My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 595 - 177: Who Would Marry You?

After successfully distracting Fannie with her made up query, the woman went to the bathroom and called Antonette.

"Antonette, did you get what you needed?"

"Yes, thank you, Wendy."

With the design drawings on her phone, Antonette went to Kyle's office and triumphantly handed him the phone.

"Kyle, I did such a good job on this. Surely I deserve a bit more of the profit when this deal is done?"

Kyle kept silent, which Antonette knew very well-meant "no". So she transferred the photos to Kyle's computer and left without another word.

Staring at Antonette as she left, Kyle thought coldly, "Profit? As soon as this is over, I will take revenge for Carol. You will receive nothing from me!"

Soon after Antonette's departure, Brian walked into Kyle's office.

Kyle was tidying his desk and the photos that Antonette sent to his computer were still open on the screen.

He stood up quickly and shielded his computer from Brian's view, doing his best to stay calm.

"What are you doing here?" he mumbled.

Brian smiled. "Kyle, if you do anything bad to the company, you'd better pray I don't find out."

It was clear that Brian was getting close to the truth, so Kyle decided to call Chapman.

"Mr. Miller, we need to carry out our plan earlier."

"Okay, I'll make it happen," Chapman replied with a sly chuckle.

As soon as the call ended, Kyle snapped the pen he was holding with one hand. The pressure of coming close to achieving their goal was beginning to tell on him.


After Carol's death, Diana realized how unpredictable life was and how everything could change in an instant.

So, she decided to put more effort in with Brian, beginning with a home-cooked meal. She had not cooked for him the whole time they had known each other.

She found a good recipe online, then bought all the ingredients.

She cooked a huge dinner for Brian, finishing just as he arrived home.

Brian hesitated. Was his mum back home and hadn't told him?

To his great surprise, Diana then came out holding a steaming-hot baking dish, adding it to a table that was already full of food.

"Diana, did you do all this for me?"

Diana thought Brian was so cute. He looked genuinely shocked.

"Do you think that I can eat all this alone? Don't be silly," she laughed.

Brian was very touched. No one had cooked for him in years, not since his mother and father divorced. He sat down at the table and had a taste. It was the first time Diana had cooked such a meal, so it didn't taste amazing. But for Brian, it was the most delicious food he had ever tasted.

Diana took off her apron, then sat down to eat. She tasted the chicken. It was definitely not as good as in a restaurant. She asked Brian, who was happily eating, "So, how is it?"

Brian had his mouth full but finished quickly.

"It is delicious!"

Diana looked worried. "Is it okay to eat so much at night?"

But Brian nodded positively, so Diana didn't hesitate anymore. In fact, she was quite proud to make him full.

She served Brian another bowl of rice, which he again wolfed down. He wanted a third one; however, this time, Diana refused him.

"You are a grown-up. But you behave like a child!"

Brian had never eaten so much before. When he stopped eating for a few seconds, he realized how full he was. He was extremely satisfied.

"You know, no one ever cooked for me before," he said warmly.

"If you like it, I can cook for you every day."

"Really?" Brian was so surprised.

Of course, Diana regretted her offer as soon as she'd said the words. She had no time to serve him every day!

Diana cleared the table and set to work washing the dishes.

"People say men change after they get married. Maybe it's true," Diana thought.

When she realized what she was thinking about, she blushed—marrying Brian? Was that a real possibility?

Brian was looking at Diana as she continued cleaning in the kitchen. And watching her like that, he suddenly found that he was very turned on. He came up from behind and hugged her.

"Why do you come here to bother me? Don't you have anything to do?"

"I do. I want to do some exercise. Do you want to do it together?" Brian asked suggestively.

Diana calmed herself down, but she was blushing again.

To Brian, she was just too cute. He couldn't help himself from brushing against her with his crotch.

"Brian, stop."

Diana couldn't bear it. She put down the dishes, turned around, and flicked the soapy water in Brian's face.

"Diana, it hurts! I think the soap is in my eyes."

Diana immediately regretted what she had done.

"What's wrong? Take away your hands and let me have a look."

However, Brian didn't move. Diana was so concerned that she came in close to get a good look.

When she was just close enough, Brian suddenly hugged her.

"You are a liar!" Diana blurted out. She had been apprehensive!

"It's just some fun between couples," Brian teased.

"We…we are not a couple." Diana was shy about that word.

"Diana, we will get married one day," Brian said with determination.

"Who would marry you?" Diana questioned.

Though Diana was shy about the matter, Brian was deadly serious. He held her in his arms tightly, thinking of the day when she would become Mrs. William.