My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 567 - 149: Don’t Act As If You Care

Brian let out a sigh, "Vera, you shouldn't have fooled me."

Vera anxiously held onto Brian's arm. "Brian, I know it was wrong. Can't you forgive me? I just lost my child."

However, Brian was relentless. He stood back to leave Vera clutching at the air.

"Vera, you shouldn't have taken advantage of my trust. Because of your lie, Diana has left me."

Vera lost her temper on hearing Diana's name, "Diana, Diana, Diana. You only see Diana. Tell me, how is she better than me?"

Brian felt a bit sad to see her in this state. "How did you end up like this? You have changed, Vera."

With one last glance, Brian turned to leave. "Look after yourself, Vera."

Now it is time to sort things out with Diana, Brian thought. But when he tried to call, her phone was off.

At the same time, in a private hospital, a doctor was seeing Diana's injuries.

"It's not too big a deal, just a small fracture of the right ankle." The doctor explained to them, looking at the x-ray.

"Will there be any permanent damage?" the cyclist asked worriedly.

The doctor assured them everything would be fine in time. He wrote out a prescription for Diana, which the cyclist immediately took, and then headed off to the pharmacy.

"Miss, your boyfriend, is so nice to you," the doctor commented.

Diana felt a little embarrassed. "He is not my boyfriend."

"Oh, apologies, you guys just look like a good fit." With that, the doctor excused himself.

A few minutes later, the man returned with the medicine.

Diana hopped up from her chair, and the man stepped forward at once to support her.

Diana didn't refuse his help since it was rather difficult to walk on her own.

He helped her all the way to the hospital entrance, and Diana expressed her sincere thanks for his help.

"Miss, could I help you get back home?".

Diana waved her hand and said she'd be fine on her own. Then she turned her head in the opposite direction.

Without warning, the man swept Diana off her feet and held her in his arms. "What are you doing?" Diana cried out.

"I'm sorry, Miss, but I need to take responsibility. I ran you down. I will look after you. I am studying at a medical university nearby, so I have some medical knowledge."

"Medical university?" Diana thought for a while. Hers was the only medical university in the area.

"Are you a student from Shoreditch Medical University?" Diana asked.


Diana was surprised. "What a coincidence! I'm also from that university."

"Really? I'm a junior. What about you?"

Knowing they were fellow students, Diana felt better, and her face softened.

"I'm in the year above you; I'm a senior."

"Nice to meet you," the man smiled.

In the taxi home, Diana and her new friend chatted effortlessly together.

"So why have I never seen you in school before?" the man asked.

"I guess I don't socialize much on campus. I'm kind of quiet," Diana explained.

The man was very outgoing. He kept talking with Diana all the way to Diana's home.

"This is me," Diana said, pointing at her family home.

When he saw the house in front of him, the man suddenly blurted out, "What's your relationship with Daniel Anderson?"

"He is my elder brother. Why what's wrong?"

The man's eyes turned crazed on hearing Diana's reply.

"Really? This is unbelievable; Daniel Anderson is my idol!"

Diana was puzzled. "I have to question your standards for an idol if my brother counts as one," she said jokingly.

"Daniel Anderson is a legend!" The man really spoke about Daniel in pure adoration.

"Okay. Well, anyway, I better get going. Thank you for your help today." Diana waved goodbye.

" Ah, I just realized I never told you my name! It's Jason Jones."

Diana shook his hand. "Well, thank you, Jason, I'm Diana Anderson."

Brian's car was parked at the curb. He burnt with jealousy when he saw Jason holding Diana's hand as they said goodbye.

At that moment, Diana caught sight of Brian sitting in his car. Her face immediately went dark with anger.

Not wanting to get in the way, Jason quickly said goodbye and left.

Brian got out of the car, but Diana ignored him. She hobbled to the front gate of her house.

"Diana!" Brian called out. Thinking of her wound, Brian crouched down to check her leg. "Is it serious?"

"Brian, please don't act as if you care." She couldn't forget how he had left her alone after the accident. Although there was a part of her that wanted him, Diana tore her gaze away and turned to the house.

Brian was desperate to reach her, but he just didn't know where to start. He stared after her helplessly.

"Diana, I'll come and visit when you feel better."

Diana went straight into the house without looking back.

Brian returned to his car and lit a cigarette.

Inside the house, Diana went into her room, drew back a small corner of the curtain, and looked at Brian through the window.

Brian sat smoking one cigarette after another in front of his car. He looked utterly depressed.

He had never smoked in front of Diana, though he had picked up the habit a few years ago when he first took over the company.

At that time, Simon had gone abroad with Mrs. Garcia, Grace and Sybil were not around either. Brian was young and inexperienced, and many people were jealous of him for his fame and fortune. It was a challenging time for him, particularly after Vera left him as well. He had borne all the pressure and responsibility alone. Smoking was his one vice to deal with everything.

Since he met Diana, Brian had stopped smoking. But after recent events, he had started again.

Brian spent the whole night in front of Diana's home, thinking over everything.

Diana stayed watching him for hours too. Yet neither of them was willing to make a move to communicate.