My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 545 - 127: I Know Who You Are

When Diana awoke, she turned around to find herself in Brian's arms. She had asked Brian to sleep in his own room, but he hadn't listened. And as he held her so tightly, Diana had been forced to let it go.

But it seemed they had been lying together in an awkward position, as Diana could feel a pain in her back.

She wanted to get up and move around; however, Brian held her so tight that she couldn't get away. Finally, she compromised and changed her posture to face him. That way, she could enjoy his serene, sleeping face.

Although Diana's movements were subtle, it was enough to wake Brian up. As he moved, he found that his neck was stiff and complained as he rolled his head from side to side.

Diana rolled her eyes and rubbed his neck for him.

"How do you feel? Is it still painful?"

After a quick morning kiss, Brian changed his expression.

"The pain is gone now," he answered with a smile.

As she awoke in Ken's house, Sybil was drawn out of the bedroom by the smell of food. It drove her down to the kitchen, where Ken was making breakfast.

"Wow, Ken, you know how to cook?" Sybil was surprised.

The morning sunshine lit up Ken's handsome face. For Sybil, this was a very attractive scene.

Ken flashed her a smile and brought breakfast to the dining room. Sybil followed him with great expectancy.

The fried eggs were made in the shape of two hearts. And next to the eggs, there was a curved sausage and a dollop of homemade tomato ketchup.

"Ken, this looks great!" Sybil said adoringly.

"I hope you enjoy it." Ken looked back at her with a doting smile.

The night before, Sybil had asked Ken to take her home. On the way, they stopped at a mall near Ken's home. However, after shopping, an enormous rainstorm made traveling on the roads quite dangerous. So, Ken had brought Sybil back to his place.

As Sybil was enjoying her breakfast, Ken tidied up the sofa where he had slept that night, having kindly offered Sybil his bed.

After breakfast, Sybil let out a deep, satisfied smile.

"Ken, who is going to be lucky enough to marry you?"

It was rare for Sybil to do housework, let alone cooking. In her mind, Ken was a perfect man.

Ken paused as he folded up the quilt. A sense of bitterness grew within him; based on what she'd said, it seemed Sybil must feel nothing for him.

"It's time to go to the office." Sybil urged Ken to send her to the company for her first day of work. She didn't want to be late and make a bad impression.

"Well…" Actually, Ken hadn't eaten breakfast yet, but as he always looked out for Sybil, he didn't want her to be late and led her out to the car.

When they arrived at the company, Ken changed his attitude to that of an employee.

Since he was a mere steward and Sybil was his master, he felt he had to act self-abased. She was way out of his league.

Seeing Ken's over reverence and respect, Sybil looked at him with annoyance. She linked arms with him and pulled him into the building.

The William Group employees were coming and going around them. Feeling their attention, Ken was about to withdraw his arm.

Sybil immediately glared at him. In her heart, she already regarded Ken as her brother.

"Ken, how about coming to be my private assistant?" Sybil suggested.

"Would that be Okay?" The offer was tempting, but Ken was hesitant. Would Brian approve?

Luckily, at that moment, Brian came to them, rubbing his stiff neck.

"Good morning, Brian. We were just talking about you."

"Why?" Brian answered in a harsh tone.

"I want to have Ken as my private assistant."

Brian glanced at Ken and found he was looking back with a hopeful expression.

"All right, all right." Brian granted his sister's request. It was clear both she and Ken were desperate to hear his "yes."

"Thank you, Brian. Love you!" Sybil didn't expect Brian's permission would come so easily. She jumped up and gave Ken a big hug.

Brian shook his head. Sometimes Sybil was rather silly; she still knew nothing about Ken's feelings towards her.

"Ouch." Once again, as Brian turned to go, he felt a sharp pain in his neck. With his head tilted to one side, Brian walked to the office.

"What's wrong with him? He's acting very strangely," Sybil mused.

Ken shrugged his shoulders.

Brian had prepared an individual office for Sybil. But she turned this privilege down because she wanted to start at the bottom.

Most of the designers in the company were short-sighted bookworms, while Sybil was cute and gorgeous. Her arrival made all the male designers very excited.

One designer came forward to show his appreciation for Sybil.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Marlon Johnson."

Sybil politely shook hands with him. "Nice to meet you too. My name is Sybil William."

"I know who you are," Marlon replied courteously.

As the other designers gathered around, Sybil decided to formally introduce herself to her new colleagues, "Hello everyone, my name is Sybil William. I'm new here, and I'd appreciate your help in the coming days."

After Sybil's introduction, her fellow designers were all applauding to show their welcome.

Marlon's open admiration of Sybil made Ken uncomfortable. But he still had some work to deal with for Brian and had to leave.

"See you after work," he said to Sybil.

Before leaving, Ken tried to catch Marlon's eye, to warn him to watch his step slyly. But Marlon was oblivious as all his attention was focused on Sybil.

After a day's work, Ken waited for Sybil in the reception. From the lifts, Sybil and Marlon came walking out side by side.

Ken squinted, an air of indifference about him.

"Ken!" Sybil ran over happily, with Marlon following closely behind.

"I'm so tired. Let's go home." Sybil stretched and leaned against Ken. She hadn't expected the work would be so tiring.

"Here we go." Ken touched Diana's head with an affectionate smile.

Seeing Ken's intimate way with Sybil, Marlon looked wary.

Ken stared him down, not wishing to show any weakness.