My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 565 - 147: You’re Not Him

Grace decided to move into Brian's villa. It seemed that she needed to keep an eye on things there. She also forced Sybil to move back as well.

After returning, Sybil decided to have a talk with Diana about her and Brian. Hence, one afternoon, she called Diana to meet for a coffee.

When Diana received Sybil's call, she was accompanying Carol for a wedding rehearsal but told Sybil to come and meet there.

Upon Sybil's arrival, she was surprised to see the cordial and friendly atmosphere between Diana and Carol. "You two were rivals with each other. When did you become friends?"

Diana and Carol looked at each other with a smile. Carol didn't explain very much to her, simply saying, "Maybe because I'm going to get married."

Sybil thought she understood, but there was no time to worry too much about that, she had to get back to business.

"Diana, what's wrong with you and Brian?"

Before Diana could answer, Carol jumped to her defense, "Go ask your brother how he treated her."

Seeing Carol's reaction, Sybil realized the seriousness of the matter, which made her anxious.

"Diana, I don't know what happened between you and Brian. But it would be a pity if two people in love couldn't find a way to be together."

Talking about this reminded Diana of the heartache she'd endured. She didn't want to continue and changed the subject, "How about you and Ken?"

Sybil pulled a long face. "Not good, my mum found out we were living together."

But Sybil wasn't going to let Diana off that easy. She quickly got back to the topic at hand. "Diana, tell me more about you and Brian."

Carol was worried about Diana and answered for her again, "Why do you keep going on about that? I have tried my best to make her happy these past few days. Why do you want to spoil her mood?"

Finally, Sybil had had enough of the malicious remarks about her brother, "But you loved him before as well, remember!"

Carol laughed grimly, "I was blind at that time. But now I can clearly see he was no good for me."

"Okay! Stop quarreling!" Diana separated the two women.

"Diana, tell me what happened, please." Seeing Sybil's persistence, Diana had to tell her about Vera.

"Impossible," Sybil blurted out. "It's impossible for Brian to have a thing with Vera."

"You're not him!" Carol replied sourly. But Diana wanted to hear Sybil's explanation since she was so sure.

After ordering a cup of juice, Sybil began to explain.

She, Vera, Ken, and Brian had all grown up together. But Vera was very different from them; she was always a vain girl. When they were in high school, Vera pursued Brian because he was the most popular boy in school.

But after they graduated, Brian ran into some difficulties. He had just taken over the William Group and knew nothing about management. What was worse, his own shareholders, as well as rival companies, deliberately put obstacles in his way. The company had some financial trouble, and when things got tough for Brian, Vera left him.

Sybil looked earnestly at Diana, "Diana, Brian would never give up on you for Vera. Believe me, there is nothing between them."

After Simon and Grace got divorced, Vera stayed with Brian during that hard time. Brian was grateful to her for that. So when Vera pursued him in high school, he agreed to be her boyfriend. But Sybil was sure that Brian didn't love her.

"Well, if he doesn't like her, why did Brian get Vera pregnant?" Carol asked scornfully.

"What?" Sybil spurted out a mouthful of juice.

"Ask your brother," Carol replied. "Now, if you'll excuse me, we need to go."

Diana looked at Sybil regretfully. "I'm sorry, Sybil. I have to accompany Carol to choose a wedding dress. See you next time."

Sybil was still in shock about what Carol and Diana had told her. She had to ask Brian about it.

Brian didn't come back home until 10 p.m. Grace had already fallen asleep, yet Sybil stayed up waiting for him.

"Why aren't you in bed?" Brian asked.

Sybil asked him anxiously, "Brian, did you start dating that bitch Vera again?"

Brian was a little miffed to come home to this type of greeting.

"Sybil, don't curse, please."

When Sybil tried to continue, Brian's phone started to ring. He saw the name on the screen and walked straight out to the garden.

The call was from Vera. "Brian, it's my stomach, something is wrong."

Hearing that, Brian drove to Vera's home at once.

Vera opened the door for Brian and led him into the dining room, where a big meal was laid out on the table.

Brian could see Vera was perfectly fine.

"Didn't you say you had a stomach ache?"

"If I hadn't said that, you would not be here now," she replied with a smile.

Brian quickly became bad-tempered upon hearing Vera's explanation.

"So you cheated me?"

"Why are you being so mean? Have you forgotten that today is my birthday?"

"Happy birthday," Brian said flatly, then turned to leave.

Vera immediately hugged him from behind. "Brian, today is my birthday. Could you spare some time to accompany me?"

However, Brian took her hands off him. "Vera, sorry, I still have something to do in the company. I have to go."

Vera pushed the table away in anger as Brian's footsteps disappeared and the door shut behind him.

As the day of Carol's wedding arrived, Brian realized it had been two weeks since he last saw Diana. He hadn't found a way to explain things to her, so instead of facing it, he had buried himself in his work.

Finally, Brian saw Diana again at Carol's wedding. He stared at her as she sat on the top table, while Diana did her best to ignore him.

Those two weeks had felt like a lifetime to Diana too. She could see Brian had lost weight; he looked unhealthily thin. But it was none of her business since they had broken up.

Diana's mind was wandering so much she didn't even hear the MC calling her name to come up and give her bridesmaid's speech.

It was only after the third calling of her name that Diana came to her senses. She took a deep breath and picked up a glass of wine. Her speech went off without a hitch, ending with everyone joining her to toast the happy couple.

Carol and Kyle smiled at each other and finished their drink.