My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 615 - 197: Naughty Girl

When she arrived, she was about to take out her key when the door was opened from within, and out came a cute, clever child.

"Mummy!" The girl said sweetly.

"Hi, my princess." Diana lifted up the child and walked in.

"Have you behaved well today?" Diana asked as they walked inside.

"I did. You can ask grandma, she'll tell you." The little girl spoke well for her age.

"Naughty girl," Mrs. Anderson walked towards them laughing and ruffled Abby's hair.

Diana handed Abby to the babysitter, touched her nose, and said, "Have fun here for a while, okay? I have something to discuss with grandma."

"Okay." Abby nodded obediently and was taken away by the babysitter.

"So Mum, what's going on?"

"Diana, I know it shouldn't be your responsibility, but Daniel is very busy with sales right now, and he has no time."

Diana nodded in understanding. She had been expecting to be given more responsibility. The company was in an expansionary period, so Daniel had been wholly occupied with the growth of the company's stores, while Mr. and Mrs. Anderson had already taken a step back from day to day running the business.

"I don't want to go back. I don't know how to face them. Diana, please, go for me," Mrs. Anderson expounded.

"What's wrong? I don't understand what you're saying." Diana was confused by her mother's words.

"Diana, our contract with the William Group is going to expire. They wanted to renew the contract, but your father and I are of the opinion that we should not re-sign."

It had been two years since anyone had mentioned the Williams in front of Diana. So when her mother said the name out of the blue like that, it was a real shock to the system.

"Diana…Diana…" Mrs. Anderson called her daughter's name, but she was a million miles away.

"What?" Diana suddenly snapped out of her daze.

"Chaney will go with you."

"Go with me? Why?"

Mrs. Anderson sighed. "We all know that he has loved you since the first time he met you. Besides, his company wants to expand their business, so it could be a good opportunity for him, plus I will be relieved if someone accompanies you."

Diana also knew that he had feelings for her. But she still loved Brian. She could not accept him. Despite her explaining this to Chaney explicitly, he never gave up, even after Diana turned him down several times. She really had no idea how to deal with him.

"Uncle Chaney!" Abby called out cheerfully.

Abby got along well with Chaney; he had a real way with children.

"We were talking about him, and here he is. Destiny?" Mrs. Anderson said to Diana with a smile. Then she stood up and walked out, with Diana following behind.

Out in the hall, they saw Chaney lifting Abby up in his arms. She was proudly clutching a present from Chaney: a brand new Mickey Mouse doll, Abby's favorite.

"Abby, did you ask for another gift? I told you it's not right," Diana pretended to be angry.

"Don't blame her. It is me who bought it," said Chaney.

Abby ran to Diana, grabbed her sleeves, and said with utmost innocence, "Mum, please don't be angry with Uncle Chaney. It's my fault. I won't do it again." Abby looked up at Diana and said sweetly, "But Mum, this Mickey Mouse is so cute. Can I keep it?"

Her words made everyone laugh. Diana bent down and had no choice but to say, "Okay, darling, but just this once."

Abby was so happy that she ran around in circles with the Mickey Mouse raised above her head.

Chaney looked at Diana gently. He walked towards her, took something from his pocket, and handed it to Diana.

"Diana, I have booked the flights. We will leave the day after tomorrow."

"The day after tomorrow? So soon…"

"The contract with the William Group ends soon. There are many things waiting to be dealt with, so there is no time to waste," Mrs. Anderson explained.

Diana nodded and took the tickets. The idea of going home had left her feeling rather torn.

That night, while Diana was packing her suitcase, Mrs. Anderson came into her room.

"Diana, when you are back, don't overthink about everything that happened. That's all in the past now."

Diana gave her a big, comforting smile.

"I know, Mum, I'm not a child anymore."

"Diana, Chaney is a good man. What do you think about marrying him after you come back here?"

Diana gave Mrs. Anderson an annoyed glance.

"Your dad agrees," Mrs. Anderson said for emphasis.

"Mum, I don't love him."

"My silly girl. Don't think so romantically about marriage. Love is not the only factor. As far as I'm concerned, you two are a good match for each other." Mrs. Anderson hoped Diana would find a person of suitable social standing who could take good care of her and Abby.

"Okay, Mum. I already know everything you are going to say. You have said it a thousand times! Now, I have to pack my luggage." She purposefully evaded the question and ushered her mother out of the room.

"I am just worried about you. You are 28 years old now…" Mrs. Anderson said with concern.

It was true that most of Diana's childhood friends were already married.

"Okay, Okay, I got it. Leave me to be Mum. Now could you go and look after Abby? She is always causing mischief. Go and check on her."

Mrs. Anderson sighed and went off to find her granddaughter. Abby was so cute and very lively; she gave Mrs. Anderson a lot of joy.


In the morning they were due to leave, Chaney was waiting for Diana outside her house.

Diana walked out with Abby and got into the car.

Abby asked with curiosity, "Mum, where are we going?"

Diana held Abby's hand and replied, "To the place where Mummy grew up."