My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 585 - 167: What Had He Done?

Seeing his daughter's reaction, Mr. Anderson had an inkling that the man standing before him had stolen his daughter's heart. He looked at Brian with a critical eye. Well, he is handsome, thought Mr. Anderson. But Diana can surely do better!

Brian was caught unawares by the presence of Diana's parents. But he quickly gathered himself and greeted them reverently, "Nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson. I am…" Brian stopped for a moment and glanced at Diana, who looked rather nervous, before continuing, "I am Diana's boyfriend. My name is Brian William."

Diana stared at him. She hadn't prepared herself to tell her parents about their relationship. Moreover, she hadn't decided whether to forgive him or not. Now he had told them everything!

"Diana, you never mentioned this before." Mrs. Anderson looked at Brian with a friendly smile. The man standing before them was tall and handsome. Besides, he was polite and well educated. Mrs. Anderson was quite satisfied.

"So tell me, Brian, what do your parents do?" Mrs. Anderson asked.

"Well, my…" Brian was about to answer, but Diana interrupted him.

"Mother, what a weird question! Aren't you supposed to meet Mr. William now?"

Mrs. Anderson looked at her watch. Their meeting with Simon was rather soon. "We will pick this up again later, Brian. It was nice to meet you."

"Mum, hurry up!" Diana pleaded, ushering her mother out of the shop.

Brian stood still and saw Mr. Anderson looking at him with raised eyebrows. He smiled. It seemed his future mother-in-law rather liked him, but Mr. Anderson would take a bit more work.

Diana led her parents to the restaurant in the William building.

Mrs. Anderson was rather curious about Brian and asked, "Diana, when did you guys start dating? How old is he? What do his parents do? What does he do?"

"Mum, you just asked a thousand questions. Which one do you want me to answer first?"

Mr. Anderson smiled coldly and said, "I don't think he is a good man to marry."

"Oh, darling! He is handsome!" Mrs. Anderson laughed.

Mr. Anderson had to admit that much was certainly true.

Diana didn't want to continue discussing this topic. Luckily, the dishes she had ordered arrived at the table.

"Alright, let's eat first."

After their long journey, Mr and Mrs green were famished. The food smelled delicious, and they were eager to try it. Soon, they were both focused on the food and stopped asking questions.

After dinner, Diana then brought her parents to the place where they would meet Simon.

Simon arrived late and was very apologetic.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't expect there to be a traffic jam at this time."

Mr. Anderson smiled. "It's okay."

Simon sat down and started chatting with Diana's parents.

"Your daughter is so considerate and talented. She is doing a great job of running your company." Simon was eager to complement Diana to make up for his treatment of her previously.

Diana's parents looked very proud.

"She is still young, though," Mr. Anderson pointed out.

Simon continued, "Girls are better than boys anyway. My son always makes me angry. Have you met my son?

His question made Diana rather anxious.

Simon continued, "He is in charge of the William Group. His name is Brian William."

"Brian William?" Mr. Anderson murmured.

Mrs. Anderson immediately recalled that Brian was the man they had met before. She smiled and answered, "Yes, we met. He is very polite."

He's never polite to me, Simon thought.

Mr. Anderson whispered to his wife, "When did we meet his son?"

Mrs. Andersoned nodded her head in Diana's direction till Mr. Anderson realized what she meant.

Realizing what was now at stake, Mr. Anderson turned deadly serious, all of the friendliness gone from his expression. He would not allow them to get Anderson's Pharmacy and his only daughter!

Though they had just signed the contract, Mr. Anderson abruptly pulled his wife and daughter out and said goodbye to Simon. Then they left immediately.

Simon was gobsmacked. What had he done?

Mr. Anderson pulled his wife and daughter into the car.

"What are you doing?" complained Mrs. Anderson.

Mr. Anderson pulled a face and didn't answer.

"Dad, what is going on?" Diana yelled from the back seat.

"Is Brian a good man? Does he care for you? You know some of these rich guys aren't trustworthy," Mr. Anderson said nervously.

Mrs. Anderson rolled her eyes. "You speak as if you are the only good man in this world."

Seeing her parents were on the verge of an argument, Diana decided to intervene.

"Dad, I haven't properly agreed to be his girlfriend yet," Diana murmured.

Mr. Anderson was happier after hearing that. "Darling, I support you! You have to test him. If he is not serious about your relationship, do not be his girlfriend."

"Diana, for once, I think your father is right. Call Brian up now and ask him out for dinner tonight," said Mrs. Anderson.

"What? I think it might be a bit improper…"

"I think it is very proper! We need to get to know him properly. Come on! Call him now!"

As her mother left her with no choice, Diana called Brian.

"Hi, Brian. Are you free tonight?" Diana asked awkwardly. She hadn't called him since their breakup.

"What is going on?" Brian was so excited that he dropped the files in his hands.

"Well, my parents want to have dinner with you."

"I am free! I will pick you all up after work." Being invited to have dinner with Diana's parents was an honor; Brian agreed without hesitation. He spent the next few hours online looking for the best restaurant in the city. He had to impress Diana's parents!

When work was finished, Brian walked nervously to Diana's company, where she and her parents were waiting for him.

Mr. Anderson sneered at him. He thought Brian was too good-looking for a man.

Oblivious, Brian didn't notice any impoliteness. He opened the car door for Diana's parents and said, "Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, please."