My Evil Imperial Wife is Too Arrogant

Chapter 451

After Mingxiu left, Lou Muyan converged and the God took out the colorful glass tripod.

She dropped a drop of blood essence in the heart of the tripod, and suddenly a layer of colorful light enveloped her whole person.

Lou Muyan closed his eyes in the colorful halo, and his mind melted with the colorful glass tripod.

An hour later, the colorful halo turned into a stone glittering with dreamy brilliance and flew in from the center of Mu Yan's eyebrows.

She slowly opened her eyes and waved. The colorful glass tripod on the table immediately narrowed and flew to her palm.

"This colorful glazed tripod is not the best treasure at all." Lou Muyan smiled happily.

Mo Yan turned over lazily, looked at her and asked, "the appraiser of Tianyuan city is not a vegetarian, is there any secret?"

"Using their means to identify the colorful glazed tripod is at best the best holy treasure."

Lou Muyan paused and said, "of course, even if the colorful glazed tripod is recognized by others, it may not be able to find the secret."

"Don't sell off." Mo Yan glanced at her.

"The colorful glazed tripod actually has seven seals. Each layer represents a kind of Yuan force attribute. Only those who have these seven yuan force attributes at the same time and reach the level of Dacheng or above can tear off all its seals."

Lou Muyan rubbed the small tripod with love. "After the seven layer seal is torn off, the tripod will be promoted to an artifact."

"I see, but there are very few people in the world who have seven yuan power attributes at the same time. There are almost no people who can understand the realm above Dacheng. You really made money this time." Mo Yan's thin eyes overflowed with a smile. "Artifact is a magic weapon that is robbed by the strong in the Guangling world."

"Well, it's earned this time." she believes that one day her seven yuan strength attributes will reach more than Dacheng.

When Mingxiu left, he whispered to her that the colorful glass tripod was not so simple. He asked her to communicate the magic tools with her heart. Unexpectedly, it would be such a surprise.

She touched her chin, looked at Mo Yan and asked, "Mingxiu should know the secret of the colorful glazed tripod. Do you think he is a person in the wide spiritual world?"

She thought about it and realized from he Mingxiu that there was only one feeling that the man was too powerful, too mysterious, knowledgeable and had many means. He didn't look like a person with this small interface at all.

"I don't know. I can't see through him." Mo Yan showed some dignity. He can see through some of Jun Luochen, but Mingxiu can't capture any information except mystery and danger.

"But I'm sure he's not the projection part of the upper bound." after thinking about it, Mo Yan added, "do you want to know if it's over to ask him directly?"

He could feel that the man loved and loved Lou Muyan from his heart. Otherwise, how could he let Mingxiu approach her.

"It's boring to say it." Lou Muyan was full of interest. "Isn't it more interesting to open it slowly by yourself?"

"Boring." Mo Yan was too lazy to pay attention to her and closed his eyes.

Lou Muyan smiled and studied the colorful glass tripod and used it to refine several five pill.

When the pill came out, she found that refining pills with colorful glazed tripods could not only reduce the loss of mental power by half, but also increase the quality and quantity of alchemy.

"It's really a good thing." she couldn't let go of playing with the small tripod, and her mood was flying.

Early the next morning, Lou Muyan went to the martial arts competition field with master Feng to participate in the semi-finals.

The whole arena was packed with people. The audience was full of dark people, much more than in the qualifier.

Next to the referee's seat and the high-level seat of zongmen, there are a row of viewing seats of the top forces in the mainland.

Not long after entering the arena, the leader of Tianji Palace said another words of encouragement.

The names of all the participating disciples on the crystal stone burned by the array on the test field have been changed.

Lou Muyan saw that her first game was still Danby's semi-finals.

As soon as the time came, she went to Danby's playing field and waited for her entry.

After reading the name, the referee read out the rules, "the semi-finals of Danbi are divided into three games. The first two games require the participating disciples to refine the corresponding pills with the given materials and pill names. Those who fail in one game will be eliminated directly."

"The third game of Danby will give you a danfang and a pile of spirit grass. You need to find out the corresponding refining method for the spirit grass on danfang. There are three opportunities, and the losers will be eliminated directly."

"Well, now start the competition."

After the referee announced the end of the game, Lou Muyan picked up the pill to be refined and looked at it. It was a four product essence nourishing pill.

It's the same pill as the qualifier, but the required quality has increased by one level.

In fact, many kinds of pills have room for upgrading. As long as you add some other spiritual grass to improve the level, and then improve the year when you need spiritual grass.

However, the more the pill is upgraded from low-level to high-level, the more difficult it is to refine. It not only needs previous refining experience, but also needs to carefully look for refining inspiration again and again.

It's just that it may be difficult for other alchemists, but it's a piece of cake for Lou Muyan.

Not to mention that there are ready-made spiritual herbs and refining methods, but there are many upgrading links. Even the missing danfang may repair it with her ability.

Without hesitation, she picked up the things in the first tray on the table and threw them into the furnace.

Then he divided the spirit into more than 20 strands, wrapped the spirit grass in the Dan stove and began to control the flame refining.

On the high-level viewing table of zongmen, several leaders of zongmen's Hospital, Lou Muyan, were stunned when he used this method to refine pills.

"The girl threw all the spirit grass into the Dan stove again. She was too entrusted." the courtyard master of haoyuezong wanted to find fault all the time.

A hospital leader of Yaozong sighed and said, "there is a difference between the fourth pill and the third pill. It's not wise for her to continue refining pills in order to save time."

"What do you old people know? What suits you is the best. Since Lou girl dares to refine like this, she must have her own plan and assurance. You need to comment?" huolinglong snorted coldly.

The master of haoyuezong held his breath, "let's wait and see."

"Linglong, your hot temper is too easy to offend people." before huolinglong spoke, there was a sigh in the sea, and the pupils in her apricot eyes shrank.

As soon as she looked up, she saw the handsome face with light sorrow. She took a deep breath, started on her side, and whispered back, "I don't know you well. If you beat you together after talking about my mother."

Her voice was not hard to hear a bit of alienation and anger. The leader of Tianji palace sighed and stopped talking.

Around the time of burning incense, Lou Muyan patted the pill stove, and five full pills flew up in the air. After falling, she put them into the bottle.

"Referee, I've refined it."

After she succeeded in refining, other disciples nearby were still refining spirit grass one by one. When they heard her voice, they could hardly help but burst out rude words.

Do you want to be so fast? Many people kept refining spirit grass. Looking around, they were relieved to see that others were also refining.

Sure enough, only this woman is not a normal person