My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 604 - 186: Don’t Let Him Know

As if something had suddenly clicked inside him, Brian lifted Diana up in his arms. He shouted joyfully, "I'm going to be a daddy! I'm going to be a daddy!"

Diana started to feel dizzy after Brian spun her around a few times. She patted Brian gently and said, "Put me down. I'm feeling woozy now."

Brian put her down at once and asked with concern, "Are you okay? I'm so sorry, what was I thinking?"

Diana gave him an annoyed look.

"Don't fuss. I'm not some fragile china doll."

Brian ran his fingers through his hair. He was normally so decisive, but now he

felt like he didn't have any idea what to do.

"It's my first time in this situation. I have no experience."

Diana was happy that Brian had taken the news so well. Her joy was short-lived, however, as she suddenly remembered her parents.

"How am I going to tell my parents?!" Diana cried. She felt entirely unprepared to tell them.

Brian hugged her and said softly in her ear, "Diana, let's get married."

Diana froze. The proposal, just like the baby, had come so suddenly, without any warning. It was all too much to deal with!

This made Brian fear that she would not say yes. So, he got down on one knee and took out a velvet box from his pocket. He looked up at Diana's bewildered face, then opened the box to reveal a ring inside.

"Diana, I have kept this for a long time. Though we didn't expect to be here so soon, I firmly believe that we can raise this child together and be happy. Diana, will you marry me?"

Brian said the words with complete conviction and earnestness.

Diana was moved to tears, and in a shaky voice, answered, "Yes!"

Brian was frantic with joy. He stood up immediately, helped the ring onto Diana's finger, and hugged her.

"As soon as I resolve the crisis at the company, I will propose our marriage to your parents and brother in person."

Diana nodded nervously; the talk of the company brought her quickly back down to earth.

Finally, when they had both calmed down, Brian called his mother and told her the news that Diana was pregnant.

Mrs. Grace was full of delight about the news. Sybil was several months pregnant, now Diana was too, which meant she would have two grandchildren!

She asked Brian to take Diana home to eat together that evening. It would be a grand meal to celebrate Brian and Diana's news.

When Brian arrived with Diana, he found his mother waiting for them beside the dinner table, with an unbelievably fancy dinner laid out to welcome them.

Mrs. Grace stood straight up and walked towards Diana, full of enthusiasm.

"Diana, my dear. Congratulations!"

Mrs. Grace was friendly to her before, but today she was too enthusiastic. Diana was not accustomed to it.

"Mum, calm down…"

Mrs. Grace gave Brian a glare but finally forced herself to give Diana some space.

The three of them had a lovely meal and ate to their heart's content. It had been a great evening, but it was getting late, so Brian got up to say goodbye.

"Mum, we're leaving now."

"All right." Mrs. Grace stood up to see them off.

Holding Diana's hand, Mrs. Grace was still chattering away with advice for Diana.

"Diana, now you are pregnant, you need to take good care of yourself. Don't exert yourself too much. Make sure you eat well."

Diana smiled. She knew that Mrs. Grace spoke so much because she cared.

"Okay, we've got it," Brian broke in, not afraid to interrupt his mother. Thank you for the meal, but we do need to go."

On their way home, Diana fell into a peaceful sleep.

When they arrived home, Brian didn't wake her up. He lifted her up in his arms, took her upstairs, and put her on the bed.

Just as he finished tucking her in, someone called him. It was his assistant.

"Mr. William, I have found the evidence."

"Okay, I will be there at once." Brian kissed Diana's forehead, then quietly left the room.

Brian drove quickly out to the company, eager to know what his assistant had found. The lights in some of the offices were still on, including Kyle's. This spurred Brian on, and he ran up the stairs two at a time.

The assistant was waiting for him in the IT department.

"What did you find?"

"Mr. William, look." The assistant showed Brian the computer.

After a careful look at the information on the screen, Brian's face fell.

"Is Kyle in his office?" Brian asked in a gloomy voice.


"Does he know that you have found this?" Brian's eyes were narrowed, thinking hard about what to do.

The assistant shook his head.

Brian felt relieved; this gave him time to act.

"Don't let him know," he warned.

It was not a good time to act rashly and alert Kyle; he was very vigilant. If he realized they were on to him, it would not be easy to catch him.

"Make a copy of this for me," Brian instructed, pointing at the files on the computer screen.

"Okay, will do," the assistant answered respectfully.

What they were both unaware of was that a man was hiding in the corner of the room. He let himself out undetected, then made an urgent call.

When Kyle learned what Brian had found, he started panicking.


"Yes, I witnessed it with my own eyes," the man said with certainty.

"Okay, got it." Kyle hung up the phone.

Kyle knew he didn't have much time, so he made a quick decision. He picked up his phone and dialed. This might be the biggest decision I've ever made, he thought.


Brian had the IT department work all night in an effort to find out more about the money that was missing from the company. Finally, they succeeded in finding out about the companies that were related to the funds Kyle had withdrawn.

"Mr. William, these are the companies that are involved in Kyle William's fund. Take a look."

"Chapman Miller?" When Brian looked through the list of the founders of the companies, he felt strange when he saw that name. He had refused to cooperate with Mr. Miller on a previous business deal, so why was he now invested with Kyle?