My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 554 - 136:Do You Like Him?

Brian was speechless. He tried to move slowly away from Daniel, but as he backed away, Daniel held on.

Brian felt it was utterly odd. Now thoroughly uncomfortable, he stood up and said, "I am full already." And then he strode away up to his bedroom.

Gazing at Brian's fleeing figure, Daniel laughed out loud.

Diana stared at him and hit the table with her fork.

"Daniel, he is my boyfriend. Leave him alone."

However, Daniel completely ignored her and instead followed Brian to the bedroom.

Brian was sitting down at his desk to start some work when Daniel walked in without knocking.

"Little Brian, I think you didn't eat enough food. So, I brought you some mangoes." Daniel presented them to Brian in a dramatic fashion.

As Daniel was going to be his brother-in-law, Brian forced himself to accept his weird behavior.

"Just Brian is fine."

"Alright." Daniel shrugged and put his hands onto Brian's shoulders.

"What are you reading?"

It was the first time for Brian to have a man act like this, and he felt extremely awkward. He turned his head and tried to move away from Daniel.

"Just going over some files for work." Brian squeezed out a smile. Dying to escape, he then mumbled an excuse about needing some water and ran out of the room.

He opened the door and found Diana was standing right outside.

Diana was embarrassed at being caught. "I was just passing by."

Whilst Brian doubted her excuse when Daniel came out a moment later, and he knew for sure what she'd been doing. "Well, Diana, listening to people's conversations now, are we?"

Diana glared at her brother, and Brian ducked out of the situation to go and have a bath, not wanting to get in the middle.

When Brian came back to his bedroom, Daniel was waiting at the doorway for him. And as Brian turned to go inside, Daniel flashed Diana a strange, almost victorious smile, before following Brian in.

Waking up the next morning, Brian was astonished to find Daniel lying next to him in the bed, firmly holding onto him. Looking at his face, which was almost identical to Diana's, Brian had to force himself not to kick Daniel out of his bed.

When they went downstairs to have breakfast, Diana was already eating with Sybil.

"When will you leave?" Diana asked coldly.

Daniel pretended to be sad. "I have only been here one day, and you are already asking me to leave?"

Daniel rushed to Brian's arms and acted as if he was desperate. Brian tapped him on his back to comfort him.

"Brian, you won't ask me to leave, right?" Daniel pleaded.

Brian couldn't think of a good way out of the situation, so reluctantly nodded. Daniel was delighted and smiled gleefully at Diana.

Ken, who had been sitting quietly eating, looked up and said, "Sybil, could you get me a cup of milk, please?"

"No problem," Sybil answered and took Ken's cup to the kitchen.

As soon as Sybil left the room, Ken looked at everyone and begged, "I think Sybil is going to fall in love with Marlon Johnson. You have to help me!"

Brian shrugged his shoulders to show there was nothing he could do for him. And then he went back to enjoying his breakfast.

"I will ask Sybil what she thinks of him," Diana said reassuringly.

Brian looked at her excited look and nodded.

After breakfast, Brian, Ken, and Sybil left to go to the company. Daniel also got up to leave, but Diana pulled him back down to his chair. She smiled and waved goodbye to Brian while Daniel wore an angry face beside her.

"Diana, why did you stop me?" Daniel sat on the couch and rolled his eyes at Diana.

"Look enough already, Daniel, you have to move out!"

Unfortunately for Diana, Daniel knew he had all the power. He ignored her request and sat down to watch TV.

At the company, Sybil arrived at the office and began happily chatting with her co-workers.

As she sat down at her desk to begin the day, Marlon approached her.



"Would you like to go for lunch with me today?"

Regarding Marlon as her friend, Sybil said yes right away.

"Great! See you later then." Marlon looked thrilled and quickly turned to walk away.

Thinking little of the exchange, Sybil turned to focus on the design papers in her hands.

At lunchtime, Diana led Daniel to Brian's company and saw Sybil walking out with a man.

"Wow, they are so well-matched," Daniel awed.

Diana rolled her eyes at him. "Are you serious? No way! Sybil should be with Ken."

Determined not to give up on Ken, Diana followed Sybil and her friend to a nearby restaurant; she had to find out the truth. She found a table that was just within earshot but out of sight and pulled Daniel to sit down.

"What do you want to eat?" Marlon asked gently.

"Steak, please."

Marlon nodded and called for the waiter.

Diana could sense from the way they spoke that they were not a couple. This came as a great relief.

"Sybil, I have something to tell you," Marlon uttered suddenly.

Daniel smiled and said, "I think he is going to tell her he loves her."

Diana ignored him and concentrated on their conversation.

Marlon paused for a moment before taking Diana's hands in his. He stared deep into her eyes and said, "Sybil, I love you."

Sybil was shocked. "Oh, Marlon, I'm sorry, but I think of you as my friend, nothing more."

"Sybil, don't refuse so quickly. Give me a chance, I will love you and cherish you," Marlon said desperately.

Sybil shifted awkwardly in her chair and struggled to take her hand back, but she failed as Marlon held on fiercely.

"Marlon, let me go. I don't like you in that way." Sybil continued to struggle, and her voice got increasingly anxious.

For Diana, enough was enough. She stood up and walked over to their table. She grabbed Sybil's hand and stared at Marlon. "Sir, please mind your behavior. She is my friend, and I believe she told you to let her go."

Marlon looked at Diana and frowned.

"I am sorry. Marlon, I just don't feel the same. I think we'd better be friends," Sybil said coolly.

Not wishing to stick around any longer, Sybil grabbed her bag and left with Diana. Marlon was left there alone, looking rather sad.

Diana smiled lightly. So, Sybil didn't like Marlon. Ken didn't have to worry about that anymore.

Sybil left without looking back at Marlon. She felt regretful after walking out of the restaurant. "Diana, do you think I was right?"

Diana rubbed Sybil's face and said, "Yes. It is wrong to ask a man to wait for you if you don't like him."

Sybil nodded. But she still felt sorry for Marlon.

Given what had just happened, Diana decided it was time to tell Sybil about Ken. She pulled Sybil to the corner and said hesitantly, "Sybil, do you like Ken?"

"Yes," Sybil answered without hesitation.

"I don't just mean as friends. I mean… do you like him more than a friend?"