My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 140

Zhang Ping\'an sat in the car and looked at Huaxia\'s Weibo. The company\'s official Weibo has issued the slogan of "publicity and reprint". Zhang Ping\'an also reprinted the company\'s slogan: "see you or leave!" Then Zhang Ping\'an began to look at the first Weibo he sent yesterday. The message below said that he was studying in Japan. Have he read the "four famous works" of China?.

Zhang Ping\'an smiled at the news, remembered the passage on the Internet and sent today\'s first Weibo: "I saw someone at me yesterday and asked me if I\'ve seen the four famous works? I\'m an authentic Chinese, so today I\'ll tell you my impressions of the four famous works: there are many people in the world, including men, women and monsters like you! Have you read the journey to the West? Remember, all monsters without backstage will be directly killed with a stick!"

Zhang Ping\'an then sent the second article: "after the journey to the West: it\'s difficult to become a Buddha if you have a bad birth. After the observation of the Red Chamber: it\'s difficult to get married if you have a bad birth. After the observation of the Water Margin: it\'s difficult to be an official if you have a bad birth. After the observation of the Three Kingdoms: it\'s difficult to start a business if you have a bad birth."

Zhang Ping\'an sent two weibos in a row today, which made netizens laugh. In fact, such jokes are very common on weibos in the next few years, and Zhang Ping\'an just advanced these online jokes. Therefore, countless netizens laughed and left messages under Zhang Ping\'an\'s Weibo.. all kinds of "crooked solutions" about the four famous works appeared one after another!

A few minutes after Zhang Ping\'an\'s Weibo was sent, his wechat rang. Xiaodi sent a message: "hahaha... Ping\'an, are you too funny? I laughed and cried about the four famous works on his Weibo. Especially the sentence you made against netizens, \'if you don\'t have a backstage monster, you\'ll kill it with a stick!\'"

Zhang Ping\'an replied, "it\'s not so exaggerated. Did you laugh and cry?"

Fat Di: "really, laugh and cry. You\'re so funny."

Zhang Ping\'an: "in fact, my biggest feeling in reading Journey to the west is that I understand the difference between myself and Tang monk."

"What\'s the difference?"

Zhang Ping\'an\'s mouth showed an evil smile and sent this message: "Tang Monk wants to learn scriptures, and I want to marry you!"


Looking at what dot fat replied, Zhang Pingan showed the smile of victory and the love of earth. Now who can beat him? He finally came to normal and sent her the news of the show: "how\'s your performance?"

Fat Di: "it ended yesterday. I officially graduated from college from today. I have a dinner in the evening. I may go to Hengdian to shoot in two days. Some supporting roles."

Zhang Ping\'an replied, "it\'s good. You can put yourself into work immediately after graduation. You should send me a message after the show yesterday, so I should have dinner with you at noon. Hey... I\'ve just arrived in Seoul."

"It\'s all right. Why do you run around every day? One moment in Tokyo and one moment in Seoul. Isn\'t your platform going on the shelves? Won\'t you stay in Shanghai?"

"I came to find a friend to shoot some promotional videos. I\'ll be back to Shanghai in two or three days at most."

"I see. If I didn\'t go to Hengdian when you came back, I\'ll invite you to dinner. Thank you for your graduation gift!"

After Zhang Ping\'an and Xiaodi finished their wechat chat, he picked up his Korean mobile phone and sent a message to PANI: "PANI, where are you? Looking for you to shoot publicity!"

"In the dormitory, do you want to shoot today?" because Zhang Ping\'an said this thing yesterday, PANI thought it would take a few days to shoot. Unexpectedly, Zhang Ping\'an contacted her today.

"Finish shooting early, so I can edit the film. Is Taiyan in the dormitory, too? She\'s a housewife. She won\'t go out if she\'s okay." of course, Zhang Ping\'an doesn\'t. He sends the film back and asks the staff there to edit it.

"Oh, you know her very well. She\'s in the dormitory. We\'ll get ready and contact you later."


When the meeting was agreed, Zhang Ping\'an asked the staff, "does the company have a camera?"

"Yes, do you want to use it?" how can the brokerage company not have a camera? Because the practice of love beans sometimes needs to be photographed and played back by themselves, so the camera is a necessary electronic product for the brokerage company.

"Well, let\'s go to the company. I have to take a video camera to shoot a promotional film."


In the afternoon, a relatively quiet cafe near Zhang Ping\'an\'s home waited for PANI and Taiyan with a camera. Zhang Ping\'an chose his own home because it was a cafe in the alley, which was quieter than the cafe on the street. Of course, due to the geographical environment, the coffee here was slightly more expensive than other places, so it was more expensive Relatively few people.

Most of the guests who come here are people living around. They order a cup of coffee in this cafe on their way out or home.

Zhang Ping\'an ordered a cup of American style and sat here boring brushing his Weibo news. Today, the "reprint publicity method" used by his company has indeed made countless netizens reprint the news. It has indeed taught everyone a lesson in publicity means, so he has been on the hot search. If countless reprinted things can not be on the hot search, it is estimated that the "Fox net" will be questioned by the public?

Zhang Ping\'an\'s users in the message board below him randomly opened one and saw that they reproduced the message. It can be seen how successful this publicity is, and this publicity cost 270000 Chinese dollars. This publicity can be called a textbook publicity model.

Zhang Ping\'an looked proudly at today\'s publicity results when the welcome bell of the cafe rang. The old bell made a crisp \'jingle\' sound, and Zhang Ping\'an\'s eyes floated to the door. PANI and Taiyan entered the cafe one after another. PANI showed her smiling eyes when they saw Zhang Ping\'an. Zhang Ping\'an also got up to meet the two.

Zhang Ping\'an smiled and invited them to sit down and said, "have a drink. I\'ll buy it."

"Ice American."

Zhang Ping\'an went to order ice American style for the two and returned to his seat. PANI looked at Zhang Ping\'an and smiled: "Ping\'an Xi, I managed to persuade Tai Yan to help you. How are you going to repay me?"

PANI\'s character itself is quite outgoing. They have often been in touch recently. Gradually, they feel a little like friends. That\'s why PANI made such a joke with Zhang Ping\'an after meeting.

Zhang Ping\'an smiled and said, "reward? I was so moved that I wanted to promise each other, but because you are already in love, I owe this account first. By the way, you are in love openly. Haven\'t you met nikun recently?"

PANI sighed and said, "it\'s not easy for us to get a lot of heat. If we\'re photographed at this time, we\'ll have to go on a hot search. Maybe now there are reporters following me and Taiyan."

After this sentence came out, Zhang Ping\'an looked behind them and didn\'t see the reporter follow into the store.

And PANI really didn\'t meet nikun recently, because if they meet again against the hot search, it will have a great impact on their combination.

Once the hot search topic appears, the members can\'t be on the program, because when they are on the program, they will inevitably ask emotional questions, and the members will be very embarrassed when they are asked, just like when Yuner\'s love news appeared, people in their girlhood had to be on the program because of publicity. In the program, they can only say that we know this thing, and they can\'t say more about it.

The brokerage company will generally refuse the program invitation when the love affair of anyone in the love bean group gets on the hot search, and even the commercial show will not accept it, so as to let the parties avoid the attention of the media. That\'s why PANI doesn\'t dare to let his love get on the hot search again, otherwise it will cause certain economic losses to his members.

Before Zhang Ping\'an returned to 2014, many stars fell in love openly. And he wouldn\'t want to be so evasive at this time, so he smiled and said, "now that it\'s public, I don\'t think it\'s necessary to be evasive. Let the reporters shoot it. Their news has been posted more often, fans are used to seeing love news, and the reporters naturally lose interest."

PANI shook his head and said, "it\'s not as simple as what you said. We will have a lot of concerns in love. When we were girls, 2pm, we weren\'t the only two, and the company would put pressure on us."

"This is also true." Zhang Ping\'an nodded understandably. At this time, the coffee was delivered to them. The waiter came with a paper and pen. When she delivered the coffee, she asked Taiyan and PANI for their signatures. They gave their signatures with full marks for the fan service.

Taiyan took a sip of coffee and said the first sentence after she came in: "how are you and your girlfriend? Have you completely divided? Have you not reconciled?"

"I broke up completely after that day. Because I sent her a message before I made an appointment with you. I asked her where she was. She said she was shopping with her friends, but it turned out to be socializing. So..."

After listening to Zhang Ping\'an\'s story about his relationship, Taiyan can only say sorry again.

Zhang Ping\'an smiled and said, "don\'t be sorry. I\'ll ask you two to help record the propaganda this time."

Zhang Ping\'an began to say something to them, and then asked them both to shoot the propaganda. After Zhang Ping\'an closed his camera, he said in a whim: "Taiyan, you can help shoot a short video of me and PANI. It\'s funny."

"Oh." Taiyan started shooting with a camera. She first looked at the camera herself. After she showed her face, she temporarily assumed the post of "cameraman".

She picked up the camera and stood next to it. Zhang Ping\'an said to PANI, "PANI, what type are you?"

PANI thought Zhang Ping\'an was talking about blood type. She replied, "I\'m type O!"

Zhang Ping\'an looked at her seriously and said, "no, you are my ideal type."

Before PANI could respond, cameraman Kim Tae Yeon burst into laughter: "Pooh ha ha ~ ~"

The love of soil is not enough to prevent!