My Boss Husband, Please Let Me Go!

Chapter 951

The next day, Qin Sangyu came to the restaurant early in the morning, and then followed the restaurant manager to get familiar with the layout of the restaurant and the allocation of various posts.

It's not easy to walk around the fourth floor. Qin Sangyu is very tired.

She took the manager Xiao Liu to do it in the rest area, and then couldn't wait to drink a whole bottle of water.

"I didn't see all of them when I came yesterday. Now I follow you around and I think this restaurant is really big!"

"It's very big. There are four floors in total. Except for the fourth floor, all the other dining areas are catering areas. However, the area division is also very obvious. The first floor is for ordinary individual dining, and the second floor is for banquet hall. Generally speaking, VIP consumption is on the third floor. As you can see today, the decoration of the third floor is top-notch. One floor can accommodate two people at a time, and each guest can have one The minimum consumption requirement is 580000! "

Qin Sangyu's expression is already in a state of surprise. Looking at Xiao Liu, she can't help but ask: "who set the consumption? Don't you think there are some overbearing terms in this minimum consumption? Besides, 180000 is really high. I know that there is no shortage of famous ladies in G City, but no one will spend so much money to charter meals every day.

I looked at the layout of the third floor. This should be the birthday or proposal of a rich man. This kind of big match will be used more! "

"There are two guests a day, and there are more than 700 receptions a year. For G City, it's really not much. As president Lu said before, he felt that there were fewer rooms. He felt that if the restaurant was publicized, he might have to wait in line for several years!"

"He is too Too confident

"Mr. Lu's self-confidence is traceable. In recent years, Mr. Lu has been successful in everything he has done!"

Qin Sangyu swallowed his mouth in an instant, and then said with a bit of disbelief: "I am not him. Although he made this restaurant, I always feel that I will fail his hope."

"Why, boss, I don't think you can do worse than Mr. Lu. With your current popularity, as soon as the restaurant is opened, it will be the online red restaurant. You don't know, the front desk received numerous calls early this morning, saying that we should make a reservation. So, I also want to say that we can open earlier. I think tomorrow will be a good day, and all of them will be good The preparatory work is all done, so the opening can definitely cope with it! "

"It will open tomorrow. Will it be too soon? The leaflet has not been printed yet, and I still want to buy an advertising space!"

"Boss, where do we need advertising? Our store is already hot enough!"

"Fire enough? What do you mean

Xiao Liu looked at Qin Sangyu's expression and then immediately asked, "boss, you don't know anything?"

"You know? What should I know? "


Small Liu Fu forehead touched the head, instantly understand, Qin Sangyu is really what do not know.

"Boss. You're angry. You know, don't you notice anything unusual when you go out? "

"Abnormal? No Qin Sangyu tried hard to think about it, and did not think of anything unusual. Xiao Liu reminded him again, "boss, did you not find that there were more people following you when you came out?"

"Follow me?"

When I came to the restaurant today, I got out of the car and walked a little distance from the door. It seemed that several passers-by looked at her.

But she didn't think much about it. She didn't think she was watching her. Besides, she lived in Luliang City. Even if someone really wanted to follow her and peep at her, it was impossible.

Xiao Liu seems to have reacted. Although she knows that Lu Liangcheng has a different relationship with her, she doesn't have the courage to ask. She only knows that the woman in front of her is definitely not ordinary. Moreover, she also knows something about Lu Liangcheng's deeds. She knows that Lu Liangcheng's wife has left. So even if the person in front of her really has that kind of relationship with Lu Liangcheng, it's very good natural.

But her attitude and patience are also several times better.

She took her hand out of her pocket and opened the video.

"Do you remember that?"

Qin Sangyu looked at it and recalled carefully, "this is the time Lu Xiao took me to go shopping. Eh, how could there be such a video? Who took it?"

"I don't know who shot it. All I know is that this video is popular on the Internet. There are a lot of big V's forwarding on Weibo, and the highest one is playing more than 6 billion!"

Although Qin Sangyu didn't pay much attention to these issues, he also understood what it meant.

But what she didn't want to understand was, how could a video of shopping become popular?

Is it because of Lu Xiao?

It should be. After all, Lu Xiao's identity is quite special.

"Are you guessing who I am? After all, there are not many people who can go shopping with Lu Xiao!"

"Part of the reason, but Forget it, boss. You'd better read it yourself and comment on what you can see! "

Qin Sangyu opened the comment, and it was clear at a glance."My God, isn't this Lu Xiao? The high cold daughter of the Lu family can let her go shopping with such a good attitude. I'm really curious about who it is. It won't be the new love of Luliang City.

After Lu Liangcheng's ex-wife died, he drank it out of the house. It's no difference. It certainly won't. besides, if it's really a new love, the Lu family must have announced it.

Do you all care about the gossip, and no one cares about the appearance of this little sister? With all due respect, this face in the video really took me off!

Wow. This little sister's beauty is too high, and this dress, lying trough, too cool.

Who is it? I guess it's a star. But if it's a star, why doesn't anyone know who it is?

Can it be the new person of Lu's group? It's not that in recent years, Lu's group has invested a lot in the film and television industry. In the first two years, they shot all the fast-paced youth idol dramas, which have made a lot of new people popular. I think it is only this possibility that I can get in touch with Lu Xiao! "

There are all kinds of speculation, of course, more praise for Qin Sangyu's face.

"Boss, you are the new mysterious fairy of the people. Everyone's love for you will overflow across the screen!"

"But But they have never seen me

"Oh, in this Internet age, it doesn't matter whether you meet or not. What's important is that they know. Anyway, you're on fire now. And yesterday, I don't know who told you that you are the boss of this restaurant. I reckon that by noon, our door will be full of people!"


"No, boss, it's not noon yet. There are many people standing outside. Eh, there are It's a reporte