My Cell Prison

Chapter 27

Chen Li, who is in prison, is Han Dong's permanent assistant.

Giving Chen Li this opportunity to strengthen her fate also indirectly strengthens the prison and Han Dong's overall strength.

After all, Chen Li is in the brain prison, on call, like a shadow.

Chen Li held the Holy Grail in her hands, but she was puzzled.

But because of the special relationship between them, she will not doubt Han Dong To a certain extent, Han Dong is her master.

Gollum! Gollum!

After drinking the liquid in the Holy Grail, it will take effect immediately.

A strong evil spirit overflows from Chen Li's skin pores Even black hair is driven by such evil spirits, floating in the air.

A dark vein of dark roots, all over Chen Li's arm, the bones creak.

A few minutes went by.

When Chen Li opened her eyes again, she showed more ferocity than ever.

"After refining evil successfully, the combat rating of the shelter [Chen Li, the evil spirit] has been upgraded to: D -"

"Chen Li, you are stronger!"

"Well Thank you

Chen Li feels the changes in her body. Her mood is a little agitated. She wants to embrace Han Dong But also consider what kind of action to stop hugging.

"You're welcome. There are still many places for your help in the future.

For the time being, when I go back to the world over there, I will try to get you some food, and occasionally let you go out for a little activity. "


The relationship between them is not very familiar, and Han dongben is one of those people who don't know much about "socializing" At the end of their cooperation, they didn't know what to say for a while.

At this point, the fate of novice events are all over.

Hum! (tinnitus)

when he opened his eyes again, Han Dong appeared in the familiar [Memorial square].

However, compared with the scene where thousands of people gathered a few days ago, only South Korea and East Korea emerged.

Since the time limit of each event is different, different "returnees" will appear at different time points.


"Returnees! New returnees... "

The square is off limits.

Around the ordinary residents can only vaguely see Han Dong in the middle of the square.

Before he could see Han Dong's face clearly, a soft leather mask was directly put on his head to hide his face.

"Mount the horse

Han Dong looked up and saw that the man who put on his mask was a member of the black rose Knight order.

It's just that Han Dong's thin and weak body can't climb the horse's back which is the same as his height His hands were on the horse's back several times in succession, and his feet never left the ground.

Although the knight was wearing a mask, he was obviously a little impatient. He grabbed Han Dong's linen collar and screwed on his horse easily The half transformed metal horseshoe galloped toward the depths of the holy city.

Everywhere the black gold horses went, the pedestrians on the road all slightly bowed their heads, staring at the knight with a kind of worship eyes There is such an envious look at Han Dong.

They are very clear that this young man escorted by knights is the "returnee" who came out of the space of destiny alive.

"Out of the neighborhood?"

As the horses crossed an inner river and a guard post, they reached an empty open street.

This can be different from the narrow, dirty roads of civilian areas.

The open roads are built with good quality marble embedded with cement.

There is a kerosene lamp on both sides of the road every 50 meters apart. The brass metal lamp pole is also carved with various patterns.

On the right side of the road is an inner city canal with a width of nearly 100 meters. There are several steam powered boats sailing on the river. Most of them are responsible for the transportation of goods. On the hull, there are giant symbols symbolizing the "unit" they belong to.

On the left side of the road, there is a dark stone wall about eight meters high.

Han Dong vaguely saw that the stone wall surface occasionally appeared some kind of transparent colorful lines, which seemed unable to get close to easily.

The length of the stone wall is the same as that of the road. If you look at it, you can't see the end at all.

Han Dong didn't ask about the destination he asked for. After all, the result would not change because of his inquiry. He only needed to follow the knight to the end.

All of a sudden.

The black horse stopped.

The knight grabbed Han Dong, dismounted and stood in front of the stone wall.

As the knight reached out and touched the stone wall in front of him, an incredible scene happened At the touch of the palm, the stone wall turned into an iron door. I don't know where to go inside.

The knight cast his eyes through the goggles, indicating Han Dong to get in quickly.

There is no retreat, no choice.

He walked about 3000 meters in the dark passage, which was nothing to Han Dong, who had been looking for the corpse for seven years under the cellular form.

Push open a similar iron door at the end.Step into an open, warm room.

The fireplace fire dispelled the chill in Han Dong's body. All kinds of metal decorations were hung around the walls, and a long black wooden table with brass metal edging was on the front.

Inside, there are three "elders" with different looks and costumes, who are all looking at this frail and sickly youth with different eyes.

One of them was a knight, but different from the black rose knights, he wore a light white armor.

Without any mask, his handsome white face and long flowing golden shawl hair give Han Dong his first image as the iconic Knights of the temple in the West.

The handsome Knight belonged to the youngest of the three, but by appearance he was only forty years old.

Sitting in the middle of the three was a red robed mage with a metal staff.

But its body size is even bigger than the knight beside him. Under the robe, he exercises his muscles and has a thick beard It's just like the barbarian race who chooses the strength advantage in the game, but points out the role of wizard talent by mistake.

Han Dong estimates that the power of this person's physical magic may be stronger than elemental magic.

Third, she is a middle-aged woman dressed in saints' clothes, with red stripes running through the white, which symbolizes her lofty status.

At the same time, she also has a pair of clear as water light eyes, giving a kind of approachable comfort.

Of the three, this woman seems to be the best person to talk about.

"It's the first time for me to see such a poor 'returnee'" But congratulations, Warren Nicholas. It's good to be promoted from civilian areas. "

After making some comments, the master asked:

"give a detailed description of the fate of your customs clearance, including the type, difficulty, requirements, and the reward you finally obtained.

Don't worry about the time. The more detailed you say, the easier it will be! You can also get the most accurate "trainee evaluation."

"I can ask What is this doing? "

Han Dong needs to understand the current situation and the other party's purpose, and then give an "appropriate" answer.

"All returnees will have a basic question and answer session. After recording your relevant experience, we will give you the title of" trainee Knight "according to your situation.

Go to the national Royal Knight Academy for professional study.

Get ready for your next trip to destiny!

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