My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 551 - 133: I Don’t Care

"I don't care! You beat a woman, now I'm beating you!"

Brian was burning with rage. Clasping the man's collar, Brian shouted, "Bring me to your boss!"

The man immediately stood to attention. He was too afraid to try and play tough any longer. The only thought he had was to lead Brian to Carl.

Ken and another man shoved the man into the car. He led them to a food factory a few minutes from his house.

Brian walked into the factory, a murderous expression on his face. Ken followed behind him, and they looked around the industrial space.

It was a complete mess. There were cigarette butts scattered everywhere, and suspicious-looking stains could be seen all over the floor.

There was a pot of tea on the table, still steaming hot, but no one was in the factory. Brian seized the man's collar. "Did you call them before we arrived?"

The man kneeled down and cried, "No! I didn't! I was with you the whole time. How could I have done that?"

Brian released the man and threw him to the floor. Damn it! They escaped! Brian straightened his tie whilst thinking of what to do next. He then turned to Ken and said, "Let's go."

They left the man huddled on the floor, dripping with sweat and covered with blood. He was a pathetic sight.

Ken drove them back to Brian's house, where they saw Kyle had already arrived, his car parked just outside the compound.

The dishes were laid out on the table, but everyone was waiting for Brian; no one would touch the food till he arrived.

Brian sat down beside Diana, Ken beside Sybil, and Kyle sat to one side on his own.

"Kyle, what were you doing outside the office last Thursday?" Brian asked.

Kyle was slightly taken aback, but he forced himself to act normally and answered with a smile, "I went for a cup of coffee. Is there anything wrong with that?"

"You could have asked your assistant to do that. Why did you go there yourself?" Brian continued.

"I was feeling kinda sleepy at that time. So, I thought a walk might help. What's the matter?"

Diana nodded. There seemed to be nothing out of the ordinary about his story.

Brian scowled in annoyance. He had no evidence to connect Kyle to the kidnapping. There was nothing more he could do at that moment.

After dinner, Kyle returned to the company and called Antonette.

"Come to the company. Right now!" Kyle uttered coldly.

Antonette was confused by his sudden call. She tried to ask for more details, but Kyle had already ended the call. Though a little annoyed at his rudeness, Antonette had no choice but to get dressed and go to see him.

Mrs. Garcia saw her leaving and called out, "Shameless creature! So late in the evening, and she still goes out!"

Antonette hailed a taxi and hurried to the company. Most people had already finished, and there were only a few lights still on in the offices.

She tentatively opened the door to Kyle's office.

Upon seeing Antonette enter, Kyle stood up from his chair and threw a vicious swipe at Antonette's face.

Covering her face, Antonette stood back in shock.

"You hit me!"

Kyle was furious. "Idiot! Brian already suspects me!"

Antonette ignored the pain in her face and asked fearfully, "What should we do?"

"What should we do? It was all your fault!"

Antonette knew it was she who had let all this happen. She didn't dare to speak any further.

"Antonette, in the future, you'd better think twice before making decisions. Stop causing me trouble!" Kyle squeezed out these words in a fierce tone.

"I know," Antonette murmured.

"Now f.u.c.k off!" Antonette was the last person in the world. Kyle wanted to see at that moment.

Antonette walked out with clenched fists. "Kyle, would you be this angry if it wasn't Diana I kidnapped?" She thought to herself.

Walking down the stairs, stamping in anger as she went, Antonette was headed for home. However, when she got outside, she was confronted with an old friend.

Glancing at his face, Antonette turned around and tried to leave. But another man was waiting behind and pushed her back. She forced herself to look the dreadful man in the face.

"Well, it seems that you don't want to see me."

"Carl…" Antonette smiled sweetly and added, "What do you mean? I just didn't see you, that's all."

Carl looked briefly at Antonette's fake smile, and then he slapped her hard with the back of his right hand. Having been hit by Kyle and Carl, Antonette felt her face begin to swell. But she didn't dare to fight back.

"Bitch! Do you remember what you told me? You said we could sell her on after we had some fun with her. But you gave us up! Look at my guys! Look at his wound!" Carl pushed a man before Antonette. It was the man who had been beaten by Brian in his home.

Seeing the bloody gauze wrapped around the man's head, Antonette was frightened.

"I won't let you leave unless you apologize to us." Carl pushed Antonette towards his car, and she fell hard against the door.

Antonette was scared. She held onto the handle of the door, determined not to get in the car. A passer-by came past, and Antonette gave him a pleading look. But once he noticed Carl and the other two thugs beside him, the man ran away immediately.

"Get in the car!" Carl shoved Antonette into the car. The pain from Carl's brutal force was excruciating, but Antonette didn't dare to struggle; she didn't even dare to move.

The car pulled up outside a warehouse. It was the same place they had taken Diana during the kidnapping. Carl pulled Antonette out of the car.

Looking at the deserted factory, Antonette was afraid.

"Carl, why have you taken me here?"

Carl touched Antonette with his big hands and uttered in a filthy voice, "You will soon find out."

He then picked her up as if she were a doll and marched into the factory.

They brought Antonette into a damp, grim room at the back of the factory. Satisfied with the location, Carl tossed her over his shoulder onto the tough concrete floor.

Antonette m.o.a.n.e.d in pain and writhed around on the floor.

Carl and the other two men stepped toward her with a nasty look on their faces.

"Come on, boys, you two are in for a treat. This bitch is good at s.e.x." Thinking of those nights spent with Antonette, Carl licked his lips greedily.

Antonette crawled back and cried, "What do you want?"

The three men had taken off their belts and were walking toward her.

"Where do you think you're going?" Carl said.

He pulled Antonette under him, and the three men swarmed around her.

Antonette was choked with fear and was still meekly protesting as they began to rip off her clothes.