My Empire War Game

Chapter 7

Seeing Su Lun\'s clothes, the surrounding slave traders came forward to introduce them, but Su Lun had no interest in these lowest slaves. If these people are used as territorial guards, it is estimated that a group of goblins and dog headed people can defeat them.

Sending the slavers away, Suellen went further into the slave market. Naturally, the slave market will not be all slaves of this kind. When they come to the market, the environment here is much better. At least there is no sewage cross flow on the road.

The slaves here looked neat and tidy, and the slave traders were not as enthusiastic as those before. They would only answer questions. The slaves here are basically trained and can be bought back to work. The price is about three jinnars.

If Suellen wants to buy slaves for farming, these are the best choices.

In addition to these slaves, some were proficient in a skill. The price of these artisan slaves was expensive, ranging from hardware NAR to 50 jinnar. In the tent behind the slave traders, there were the most popular female slaves in the slave market. Suellen went in and had a look.

The scene inside gave him the feeling of a small island film in his previous life. It was white and only covered the key parts. The price ranges from the lowest five jinnars to two hundred jinnars. As for ELF female slaves, they basically don\'t. Since the Emerald Forest was closed, no elves have appeared on the mainland for a long time.

Sulun used his strong willpower to get himself out of the tent. He was really afraid that if he stayed any longer, he would buy several high-quality female slaves of 200 gold coins and force himself not to look back. Sulun came to the special slaves next to him. The slaves here are basically Asian.

For example, northern barbarians, centaurs, orcs, etc. sulun\'s purpose is northern barbarians. Northern barbarians are not a race, but a general term of northern barbarians. There are many tribes living in the northern wilderness. These tribes are backward and barbaric.

Among the northern barbarians, there are dozens of mountain barbarians, barbarians, ice barbarians and so on. These barbarians are close to humans in appearance and tall. They are generally more than one meter eight, and some are more than two meters.

Some barbarians can become elite soldiers after systematic training. The nobles in the northern provinces have more or less barbarian soldiers. Don\'t think these soldiers are unreliable. In fact, the loyalty of these barbarian soldiers is good, because barbarians are distributed among tribes, so in the eyes of these barbarians, except their own tribes, other tribes belong to the enemy.

There is no hesitation in killing people from other tribes.

The lowest price for a trained barbarian soldier is 35 jinnars. The cruel natural environment gives these people strong physique. If weapons, equipment and numbers are not counted, ordinary people are not the opponent of these barbarians at all.

"A barbarian soldier needs at least 35 jinnars. With weapons and equipment, it is estimated that a qualified barbarian soldier will need 150 jinnars. Even if he loses his fortune, he can only equip 30 elite." sulun frowned. He only has more than 5000 gold coins left, except for some to buy other things, The rest are ready to be bought as slaves.

Thirty elite soldiers who want to explore territory are daydreaming, unless their strength is all Knight level. Knight level can obtain manor and aristocratic status as long as they are loyal to a great noble. They will not explore territory with you until they are full.

The rest of jinnar sulun was ready to buy food and tools for land reclamation. In addition to these barbarians, there are orcs in the slave market, among which the most popular are the cat and fox. You know, the women of these two races are very beautiful. And those furry ears and tails are more attractive to some people.

Su Lun\'s wish was to buy a cat maid and a fox tail maid, but she had to give up after considering the problem of territory.

Just when Su Lun was considering buying that kind of slave, he suddenly saw a group of strange slaves on the roadside. Other slaves were either strong or skilled, but the slaves in front of him were interesting. They were old and young together. At a glance, he could see that these slaves were bringing families.

Generally speaking, there are not many slaves with families, because such slaves are difficult to sell. Many people buy slaves because they have low cost and can make money for them, but slaves with families are not cost-effective. If there is a labor force, it is OK. If there is no labor force, it will be a burden to those who buy slaves, or even a loss.

Of course, it\'s not that the slaves brought by the family are not popular. For example, some craftsmen with special skills will buy these slaves together with their families in order to make them work hard.

But the slaves in front of us are not craftsmen, but barbarians. Barbarians are also a kind of barbarians. Most of them are about two meters tall and powerful. They are excellent soldiers. Moreover, this barbarian also has a special profession - Crazy soldiers.

Berserker has Berserker skills. Berserker after Berserker is a killing machine on the battlefield. However, Berserker has a well-known disadvantage, that is, there is no discipline after Berserker, and there is only one idea - recklessness.

This is a complete disaster for the human army that emphasizes discipline. Some people once coveted the fighting power of crazy soldiers and incorporated them into the army to go to the battlefield. As a result, these guys went crazy on the battlefield and charged without regard to the camp. Their own army was disturbed by them.

As a result, the general of the other side seized the opportunity and sent cavalry to bypass these people and make trouble with the Yellow Dragon. When all his marshals were caught, which crazy soldiers with hot heads were still charging.

Therefore, since then, crazy soldiers have been refused to join the army. Even if they join, they are also cannon fodder camp or dead soldier camp. These armies are used to carry out charging or post-mortem, and basically have dead and lifeless orders. They don\'t need other operations, just be reckless.

It is also because of this that crazy soldiers, powerful barbarian slaves, are a little embarrassed. As disposable consumables, their prices are too expensive.

This is especially true for the barbarians in front of them. In addition to soldiers, they also have a large number of old people and children, which makes these barbarians unattractive.

Although these crazy soldiers can\'t participate in the Legion battle, it\'s very suitable to fight in a small range. It\'s just right for sulun to explore the territory. Anyway, the wilderness tribes also have no discipline. Both sides are at the same level, and no one is worse than anyone. It depends on personal force at this time.

These barbarians and crazy soldiers are not afraid of anyone in the field wave war.

Another more important reason is that the price of these crazy soldiers is very low, which is the main reason.