My Evil Imperial Wife is Too Arrogant

Chapter 504

The next day, Mu Yan also went to see the battle building for the place of inner gate inheritance.

Ziche Shi and Emperor killer Tian also broke into the top ten and got the place to inherit. This time, there are 28 people to inherit the place of Baji sect.

In the only two days, Lou Muyan went to zongmen's contribution value management office to exchange a lot of spiritual grass with the contribution value, and went to the commercial street to sweep away all the spiritual grass needed for five and six pills.

She declined many people's requests for a visit. She arranged an array and began to refine pills and seal characters.

Two days later, as soon as Lou Muyan received the note, he went to the main hall to gather.

When she arrived, many disciples stood in place and whispered. When they saw her coming, they greeted her warmly with a smile: "younger martial sister Lou is coming."

"Hello, senior brothers and sisters!" Lou Muyan smiled modestly.

Her age is the youngest of all, so the people standing here are senior brothers and sisters.

"Mu Yan, come here." Su brocade is like an indelible flower of kaolin standing in a corner. No one dares to approach him.

It's not that his style is cruel and frightening. On the contrary, his temperament has always been easy-going and gentle, but it always gives people a feeling of alienation and inaccessibility. Therefore, although many disciples worship him, they don't approach him.

Of course, some people want to make friends with Sujin, but his attitude is neither hot nor cold. In addition, he rarely stays in zongmen, so he has no good friends in zongmen.

Now they heard Su Jin's warm voice shouting Lou Muyan, and looked at the look. The sense of alienation towards them faded, but with a kind of closeness, they fell their chin.

"Senior brother." Lou Muyan walked to Su brocade and stood in front of it with a smile.

After the last party, her master told her to hold brother Tu Hao's thigh and unswervingly implement brother Keng's guidelines.

Su Jin smiled and said, "follow me."

"OK." Lou Muyan nodded.

In Baji, old man Zong Tianxuan and Su Jin are the closest people to her in terms of relationship. Naturally, she wants to follow the steps of her senior brother.

Their tacit dialogue surprised the top ten disciples on the table, and they reassessed Lou Muyan.

Soon everyone arrived. After a incense stick, the patriarch and several hospital leaders also arrived one after another.

"The place of inheritance will be opened in a few days. Today, several hospital leaders and I took you to gather with the disciples of the other five schools."

With a kind smile on his face, the patriarch continued: "the place of inheritance is where many strong sword gods sit or gather their souls to inherit what they have learned all their life. At the same time, it also forms a small world like a secret place."

"There are many high-level monsters in the land of inheritance, and there are many native ninth level monsters. The space is extremely unstable. Therefore, the swordsmen of human sword Saint cultivation can no longer enter it from the opened channel."

"This also means that the land of inheritance is extremely dangerous. You must be careful. One wrong step means you may be buried in it."

"Twenty eight of you are the most elite and excellent disciples of our Baji sect. After entering the place of inheritance, I hope you will unite and not allow each other to kill and calculate. Otherwise, once you are found, you will be severely punished by the sect."

"Yes, disciple!"

"You must have heard that this is the last opening of the inheritance place. It lasts about half a year. You will be automatically transmitted before the secret realm collapses."

"Therefore, if any of you really encounter any danger or strong existence, if you really can't, find a place to hide and wait for transmission. Everything is mainly to protect your life."

"Yes, I remember what the Lord ordered." they all replied in unison.

The patriarch nodded with satisfaction and said cautiously, "in addition to the disciples of our six sects, there are also the disciples of major top forces and super families, including the dark forces in the dark market. You should be very careful."

"This time, the six sects have made an agreement. After entering the place of inheritance, they will work together and unite with the outside world. You can't help but guard against the disciples of their sect, but you still need a united front in the face of great interests."

"No matter what contradictions there are in our six cases, they are all solved privately. Outside, there is a relationship between loss and glory. You should be able to understand what it means."

"I understand!"

"Well, I have made it clear what I should explain. You should know yourself."

After the patriarch said that, he and several hospital leaders led more than 20 disciples to step on the flying magic weapon and quickly galloped towards the place opened by the inheritance place.

Five days later, they arrived at a sunset mountain, along which they entered a mysterious moving swamp.

At this time, many people outside the swamp have arrived. After Lou Muyan got off the flying magic weapon, there was an unknown light in his eyes.

She didn't expect that the land of inheritance would be hidden in the dark swamp among the three mobile lands of the sunset mountains. She couldn't help thinking about whether Lei Huang's hiding in the sunset mountains meant anything.

In the six sects, except Tianji palace and Jianzong, the people of the other sects have occupied a place to rest.

The patriarch and several hospital leaders consciously met with other high-level leaders to discuss the matter of entering the place of inheritance.

In the territory of bajizong, Lou Muyan took out a set of tea set from the space ring to brew tea, with elegant action and leisurely look.

Her behavior made the disciples of Baji sect feel much more relaxed and asked for a cup of spirit tea.

She rubbed the tea cup in her hand and felt a lot of eyes on herself, some of which had an unknown killing intention.

She looked up and swept around and wrote down the faces of those hostile and murderous people one by one. After entering the land of inheritance, they must be on guard.

Then Lou Muyan looked at the last happy sight and saw a man with red hair and beautiful sunshine. She spilled a happy arc on her lips and made a mouth to Luo Li, "little wild cat."

Luo Li blinked happily at Lou Muyan and returned to a mouth: "Muyan, see you in the place of inheritance."


Here, the six sects and people from other forces form a whole, and there is basically no movement, so it is not easy to catch up with the past between them.

Of course, after entering the place of inheritance, it will be a scene again. Not only the six alliances, but also other friendly forces have long been privately united, which is complex.

Half a day later, the people from Tianji palace arrived. Lou Muyan found that Chu Han was also among them besides Mingxiu.

The next day, the people of Jianzong also arrived at the place of inheritance.

Among the disciples of Jianzong, in addition to Lou mubai, there is Luo Ye.

"Big brother!" Lou Muyan looked at Lou mubai with bright eyes and couldn't help shouting.

Lou mubai Qingjun's dusty face was stained with a warm color, "sister!"