My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 629 - 211: Trust Me

That evening, when Diana arrived back home with Abby, she heard the doorbell ringing again.

After what happened earlier, Diana was more careful this time and didn't open the door straight away. She asked cautiously, "Who is it?"

"It's me, Diana!"

Diana heard the familiar voice. Confused, she opened the door.

"Antonette, why are you here?" she uttered coldly.

Antonette didn't wait for an invitation and strode past Diana into her apartment.

"I am just here for a catch-up. I haven't seen you for a long time." Antonette had a quick glance around the house and then sat down casually on the couch.

Diana couldn't be nice to the woman who most likely had Carol murdered. She frowned at her suspiciously.

"How did you get my address?" Not many people even knew she was back in town, let alone where she lived.

Antonette smiled innocently. "I haven't seen you for two years. Don't you have any stories to tell me?"

"I have nothing to say to you," Diana replied coldly.

"No need to be so mean, Diana," Antonette said, with a feigned look of hurt.

"Mummy, can I have a piece of chocolate?" Abby called out from the bedroom.

Antonette was excited to hear Abby's voice. She immediately got up to go and see the girl for herself.

"What do you think you're doing?" Diana moved quickly and pulled Antonette back, blocking her path to the bedroom.

"Mummy?" As Diana hadn't responded to her call, Abby wandered out from the bedroom.

Antonette smiled at Abby and waved to her. "Hello Dear, I'm Antonette."

"Abby, go back to your room. Mummy has something quick to discuss with this woman," Diana explained patiently.

With a slightly puzzled look on her face, Abby did what she was told and went back to her room.

Diana was losing her patience with Antonette already.

"What do you want?" she asked in a hushed voice. She knew Antonette must be planning something.

"Diana, you can't keep your secret anymore."

Antonette then pulled Diana's hands off her and rushed into Abby's bedroom.

The strange woman entering her room alarmed Abby. She stared at Antonette with her eyes wide open.

"Dear, do you know who your father is?" Antonette asked.

"Do you mean,…Brian?" she uttered.



Diana hugged her firmly and said gently, "Mummy is here. Don't be afraid."

"This is my house! Please leave! Now!" Diana shouted. She pointed at the door and stared at Antonette with an unforgiving look.

At that moment, the front door opened, and Brian entered the house. Hearing the commotion and raised voices, he made his way to Diana's room.

"Antonette, why are you here?" Brian looked at Antonette in disgust.

"Dad!" Seeing Brian, Abby ran to him happily. Her reaction made Antonette more confused.

"Do you know this girl?" Brian asked Diana.

"No," Diana replied coldly.

Hearing that, Brian asked Antonette to leave at once.

After being removed from the house, Antonette stood outside in confusion; she really didn't know what was going on.

"Are you okay?" Brian asked Diana.

Diana put Abby down and touched her head.

"Abby, wait for me in the bedroom," she said gently.


With Abby gone, Diana stared at Brian. "Did you tell her?"

"Of course not!" Brian answered immediately. He hadn't told anyone where Diana was living.

But Diana didn't believe him. For Abby's sake, she had to be careful.

"So how did she know my address?" Diana uttered coldly.

Brian was desperate to prove his innocence. He spoke to Diana with the most sincere tone he could, "I really don't know. I swear."

Diana couldn't be sure, but she trusted he was telling the truth. She felt tired and sunk into the sofa, exasperated.

"How could she know? What should I do?" Diana whispered. Antonette had found out about Abby, which meant that Simon would soon know too.

Brian felt guilty. He squatted down beside her. He wanted to hug her, to make her see that everything would be okay.

"Diana, I will protect the two of you," Brian said firmly.

Diana raised her head to look at Brian.

"Trust me," Brian repeated.

Somehow, Diana felt her stress was relieved a little.

"Mummy, can I have a piece of chocolate now?" Abby walked out of the bedroom. After seeing Brian squatting down beside Diana, she grinned and flashed Brian a thumbs up.

What a sweet, little angel she is! Brian thought.

"Yes, darling, just one." Diana smiled at Abby.

"Abby isn't your daughter, you know," Diana uttered coldly. Although Brian had been nice to her, she still worried that someone would take Abby away.

However, Brian didn't react, he simply sighed.

"When will you tell me the truth?" he said slowly.

"I don't know what you are talking about!"

Finally, Brian decided it was time to show Diana the report.

"What is this?" Diana frowned.

"It is the result of a paternity test," Brian replied calmly.

"How dare you!" Diana was overwhelmed with anger. She threw the report at Brian.

"I trust you! I just wanted to…" Brian explained.

Before Brian could finish, Diana interrupted, "You wanted to do what? You investigated her! I never said you are her father. How could you do that?!"

Brian was anxious Diana's response was understandable; he had been slightly devious in having the test done. He moved to comfort Diana and held her shoulders tenderly.

"I didn't mean to deceive you. I just want to protect you and Abby. Please trust that I only want the best for both of you," Brian continued.

Diana felt a complicated feeling. She didn't know what to say.

Luckily for her, Brian's phone started ringing and interrupted their exchange.

He answered it, impatiently, "What?"

Whatever Brian was told on the phone was obviously not good news, as immediately after hanging up, he had to go. Just like that, he hurried out of the house to his car.

Diana stood in the living room, contemplating the situation.

"Mummy, did Dad make you angry?" Abby came out of the bedroom to see if her mother was alright.