My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 43

They are still too young

The state of safety in the sky won\'t last long.

Zombies really can\'t fly, but other winged birds can fly.

In particular, infected birds can not only fly, but also be defenseless.

If you don\'t pay attention, you will be just. Cai Wenjie saw people attacked by groups of zombie birds in previous lives.

Because they are no longer afraid of death, zombie birds directly launch a death charge against any living creature in the high altitude.

One by one, zombie birds, with their sharp beaks, directly in the flesh of their prey at the speed of charging, hold bleeding flesh, leaving empty holes.

Basically, none of the creatures attacked by zombie birds can survive. Even if they are lucky to survive, they will be infected into zombies in less than a minute, and they still can\'t get rid of the fate of death.

Of course, there are no zombie birds, and people have not noticed the danger of birds.

Moreover, zombie birds are dying out quickly, mostly because of the corrosivity of the virus, which corrodes their wings and makes them unable to fly. They can only fall on the ground and be trampled to death. Another major reason is that birds infected with the virus cannot reproduce.

Birds who like death charge basically can\'t fly once and can only be trampled to death.

The number of deaths is too large to reproduce, and the final consequence is to perish.

Of course, Cai Wenjie still doesn\'t know what these female students think. He just wonders why the atmosphere is a little dull. He hasn\'t figured it out for a while, so he doesn\'t think much.

He returned to the back of the bus and began to pick up VSS and shoot passing zombies.

Xu Tao on the other side finally saw the rescue helicopter. Bai Feng and Zhou Xing in the helicopter also saw the red smoke floating on the roof not far away and the signal bomb taking off.

"Found target approaching"


The helicopter came to the roof slowly and did not land on the open space on the roof for fear of causing collapse.

Only less than three meters above the roof, he put down the ladder and let Xu Tao climb up.

"Come on! Climb up the ladder!"

Zhou Xing came to the hatch of the helicopter, threw out the ladder and shouted to Xu Tao below

Xu Tao looks at the falling ladder and grabs both sides of the ladder with Xiong Tao.

Act as a human flesh anchor and shout.

"You go up, Zhou Xiaoling, you\'re the first!"


Everyone agreed to let Zhou Xiaoling get on the helicopter first.

Without the slightest hesitation, Zhou Xiaoling climbed the ladder, because she knew that instead of pushing around, she might as well go up quickly and strive for all the staff to board the plane quickly.

With the cooperation of the team members, they quickly boarded the helicopter.

After seeing all the last team members board the helicopter, Zhou Xing returned to the helicopter cab, nodded to Bai Feng and said

"Everyone has come up. Let\'s go back."

"OK! Sit down, everybody"

The rescue helicopter soon took off and began to fly back.

After Xu Tao and others sat down, they finally breathed a sigh of relief. The building below has been crowded with zombies, which are attracted by the noise of rescue helicopters.

Now he is crowding zombies, whining Xuanxuan shouting.

As the team leader, Xu Tao thanked the helicopter pilot

"Thank you for coming in such a timely manner. Maybe we\'ll explain here if we slow down."

"You\'re welcome. You\'re all trying to save other talents from getting into trouble. We admire your spirit of giving everything for others."

"By the way, is it convenient to ask about your task? Of course. If it\'s confidential, when I didn\'t say"

"Nothing is impossible. This mission is not a confidential mission."

In front of Xu Tao, Chen Dong first replied to Bai Feng, and then began to introduce the task.

"This time we are trying to rescue an old national treasure Professor trapped in YJ University. It is said that he studies viruses and other survivors who may survive."

Chen Dong began to talk slowly about the mission

"We drove a military truck all the way to the main entrance of the University, but we didn\'t expect that the main entrance of the university had been surrounded by zombies. It was impossible to rush in. We had to turn around and look for another way. At that time, I was almost thrown out of the car in order to escape the corpses."

When talking about the wave of zombies at the front door and the fact that he was almost thrown out of the car, Chen Dong still looked scared.

"Fortunately, Comrade Zhou Xiaoling in our team brought a little thing to attract the attention of zombies, so that we could escape the pursuit of zombies."

He also pointed to Zhou Xiaoling, and then continued

"After that, we followed another road, went to the back door of the University, and then went to the No. 1 canteen where Professor Dong existed for rescue operations, but we didn\'t expect that there was no one after we came to the canteen. There were only a few bullet casings on the scene, so we suspected that Professor Dong had been rescued."

With that, Chen Dong took out a bullet case from his pocket and handed it to Bai Feng in the cab.

"No, look, that\'s it. I found more than a dozen bullet casings. I also picked up one to go back to work."

Bai Feng took the cartridge case and observed it carefully. He didn\'t find any problems, so he handed it to Zhou Xing for him to see.

Because Bai Feng and Zhou Xing didn\'t have many chances to touch the gun, they didn\'t find any difference in the bullet case. Zhou Xing returned it to Chen Dong after reading it.

Chen Dong continued

"We searched carefully and got nothing. We had to go back to the truck, but when we went back, we met a stray dog infected with the virus and attacked us. We had to fight back, and the gunfire attracted the surrounding zombies.

When we returned to the truck, a large number of zombies had gathered at the back door exit. We had no choice but to hit it. Fortunately, we broke through.

However, the truck was scrapped because it hit too many zombies. It had to stop not far from there, and then came to the roof of the residential building to wait for rescue. As you know, we succeeded in waiting for your rescue. "

Chen Dong\'s tuberculosis attribute is very incisive at the moment.

"According to the student who escaped from the gathering place, Professor Dong is in his seventies, and the students and teachers trapped with Professor Dong are female students and teachers, especially one of the girls who looks less than 10 years old."

There is something wrong with Bai Feng.

The group of people mentioned by Chen Dong just now seems to be the group of people he met when he just came here.

"Brother, how many people are you talking about? Are you sure they are all the women except Professor Dong?"

In order to verify the idea in his heart, Bai Feng suddenly asked Chen Dong a question

"I\'m not too sure, but according to the student, it seems that it is. What\'s the matter? What\'s the problem?

Hearing Chen Dong\'s reply, Bai Feng has confirmed his mind.