My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 636 - 218: Who Was The Woman?

Jarvis lowered his head and said in desperation, "They said if I didn't tell them who my boss was, they would kill my wife and my son. Boss! Save them! Please!"

"Did you say anything about me?" Carl asked.

"I swear! I didn't say anything about you or our plan. Please save my family!" Jarvis climbed forward and begged at Carl's feet.

"Stand up! I will make it up to you." Carl helped Jarvis on to his feet.

Jarvis peered cautiously at Carl, trying to read his expression. It seemed that Carl might have trusted what he said. But Carl was a suspicious man, and Jarvis knew it would take time to be trusted again.

About an hour later, one of Carl's men returned and whispered something in Carl's ear.

Carl took out some money from his wallet and said to Jarvis, "You must have suffered a lot. Take this money. I will introduce a nice woman to you."

Despite the seemingly nice words, Jarvis knew this meant Carl didn't want to save his wife and son.

"But boss…"

Carl interrupted him and held his shoulder. "Forget those sad things. Let's have some fun. I will treat you." Carl then pushed Jarvis forward towards the exit.

Jarvis gave up persuading Carl to change his mind. And he also gave up on Carl. He had done so many bad things for this man, yet he was unwilling to save his wife and son.


Meanwhile, a black Ferrari pulled up outside a private villa. A woman got out of the car with a boy in her arms, followed closely by Brian.

The woman was frightened. She had been crying and asked through sniffles, "What do you want?"

Ken came forward and explained to the woman, "We are friends of your husband. He is in danger now. So, it's safer for you to stay here."

"What happened to him? How is he?!"

Ken shook her off him. "Calm down. He is fine. We will take him to see you soon."

The woman started crying again. "No! I need to see him now!"

Brian was getting impatient. "Call Jarvis," Brian uttered to Ken.

Carl took Jarvis to a karaoke bar for the reward he'd been promised. The music was loud, the bar girls were dancing, but Jarvis wasn't in the mood. He was sick with worry about his wife and son.

And then his phone rang.

"Carl, I need to answer this," Jarvis shouted to Carl over the din.

Carl frowned. "Who is it?" He was wondering who would call Jarvis at this time, given that Jarvis' wife and son had been taken.

Jarvis grinned at him and said, "It is my mistress. She heard that my wife was away. So, she called me to see her."

His explanation was convincing enough; Carl laughed and slapped him on the back.

"I never knew that you have a mistress? You sly dog! Go ahead." Carl waved him away to take the call.

Jarvis walked casually outside. He looked around to make sure that no one was following him. And then he called back the number.


Ken threw the phone to the woman.

"Jarvis Kent! What have you done?"

Hearing his wife's voice, Jarvis was anxious.

"Gemma, are you okay?"

"I am fine. They said you are in trouble, that they are your friends and are just looking out for Freddy and me," Gemma complained.

Jarvis had to be careful not to make the situation worse.

"You stay there with Freddy for a few days. I will take you home soon," he replied.

This did not sound like good news to Gemma; she knew to be frightened.

"What have you done? Freddy and I cannot live without you!" she sobbed.

"Trust me; stay with Freddy. Now, give the phone back to the man."

Gemma wiped her tears and handed the phone to Ken.

"Hello?" Ken said coldly.

"Do not hurt my wife and my son! I will do what you asked…" Jarvis begged.

"You'd better keep your word." Ken ended the call and nodded at Brian.

Satisfied, it was time to get back to the hospital, so Ken and Brian left Gemma there in the care of the bodyguards.

Jarvis put his phone back in his pocket and hurried back to the room.

"You are so slow! Come see these girls, I chose them for you!" Carl laughed and led Jarvis to the women.

Jarvis fell onto the couch and pretended to be drunk. He glanced at Carl, who was casually groping a woman's b.r.e.a.s.ts, and made a decision. Since Carl wasn't willing to save his wife and son, Jarvis would have to do it himself. Jarvis downed the glass of wine before him and closed his eyes.

"You can leave now. Thank you," Brian said. "Let me know if anything unusual happens in the company," he added.

"I will," Ken replied, then went back to his car.

As Brian exited the elevator on the floor where Abby was being treated, he heard the clear sound of a child's laughter. Brian walked faster and saw Diana hugging Abby in the middle of the ward. Abby was giggling and playing happily with Diana's hair.

"Abby!" Brian said excitedly.

"Dad Brian!"

Brian ran over to them and hugged Abby firmly.

"Abby, I am so sorry. I won't let anyone hurt you again!"

"Okay…" Abby nodded at him and yawned. She was still recovering. Having played with Diana for a while, Abby was now feeling sleepy.

"Are you sleepy, little princess?" Brian asked.

Brian smiled and laid Abby gently down on the bed. He stroked her cheek and whispered, "Have a nice dream, my little princess."

Diana was touched by how loving Brian was with Abby. She really felt safe when he was there with them.