tore off the seal in his body, and the breath of sword God shrouded the whole space.

"The space didn't collapse. Can't the place of inheritance bear the sword saint's cultivation? It's the ghost of the dark market or the demon clan?" Lou Muyan said in shock.

Chu Han sneered: "smelly girl is smart."

"You go quickly!" Mo Yan said to Lou Muyan.

Lou Muyan held two long swords in his hands and his eyes were firm. "No, it's a big deal that we die together. Mo Yan, we are partners. We don't abandon each other and share life and death."

Mo Yan sighed: "silly woman."

Jun Luochen in the building Moyan pendant was deeply touched when he heard the dialogue between the two. Is he a partner sharing life and death?

"Go?" Chu Han sneered, "this space has long been bounded by me. None of you can run."

As soon as Mo Yan turned around, he turned into a streamer and flew into Mu Yan's body.

Lou Muyan's hands continued to seal, and her cultivation soared until she was a high-level swordsman.

"It's interesting. I haven't met such a young generation with so many tricks for a long time." Chu Han had a cruel bloodthirsty smile on his face, "but it's a pity that it's useless."

Then his cultivation soared again, and soon rose from the primary sword God to the high-level sword God, showing the eyes of a cat catching a mouse, "die."

The power of the double-edged sword surged in his hands. After injecting a force, he waved another sword again.

In an instant, the surrounding air seemed to be condensed into cold ice, and a cage made of cold ice chain shrouded Lou Mu smoke.

The sword Qi suddenly hit. Lou Muyan threw several defensive magic tools to resist, but it was useless. It just offset 20% of the power and became fragments and fell one after another.

Then she was wrapped in a green purple gold flame. The gold and silver long sword in her hand was turned into forty small swords in front of her. A wisp of black smoke came out of the pendant to protect her heart.


The sword Qi came over heavily. Forty small swords spun in the air and were bounced off one after another. If it hadn't been refined with the spirit of Tianji, it would have been broken at this time.

The sword Qi was resisted by 20% again and fell directly on Lou Muyan.

"Poof!" a mouthful of blood spewed out of her mouth, and her body hit the ice prison behind her heavily.

The ice prison was shattered by two forces, and Lou Muyan's body fell like a fragile doll.



Directly, I only heard the sound of ice breaking and water splashing on the lake, and loumu smoke was heavily hit into the bottom of the lake.

"Poof!" a mouthful of blood spit out again, her whole breath is listless, and her chest hurts badly.

Her body gradually sank to the bottom with gravity, but her desire for survival did not diminish.

It turns out that the power of the high-level sword God level is so powerful. No wonder it is said that the sword saint is a watershed at the beginning, and it will be another world after crossing.

Then Chu Han above was obviously not ready to let her go.

The lake under her body stirred constantly, and an icicle lifted her up.

Chu Han waved his sword again. This time, the sword spirit contained his ten percent strength.

"It's a kind of respect for your strength to die under my full cutting."

In Lou Muyan's eyes, the spirit began to gather madly, ready to uncover the last card.

Mo Yan drilled out of Lou Muyan's body, and his breath was much more depressed than before. His whole body was burning a blazing fire of the nether world and ran towards the sword Qi.

"Mo Yan." Lou Muyan's eyes showed panic, "don't."

But her call didn't keep Mo Yan's footsteps. He rushed out fiercely and blocked the front of Lou Muyan with his body.

The icy sword Qi hit him hard. The green flame on his body turned into a pair of giant hands to hold the sword Qi, and wisps of blood overflowed from his mouth.

"Jun Luochen takes her away." his voice is very weak, but very firm.

The touch in your heart was deeper, and you didn't hesitate. A layer of black fog wrapped the building, and the smoky mat was flying to the distance.

"Where to run." Chu Han shouted, and a cluster of black inflammation fell from the sky with the sword Qi, with the power of destroying the sky and the earth.

Mo Yan took a deep breath, took a nostalgic look at Lou Muyan, transferred all the power of the demon house into his body, and the crystal core burst out a layer of light.

As long as he uses his last strength to hold each other for a moment, Jun Luochen can take Lou Muyan away.

"No!" Lou Muyan felt firm and fearless in Mo Yan's heart. A tear slipped from the corner of her eyes. She couldn't let Mo Yan die for herself.

Her mental strength reached the peak when she was ready to use the secret method of exploding the body and retaining the soul to make the other party take off a layer of skin and keep Mo Yan.

Suddenly, a golden flame fell and instantly scattered the power of the fusion of sword Qi and Heiyan.

A cold, bitter male voice crossed the sky.

"Dare to hurt her and die!"