My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 621 - 203: Am I Your Daughter’s Father?

"What?" Sybil gawped at Ken. It was rather a shock for her. She turned to Brian and asked, "So you do remember something?"

Brian shook his head. "No. But I can feel something is there, a connection. Sybil, tell me, how did I know Diana before?"

Sybil looked at Ken, who evaded her eye contact. Sybil sighed and uttered slowly, "She was your girlfriend."

Hearing that, Brian turned to the door and rushed to his car.

"Where are you going?" Sybil asked anxiously.

"I am going to see Diana," he answered.

Sybil pulled the car door open and got in.

"I am going with you."

"Alright," Brian nodded.

Diana was still asleep in her apartment.

Hearing the knocking at the door, Diana got up to see who it was.

"Brian, what are you doing here?"

"Am I your daughter's father?" Brian came straight out with the question.

Diana was stunned. She avoided Brian's look and uttered anxiously, "What daughter? I don't know what you are talking about."

Right at that moment, Abby cried out from the bedroom. She hadn't seen Diana get up and was scared.

Diana was more nervous after hearing Abby's cries. She wanted to close the door on Brian, but he managed to get in anyway, as did Sybil.

"Sybil? Why are you here as well? Did you tell him?"

Sybil waved her hands at once.

"No! I didn't say anything about you."

Abby cried louder and louder. Diana ran to the bedroom and hugged her until she calmed down. She got Abby dressed, then took her downstairs.

Sybil hadn't seen Abby before. Her cute, little face stared back at Sybil, her eyes wide with curiosity.

"Come here! I am your aunt! Can I give you a hug?"

Seeing the stranger, Abby felt afraid and retreated into Diana's arms.

Brian couldn't tell what exactly he was feeling. He was eager to hug the little girl standing there, but he didn't dare to.

"Diana, you said you didn't give birth to the baby last time I saw you. You lied to me!" Sybil was angry. The moment she saw Abby's face, she could tell Brian was Abby's father.

"She is my daughter. Her name is Abby Anderson. This has nothing to do with your family," Diana retorted. As it was all getting too much for her, she finally plucked up the courage to take control and push Brian and Sybil out of the house.

"Mummy, who were they?" Abby asked curiously.

"Don't worry about that, sweetheart. Go to brush your teeth now. I will prepare your favorite breakfast."

Abby didn't answer back and skipped off to the bathroom.

After seeing Abby, Sybil was somewhat surprised. She called Kate to tell her the good news.

"What?" Kate stood up from her chair in shock.

Sybil repeated it until her mother accepted it was true.

"Where is the child? I want to see her!" Kate said excitedly.

Sybil hesitated. Judging from Diana's reaction just now, it was clear she didn't want to see anyone.

"Mum, Diana is not willing for us to see her daughter," Sybil explained.

Kate was stunned. But, after thinking it over for a few seconds, she realized they were all so excited that they hadn't thought about it from Diana's side. She had raised the child and obviously loved her daughter dearly. Of course, she wouldn't be willing to see anyone who might take the baby from her.

"Does Brian know?" Kate asked.

Sybil was worried. She told Kate what had happened.

"What? He already knows?" Kate exclaimed.

"She looks just like Brian. So, Brian asked Ken to investigate it. And then he found out."

"What does Brian plan to do?"

Sybil recalled what had just happened and shook her head slightly.

"He didn't say anything. It seems that he still hasn't regained his memories of Diana yet."

"Okay." Kate was quite relieved after hearing that. Like Sybil, she worried about the strain it would put on Brian if he knew.


Since Brian had seen Abby, Diana was afraid all the time. She worried that Brian's family would take Abby away from her.

And Chaney was busy doing his work in other cities, so he didn't come to see Abby for days. Diana stayed at home by Abby's side every day, from morning to night.

That evening, there was another knock at the door.

"Abby, wait here. Don't make a sound, can you do that?" Diana looked at Abby seriously.

Abby nodded.

Diana took a deep breath and went down to open the door. As she feared, it was Brian standing there.

"Why are you here?"

Brian didn't answer her question. Instead, he picked a suitcase up from his feet and proceeded to carry it into Diana's apartment.

"What are you doing?" Diana asked in shock

"I am coming to live with you," Brian stated determinedly.

"I don't agree!" Diana said firmly.

Brian ignored her and continued on with his bags into the living room.

"What do you want?" Diana shouted anxiously.

Abby looked at the man standing before her with her big eyes.

"What is your name, sweetheart?" Brian asked in a soft voice.

"Abby," she answered confidently. For some reason, she was not afraid of this man.

Brian was fond of her cuteness. He reached out his hand and ruffled her hair.

"Uncle, why do you look like me?" Abby asked curiously.

"Because I am your father," Brian said under his breath.

Before Abby could figure out exactly what he had said, Diana rushed over and took Abby from Brian.

"Let me repeat it, she is my daughter. You will not take her away from me!" Diana hugged Abby firmly.

"I would never do that," Brian promised.

He certainly sounded serious, but Diana still couldn't trust him.

"How can I believe you? Besides, you can make that promise for yourself, but what about your father?"

"I swear, nothing will happen."

"No, I can't listen to this. Please leave," Diana said.

Brian seemed to have expected that Diana would say that. He threw a piece of paper on the table and said, "I can't. I have paid to live here."

"What?" Diana was confused.