My Empire War Game

Chapter 354


The northern barbarian robbers who rushed up were directly laid down, and then a battle flag was raised in the motorcade. On the battle flag was painted a shield and a strange long gun, and a fierce frost pterosaur was painted on the shield, which was the flag of the north town.

After seeing the flag, the remaining robbers seemed to have some riots. It was obvious that someone recognized the flag.

"They are Orc butchers. They are the caravan in the north of the town!"

There was a sudden exclamation among the robbers. The reputation of Zhenbei city can now be called the retreat of evil spirits in the northern wasteland. After discovering that the caravan belongs to Zhenbei City, the robbers seemed to be frightened. Seeing these robbers make such obvious mistakes, the soldiers of Zhenbei city won\'t miss a good opportunity.

Taking this opportunity, he rushed up directly. Su Lun didn\'t have to fight at all. His soldiers broke up the robbers just by charging. Then there was rout. Many people even dropped their weapons and chose to surrender. Of course, some robbers wanted to fight to the end. As a result, he was taken away by a wave of hand axes and shotguns.

The whole battle lasted for a lot of time. Within half an hour from the beginning to the end, these more than 200 northern barbarian bandits were completely defeated. In addition to dozens of dead people, most of the rest were captured, and some escaped first by smearing oil on the soles of their feet.

"Take them to torture."

Su Lun waved his hand to two drow elves to interrogate the prisoners. "I want to know how these robbers stare at us and where their nest is?"

"Others went to clean the battlefield, collect spoils, and repair the damaged carriages."

"Yes, sir," said the barbarian captain respectfully, and then began to command the others to clean the battlefield.

These barbarian bandits in the north are generally equipped. Their weapons can only be recast. They don\'t have any decent armor. Their fur is pretty good. Unfortunately, they look too dirty and their bodies need to be buried. In addition, these prisoners should also be escorted back.

The torture of the drow elves was very efficient, and several screams came from the prisoners from time to time. About a few minutes later, two drow elves in charge of torture ran over and whispered a few words in Suellen\'s ear.

Su Lun\'s eyes lit up and then said, "their tribe is nearby?"

"Are you sure he didn\'t lie?"

The drow elf standing nearby patted his chest and promised, "Sir, with our drow ELF\'s torture skills, do you think these simple minded guys can deceive us? I tortured five prisoners respectively, and their answers were the same. These northern barbarians went south, which is said to avoid the Frost Giant."

"Frost Giant?" Su Lun said in some surprise, "Frost Giant has gone south?"

Frost Giant is a kind of pure blood giant. In the records of wizards, this pure blood giant living in the material plane is divided into six kinds: cloud giant, Frost Giant, Hill Giant, fire giant, stone giant and Storm Giant.

These giants have their own sequence. The highest level is storm giant, the lowest is hill giant, and then some relatives, such as ogre, double headed giant, swamp giant and many hybrid giants and subspecies.

Giant species are highly hierarchical. The giants with the lowest order in the high-level branches are higher than those with the highest order in the next level branches. For example, the chiefs of the mountain giant tribe often have a higher status than an ordinary stone giant.

Frost Giant is a race living in the north. They have always claimed that the roof of the world (the North ice sheet) is their private territory, but this statement is not recognized by other races.

The northern wasteland continues to the north, which is the ice field, also known as the northern ice field. If it continues to the north, the terrain will gradually rise. The whole northern territory is a cold, rugged and sparsely populated area, which is covered with snow and ice mountains, rocky hills, dense forests and misty valleys.

This place is dotted with isolated fortresses, ancient tombs and many relics of the Lost Empire. To the west of the north is the golden desert, the territory of the desert kingdom. To the East is the sea, to the south is the northern wasteland, and to the north is the endless sea. In the northern ice sheet, only some valleys are dotted with sporadic human towns.

Frost giants are distributed on the northern ice sheet in the form of tribes. A Frost Giant tribe usually has 30 to 50 frost giants, 20 to 30 ogres, plus a mentor, about 30 winter wolves and 1-2 young white dragons.

When it comes to Frost Giant, we have to mention the white dragon among the five colored dragons. As the weakest white dragon among the five colored dragons, they are not only the lowest in wisdom, but also the smallest in size. However, although the strength of the white dragon is the lowest among the five colored Dragons, they are the largest among the five colored dragons.

Red and blue dragons usually have three eggs in a nest, while white dragons have six, and the hatching rate is the highest. According to this number, in a few years, the traces of white dragons will be all over the northern ice sheet, but it is a pity that they have to face the attack of their old enemy Frost Giant.

An adult white dragon can easily kill a frost giant, but frost giants usually like to sneak attacks on juvenile white dragons. In a way, these frost giants maintain the ecological balance on the ice field.

Frost giants usually hunt in groups. The main targets of large groups of frost giants are usually polar ice bears or white dragon nests. Even adult white dragons have only the chance to escape in the face of groups of frost giants. They regard hunting and killing white dragons as the highest honor and generally worship the ice queen hermesid and the storm Lord taros.

They are as ferocious and aggressive as the white dragon, and the Frost Giant is basically not responsible for the children\'s food. If they want to live, they can only hunt by themselves. And not only are they not responsible for food, they also usually plunder their children\'s booty, which leads to the Frost Giant\'s children to follow suit when they grow up.

Ruthlessness, ruthlessness, selfishness, belligerence and tyranny are the fine traditions of their family. They are the most difficult hunters in the northern ice sheet. The frost giant will hunt powerful beasts or white dragons. They will offer these sacrifices to the storm Lord taros. If he is lucky enough and the sacrifice satisfies the storm Lord, he may get the grace of the storm Lord and become a storm warrior or priest.

Now these robbers say that there is a Frost Giant going south, which makes Su Lun a little wary. The Frost Giant is not an ORC. The adult Frost Giant is level 4, and the Frost Giant chief has reached level 5. Although it is only the lowest level 21, some powerful ones will reach level 22 or 23, and the frost giant king is also a strong one at level 26.

"Sir, is that tribe..." the drow elf next to him asked.

"Of course, we should catch them. The whole family should be neat, right?" Su ethics said.

Since a northern barbarian tribe has been found, and this tribe attacked itself before, sulun does not intend to let this tribe go in any way.

"Leave some people to watch the prisoners, and others to follow me!" Suellen said directly.

The information tortured by the drow elves is very complete. The northern tribe is not far from here. It took a party of people about two hours to come near the tribe.

From the outside, this is a barbarian tribe of about 500 people. The tribe is somewhat broken. Some are tents and some are wooden houses. Judging from the old and new degree of the wooden house, the tribe did not migrate here for a long time, no more than two months at most.

At this time, some of the tribe went hunting, while the other became robbers and was eaten by the army of Zhenbei city. Now there are not many people in the camp. Seeing this situation, Su Lun ordered to attack, but at this time, a noise came.

On the back of the tribe, a group of tall human beings are attacking the tribe\'s camp. A closer look shows that they have a firm face like a rock, with sharp teeth exposed from the cracked corners of their mouths. They look particularly ferocious. Under the light blue skin are majestic muscles, and there are blood tube knots on them. Obviously, they contain powerful power.

This group of humanoid creatures gathered in groups, about seven or eight, scattered to attack the barbarian tribes. They were wrapped in simple fur and showed their scarred chests. These people walked like flying one by one. The huge long handled battle axe and nail hammer looked ferocious and terrible. The first one was wearing a black ox horn helmet, Surrounded by a frightening momentum.

Obviously, they are not human. Although Suellen saw this creature for the first time, he immediately recognized that it was a group of frost giants.

"What\'s the Frost Giant doing here?" sulun muttered to himself, looking at the frost giant who easily overturned the northern barbarian tribe.

"Sir, are we still going on?" a barbarian soldier nearby whispered.

Su Lun didn\'t speak. There were thirty frost giants in this group, and the leader was even more legendary. The soldiers around Su Lun had the highest level, but only three levels. Even the most ordinary frost giants were one level higher than them. If there was a war, even if they killed these frost giants, they would win miserably.

The Frost Giant chief sulun is sure to solve it, but ordinary frost giants are likely to cause heavy damage to the army in the north of the town when he fights with the Frost Giant chief.

"Wait a minute." Su Lun shook his head and waved to the herald, took out a token and asked him to send a message to the north town.

The barbarian tribe that had lost a lot of combat power could not resist the attack of Frost Giant. Soon, the barbarian tribe was occupied by frost giant. Frost Giant seemed to have no intention to leave, but directly occupied the magpie\'s nest. Seeing this situation, Su Lun left two smart soldiers to monitor and returned to the caravan with the rest of the people.