My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 640 - 222: We Got Her

Brian drove to the company to meet Ken, who was waiting for him outside the building.

"How's it going?" Brian asked.

Ken shook his head.

"He hasn't called me," Ken answered.

"Then, we wait."

Once Sybil finally arrived home, she was about to play with Aaron when she heard her phone ringing. She picked it up and found it was Antonette.


"Hi, Sybil. How is Diana feeling now?"

Sybil was confused. She remembered that Antonette didn't like Diana. Why did she care so much?

"She is still in a coma," Sybil answered. Brian had told her to say that if Antonette called.

"Oh, no! So she was badly hurt?"

"Yes. Is there anything else? If not, I'm afraid I have to go," Sybil said curtly.

"Wait! What about the child?"

"How do you know there is a child?" Sybil frowned. How did Antonette know so much detail?

"I just made a guess," Antonette said innocently.

"Then stop guessing. There isn't any child." Sybil ended the call.

Although she didn't know why Brian asked her to say that she was sure that Antonette wasn't a good person, she called Brian immediately.

"Hey, Brian. She asked me about Diana," Sybil said anxiously.

"I knew she would. Thanks, Sybil." Brian ended the call and immediately turned to Ken.

"We got her."

Despite Sybil's scolding, Antonette was delighted by the good news. The thought of Diana dying in the hospital brought her much joy.

She laughed and took out her phone to call Carl. "Carl, I need to see you now. I will give you the rest of the money."

"There is no need to see me. You can transfer the money to my bank account."

Diana wasn't hurt. Carl worried that Antonette wouldn't give him the money once she found out.

Antonette refused. After what happened to Kyle, she was more cautious than before.

"No. A transfer will leave a record. I will pay you in cash."

Carl was hesitant; he didn't trust this bitch.

But Jarvis intervened to persuade him, "Boss, I think it's better to meet her. There won't be any problem if we are careful."

Carl thought for a while and finally accepted Jarvis' advice.

"Okay, let's meet in our regular place." With that, he ended the call.

Jarvis was confused. He didn't know where their meeting place was. He fretted over this for a while and then snuck out to call Ken.

"Hi, Carl said he was going to meet Antonette at the usual place. But I don't know where that is," Jarvis said anxiously.

"I see..." Ken said evenly.

"What about my wife and son?"

"Relax, they are safe and sound. Stay in touch."

Ken ended the call. He considered what to do for a few moments before informing Brian.

"Boss, they are going to meet tonight. But Jarvis doesn't know where. What should we do?"

Brian squinted his eyes, then replied, "Let's follow Antonette and see where she goes."

"Yes!" Ken answered.

"Call Simon and tell him we are going back home for dinner," Brian said.

Ken made the call at once.

Sybil had taken Aaron to Simon's house already.

Her random visit had gotten Simon all riled up.

"You never want to have dinner with me. Why are you back today? Do you think my house is a hotel?" He m.o.a.n.e.d.

Sybil didn't want to quarrel with him. So instead, she used Aaron as a cute distraction.

"Aaron, go and play with your Grandpa."

Though Simon was severe with Brian and Sybil, he was gentle and kind with Aaron. And sure enough, once he started playing with Aaron, all his anger toward Sybil disappeared.

Later, Ken arrived with Brian at the William family house. As they walked in, Simon sneered at Brian, "Wow, so you still remember that I am your father?"

Sybil looked at Aaron and nodded for him to go to his Grandpa again. So he ran forward and pulled Simon's arm.

"Grandpa, come and play with me!"

Simon smiled kindly and replied, "Okay!"

The housekeeper began bringing out the food she had prepared from the kitchen. She had worked in Simon's house since Brian was born. Seeing him and his father reunited, she was very happy.

"Everybody, the food is ready."

"Thank you, Mrs. Taylor," Brian said reverently. He really liked her; she had always treated him and Sybil well when they were younger.

"I never hear you say thank you to your father…" Simon scoffed.

"I lost my memory, remember? I have forgotten what happened before," Brian shot back.

This made Simon even angrier.

"You remember the housekeeper, but you can't remember your own father?" he shouted.

"Alright, that's enough, sit down," Fiona barked.

When Antonette came downstairs a few minutes later, she was shocked to see Sybil and Brian sitting around the table.

"Brian, Sybil, why are you two here?"

Brian shot her a dirty look. "What? Is this your house now? We can't come back for dinner?"

Sybil laughed silently.

Antonette immediately went on the defensive. "I didn't mean it like that." She looked at Simon for help. But, as always, he ignored her.

"Maybe it's better if I go…" Antonette got up and tried to excuse herself from the room.

However, she was not getting away that easily.

"My little sister, why do you want to leave so soon? Are you unhappy at our appearance?" Brian stopped her from leaving with his arm, blocking her path from the table.

Antonette smiled. "Of course not! I just have something to deal with this evening."

Simon suddenly interrupted them, "Sit down with your brother and sister. You can go out after dinner."

It was clear that he was just speaking up in support of Brian. Antonette felt frustrated and sat back down. She looked at her watch and noticed that it was already six o'clock. She had arranged to meet Carl at seven.