My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 625 - 207: Why Are You Still Here?

Seeing Antonette was looking somewhere else, Mr. Foster reached out his hand and playfully slapped Antonette's t.h.i.g.h as punishment.

"If you disappoint me, I won't cooperate with you," Mr. Foster threatened.

"No… Mr. Foster." Responding quickly to his threat, Antonette smiled sweetly at the man and held his hand.

Mr. Foster enjoyed Antonette's seductive ways.

"Once I know that you can really please me, there won't be any problem with our cooperation."

Antonette smiled cutely and edged closer to Mr. Foster, placing her hand suggestively on his leg.

Mr. Foster laughed loudly. He knew what he could do to this girl.

Seeing the fat middle-aged man before her, Antonette felt disgusted. But she hid her revulsion and kept smiling.

"So, how about we go back to your place?" Antonette suggested.

But Mr. Foster reacted angrily to Antonette's comment. He shouted at her, "Who do you think you are? You can never go to my home!"

Unwilling to miss the chance that Mr. Foster's influence could give her, Antonette smiled and apologized profusely.

"I am sorry… can you forgive me, honey?"

Mr. Foster was satisfied with Antonette's obedience. He grinned and whispered in her ear, "How about a hotel?"

"I will go to you wherever you want."

With that, Mr. Foster led Antonette away to a nearby hotel.

After sleeping with her, Mr. Foster completely lost interest in Antonette.

"You can leave now," he uttered coldly.

Antonette hid her anger and kept focused on her plan.

"Mr. Foster, what about our contract?"

Mr. Foster waved impatiently at Antonette.

"Give me a pen."

Mr. Foster signed his name on the contract and then casually smashed it in Antonette's face!

"Now you've got what you wanted. Why are you still here?"

Antonette was stunned by his outburst, but she steadied herself enough to pick up the contract. Without a hint of shame, Antonette quickly got dressed and left the room, closing the door behind her as she left.

Mr. Foster stared at the door and cursed at Antonette as loud as he could, "Bitch!"

He hoped she would be able to hear it.


Antonette rushed back home. When she arrived, she found that Fiona and Simon were still awake, watching TV on the couch.

Though he heard her come in, Simon didn't look up.

Antonette took off her high heels and put on her slippers. She smiled and stood in front of Simon and Fiona.

"Mr. and Mrs. William."

Finally, Simon looked at Antonette. "What is it?"

Antonette carefully handed the contract to Simon and said, "Mr. William, I got the contract signed."

Looking at the paper before him, Simon was not excited. He knew that Mr. Foster was a dirty man. When Antonette said she would talk with him, Simon had already known that Antonette would get what she wanted.

Antonette hovered in front of them, waiting for a reaction, until Simon asked impatiently, "Anything else?"

Antonette shook her head. "No… Nothing…"

"Then why are you still here? Don't stand in front of the television. God!" Fiona complained. Simon was also annoyed.

"Okay, I'm leaving now," Antonette said, squeezing out a smile.

"Go! Go!" Fiona waved her hand impatiently, motioning for Antonette to get out of the way.

Antonette bit her lips and walked up to her bedroom. Even after she left, she still heard Fiona cursing at her, "Bitch!"

Safely in her bedroom, Antonette closed the door. She didn't turn on the light. Instead, she hid in the darkness, alone with her thoughts.

Why? Why couldn't Simon give her a single good word? Antonette thought she had worked so hard, even given up her pride and self-esteem to gain his favor. But he still ignored her.

Antonette's mind was consumed with anger, and she thought she might go crazy because of it. She was pulling her hair out in desperation when suddenly, she recalled Diana, whom she had seen when she was with Mr. Foster.

Antonette squinted her eyes and thought about the fact that Diana was finally back. It had been two years. Antonette could never forget the pain Diana inflicted on her when she slapped her in the face.

Now, thought Antonette, it was time for revenge.

There was fiery anger in Antonette's eyes. Without Diana, Antonette had been rather bored of late. Now, she could have some fun again.

Diana was busy helping Abby take her bedtime shower. She recalled what had happened earlier that day and thought about Brian.

"Mummy, what are you doing?" Feeling neglected, Abby was unhappy. She didn't have any clothes to change into! And Diana just let her stand there!

"Abby, I am sorry!" Diana apologized and dried Abby's body with a big towel. And then she helped her put on her favorite princess skirt.

"Okay, my little princess! Here's a nice warm dressing gown for you."

"Uncle Brian!" Seeing Brian, Abby was excited and reached out her arms so that Brian would pick her up and hug her.

But Brian stepped aside. "Abby, I haven't taken a shower yet, I probably stink! Best, I don't hug you right now."

Diana was shocked by Brian's attitudes toward Abby. He had really changed a lot. Before, he had never had this kind of patience, but Diana was not entirely correct. Brian was still impatient when he was with other people. However, Diana was special to him; he was gentle and patient with her.

Abby stopped going toward Brian; instead, she held her nose as if there were some terrible smell.

"Uncle is stinky!" she said with a cute pout.

Brian laughed out loud. He had to curb his d.e.s.i.r.e to hug Abby; he didn't want to scare her. So, he walked off to the bathroom to get cleaned up.

"Alright, Uncle Brian is taking a shower. Can we go to sleep now?" Diana looked at Abby and smiled gently.

Abby yawned as if to confirm that sleep was just what she needed, so Diana held her in her arms and put her to bed.

When Brian finished his shower, Abby had already fallen asleep.

"There is some food left in the kitchen," Diana said awkwardly.

"For me?" Brian was elated.

Diana explained, "Look, I just don't want to owe you anything. You made breakfast this morning, so…"

After that, Diana left Brian alone in the kitchen. However, he didn't seem too bothered, as he was smiling to himself as Diana walked away.

The dishes Diana cooked were still warm. Brian tasted it and was pleased. He remembered the flavor of the dish; he was sure that he must have tasted it before.

Thinking of that, Brian took another bite and eventually ate the lot.

Brian felt relaxed. He didn't know how he could feel so satisfied just from eating Diana's food. Brian swore at that moment that he had to get his lost memory back; there was something extraordinary about Diana that he couldn't get over.