My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 4265

"Destiny! What are you doing? Didn\'t you say that you won\'t be on the imperial sword in the first round?"

"The sword God in the first round? The lone sword... I\'m afraid it will be given away in vain," said the beauty God Freja with a smile.

"Lord Meishen seems very happy to see this scene?" Simon Yin Yang strange airway.

Scarlett snorted coldly, too lazy to answer.

Dugujian obviously had no confidence in his own combat power. He looked back at his destiny.

"Otherwise, it may not be a good strategy to give up and consume the sword God\'s rounds," Antu said.


Destiny\'s eyes twinkled and said, "if the other party doesn\'t play cards according to common sense, it must be that he has calculated our first unique sword."

"Since the other side dares to fight like this, they must feel that this arrangement is sure that they will win more victories before they let the sword God take the lead."

The destiny thought, "in that case... Antu, you replace Dugu Jian."

Antu was reluctant, but his "destiny" could not be violated, so he had to agree.

This arrangement is obviously tacit. She is the weakest link among the seven.

As a matter of fact, both sides in this battle have no idea. The safest way is to defeat the weak with the strong.

If you really want to get stuck, you may have to fight for your life. This is definitely not what the creators want to meet.

Soon, Fang Henshao received a replacement request from the temple.

"Everyone, I just got the news that the temple is using a temporary replacement opportunity. The female god of war anda, Antu, will replace dugujian!"

But before long, Fang Henshao received another message

"The five TaiFang should also exercise the right to exchange the nine robbers of the green dragon and the Ji nameless to replace the sword God!"

Everyone at the temple was dumbfounded.

"They change too?"

"It\'s strange. Since we have to change people, why should we send sword gods to play at the beginning?"

Destiny couldn\'t help laughing. "Interesting... It seems that the military division in the opposing array ran to consume this in exchange for human rights from the very beginning."

"Do you mean that she wants to force us to use this variable in advance, so as to make the rear array more predictable?" Xiao Yu asked.

"It should be like this... At present, the other party\'s layout ability is not under me," destiny\'s eyes twinkled.

While talking, Antu has gone to the new world battlefield through the transmission array.

In the rest room, Wolfgang was a little dissatisfied and said, "God, why don\'t you let that big beast head? Since it\'s an animal God, isn\'t it just right to fight the nine robbers of the green dragon?"

In the direction pointed by the God of war, a large figure was wearing armor made of various divine animal skins.

The fifth beast God in the history of the academy has been pestling there without saying a word since he came here.

However, because the beast God had been missing for many years, no one knew him at all, and no one greeted him.

"The strength of the beast God may not be under your God of war, but it can be used as a strange soldier to suppress the array". However, the destiny suddenly said something amazing.

All the gods who were present saw it one after another. They didn\'t take the beast God seriously, but they were shocked!

"The emperor of heaven, are you serious?"

Xiao Yu was most shocked. He thought that among the seven people, except for destiny and Wolfgang, no one could rank above him.

But I didn\'t expect that the beast God, who didn\'t even bother to look at him, was so powerful!?

"It\'s a big deal. Why should I lie to you?"

The emperor looked at the beast God with complicated eyes. If he hadn\'t seen it with his own eyes, he couldn\'t believe it. There are still such masters around the creator God.

Wolfgang\'s hands itched. "Damn it, I wish I could fight this guy first if you said so!"

The beast God turned a deaf ear to all kinds of eyes and comments around him.

At the same time, Ji Mingming and Antu have started a war on the battlefield of the new world.

The battlefield with ultra-high chaotic quality puts great pressure on the action tracks and actions of the two creators.

This is not only to reduce the probability of death and injury, but also to "live broadcast effect", Fang Henshao paid for it.

"The wind returns to the snow!"

Ji Mingming chose to use the power of Tianfeng and xuanbing according to the situation of the battlefield, making the battlefield even more difficult.

The sky wind keeps blowing up the dark ice and snow, making Antu\'s track of action slow down.

At the same time, Ji Mingming continued to use the "heart burying thunder" to strike Antu mentally.

As the God of war of Anda civilization, Antu is proficient in all melee skills.

Her keen sense of the battlefield, even in the cold darkness, can find Ji nameless position.

After calling out his "God of war" to separate, Antu chased Ji Mingming in the air!

As for the power of heart burying thunder, it can be ignored for Antu!

One of them uses the power of dragon blood and the other uses melee skills. There is no mysterious picture of space jumping and time flowing that many people imagine.

The power of time and space will not work well in such a creator battle.

After all, I have a deep understanding of time and space.

Therefore, the actual chaotic energy, the fist to flesh attack, or the higher level of the profound meaning, is the key to the victory.

Both sides are old creators. Judging from the paper strength, Ji Mingming should be better.

However, Antu basically knows the ability of nine robbers of the green dragon. In addition, he has the God of war blood, even if his physical strength is not as strong as that of the green dragon.

After calling out his "God of war" to separate, Antu almost played two to one, and there were also some fights on the scene.

After all, this war is of great importance. At the beginning, they did not exert their full strength, and fell into a trial phase with each other.


The rest room of the fifth TaiFang.

The queen of thousands of faces Suddenly uttered a doubt.

YeFan looked at her unexpectedly, but she seldom took the initiative to speak.

"What\'s the matter? Is there a problem with the battle?"

"Hehe, I can\'t hurry. Although the other party seems ordinary, it\'s important that he has no flaws. He is really a strong man who has experienced many battles," said lisiye.

Qianmian frowned, but suddenly turned to the transmission array, which is a conventional channel to leave the battlefield of the new world.

When she went up, she launched the transmission array

As a result, no response?

"The transmission array cannot be used."

"What!?" Everyone looked at it in surprise.

Qianmian said: "I was going to contact him and tell him the situation here, but I couldn\'t contact him..."

"You said you couldn\'t contact Lao Lin?"

A thousand faces nodded.

Ye Fan\'s face sank. At the beginning, the connection between the demon Dragon Emperor and the queen of thousands of faces could not be blocked because of a new world battlefield!

After all, Fang Henshao, the God of wisdom and the God of fire have no such ability!

The key is... It is not necessary to block here under normal circumstances!

"No... the portal cannot be opened!" Yan Emperor tried and found that the power of space could not be used? Ji Xuanyuan looked up innocently: "have you found out until now? I have tried it for a long time. I thought it was normal..."

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