My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 562 - 144: I Will Come To See You

Vera was waiting for Brian in a café when she heard someone shout her name.

Hearing the voice, Vera became anxious.

"Vera, you are here!" A man stood before her and waved excitedly.

Vera smiled awkwardly and said, "Robert."

"I have been looking for you for days, Vera. Where have you been?"

Vera looked around anxiously, searching for a way to get out. But Robert was holding her hands firmly and wouldn't let go.

"Why did you leave after you broke up with me? You didn't even give me a chance."

"Robert, I told you, we are done," Vera said irritably.

Robert was clearly emotional and was far from giving up when suddenly Brian appeared beside them.

Vera was thrilled. She immediately took Brian's hand and said to Robert, "This is my boyfriend. You need to leave now. Do not contact me anymore."

Robert was shocked. He looked confusedly at Brian, trying to figure out if it was true. "Vera, you are lying."

To prove him wrong, Vera kissed Brian on the cheek.

Brian frowned, but he didn't pull away.

After the kiss, Vera raised her eyebrows at Robert. "Do you believe me now?"

"You are some bitch Vera! I guess you just sleep with every man you meet! You whore!"

"Let's leave," Brian uttered coldly.

Vera started following Brian to the door.

Brian turned around to check on Vera and saw that Robert was rushing toward them from behind. Brian swiftly blocked his path, grabbed him by the collar, and threw him into an empty table.

Robert was left in a heap on the ground, while Brian continued to the exit without looking back.

Despite the incident, both Brian and Vera still wanted to have their talk. So they went to another nearby café.

"Vera, I have to tell you something."

Vera was excited. She took out the report and said, "Brian, before you tell me anything, you have to see this."

Brian nodded, slightly confused.

Vera unfolded the report. It was the result of her test at the hospital; she was pregnant!

Brian was shocked. "What?!"

Vera touched her belly and uttered shyly, "Brian, you are going to be a father."

"What are you talking about?"

"I said, you are going to be a father," Vera repeated with a smile.

"A baby? Mine?"

"Don't you believe me? Who else could it be if it is not yours?" Vera said sadly.

And then, without a hint of emotion in his voice, Brian said, "We can't have this baby."

"What?" Vera was astonished. She was in a panic and gripped Brian's hand. "Brian, are you mad at Robert? He is nobody. He tried to ask me to be his girlfriend when I was abroad. But you are the only one I love. I…"

Before Vera finished her sentence, Brian interrupted, "That idiot Robert is not the reason."

"What is it? Are you still mad at me for leaving without saying anything? I didn't have an option. Brian, I am sorry. Can you forgive me?"

Vera began to cry, tears rolling silently down her cheeks.

Brian sighed and stroked her face gently. "Vera, I don't blame you for anything that happened between us. That's all in the past now. I think it is a bad idea to have this child because I can't give you what you want. I love someone else."

"Who? Diana Anderson?" By that point, Vera was really crying, and her make-up was running badly.

"Is she really so much better than me?" Vera sniffed.

"No, she isn't. But I love her."

Vera was desperate. She looked at Brian with tearful eyes. "Brian, let me keep the baby. This is the only connection we have now!"

But Brian was convinced it was not a good idea. "Vera, you are too young. You can't handle having a baby."

Vera shook her head. "Brian, I am not going to marry anyone. I will keep the baby, and it will be my whole life."

Noticing her determination, Brian gave up persuading her.

"Fine. Suppose that's what you want. I will give you money to help raise the baby." That was all Brian had to say on the matter, and with that, he walked out.

Vera was seething with anger. Diana Anderson, it is all your fault. If it weren't for you, Brian would have accepted me!

Back at the engagement party, Kyle stood up to make a toast to Carol.

He drank the glass in one go. For him, it was a toast to his failed love; Diana would be a stranger to him in the future. Wiping the wine from his lips, Kyle looked at Diana, who was sitting there smiling. Repressing his bitterness, he put his arm around Carol, and they thanked the guests.

As he and Carol mingled with the guests after the speeches, Kyle thought his face was going to go numb from the constant smiling. Luckily, he received a call, which allowed him to excuse himself momentarily.

"I will come back soon," Kyle whispered to Carol.

Carol nodded and smiled at him. She knew that he was always busy.

Kyle put the call on hold, then went outside on his own. He took out a cigar and lit it, grateful for the break. Then he answered the call. "Hello?"

"Hey, Kyle. Congratulations!" Antonette said.

Kyle didn't utter a word.

"I think it is time to act," Antonette said pointedly.

With just a few short words, Antonette had ruined his time alone. Kyle threw his barely smoked cigar on the floor and then ended the call.

Staring at the city lights before him, Kyle squinted his eyes. He swore to himself that he must win this battle with Brian. After all, he had sacrificed a lot.

When the party eventually ended, it was almost ten o'clock. After saying goodbye to all the guests, Carol was so tired that she leaned on Kyle.

Kyle hugged her close, and they walked to his car together.

When they got into the car, Carol rubbed her arms and complained, "That was so tiring!"

Kyle smiled. "You will be even more tired after the wedding."

Kyle didn't often mention s.e.x.u.a.l things, and his reference to their post-wedding activities made Carol blush. Kyle had been very gentlemanly during their relationship, and they still had not had s.e.x.

Looking at her blushing face, Kyle smiled.

They continued driving for a while, then Kyle finally brought up something that had been on his mind.

"Carol, what do you think about investing in Brian's company?"

Carol was confused. "What do you mean? My Dad already reinvested his money in the company."

"Don't you think it is better to invest in our name, you and me together?" Kyle suggested.

Kyle held Carol's hand and planted a gentle kiss on her cheek. Carol was so innocent. Without giving it much thought, she smiled happily and agreed. After all, she was going to marry Kyle; money was merely a trivial matter.