My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 530 - 112: Don’t Call Me Father

That morning, Diana got up early to catch the bus to school for her early class. But, once she walked out of Brian's villa, she saw his car parked beside the gate.

Brian lowered the window and his handsome face lured Diana in.

"Get in the car."

Diana thought it was quite strange. What was he doing? Then again, it was a good thing to have a free ride, so Diana happily opened the car door and got in.

"Fasten the seat belt. I will drive you to school," Brian said in a gentle tone.

Diana felt embarrassed. Looking at Brian, she asked, confusedly, "Brian, you are acting weirdly. Why are you so nice to me today? Are you…"

Diana covered her c.h.e.s.t and gazed at Brian alertly.

Brian sneered at her. "Forget it. I'm not interested in your slim figure."

"You!" Diana pointed at him and rolled her eyes. "Well, since you are impotent, of course, you are not interested," she added slyly.

Brian couldn't find the right comeback. Smiling, he suddenly adopted a serious look. "Diana, I'm nice to you to try and show you that you should be with me."

Diana was shocked. She felt the butterflies rising in her c.h.e.s.t again and couldn't speak for a long time. She felt the sound of her heart beating so loudly she was sure that Brian could also hear it.

"Diana, can you stop acting as if you don't understand what I mean?" Brian said with a slight impatience.

Diana was still unsure of how to respond. She was really terrible at expressing herself.

When they arrived at the university, Diana jumped out of the car and ran for her first class.

Not receiving any answer to his open affection left Brian speechless. What did she think of him?

Diana walked hurriedly to her dormitory to fetch her textbook when she ran into Antonette.

They both exchanged friendly greetings; however, Antonette sneered silently at Diana. Did Diana think she could dump Antonette now she had earned Brian's love? Wait and see! Antonette was determined she would be the one who would earn everything from the William family.

Diana, meanwhile, was totally occupied with what Brian had told her. She was absent-minded and had no idea what she was doing. She just had to contain her worries and excitement as she followed Antonette to the class.

At the same time, Kyle emptied the box that Antonette had given to him onto his office desk.

Looking at everything, Kyle came up with a plan. He called his assistant and instructed her to find a journalist at 'Daily Entertainment'.

The journalist arrived surprisingly fast, and Kyle gave him the photos and DNA test report. The man was ecstatic. This would be massive breaking news! Holding his treasure, the man left eagerly to begin writing his piece.

Kyle made it clear that it had to be published before the end of the day.

He chose 'Daily Entertainment' for its broad influence and talented journalists. After tonight, there would only be a topic on people's lips.

And Kyle was right. Not long after Antonette ended her last class of the day, she received the first of many calls, asking to confirm whether the story was true.

Antonette decided she should share the good news with her mother.

She took a taxi out to their old, slummy neighborhood. Looking at the rundown building before her, Antonette was overwhelmed with hatred. Clenching her fists, she swore to herself that she would never move back to this place.

Taking a deep breath, Antonette entered her mother's house. The inside was damp, and the air was filled with the scent of mildew.

It was dark inside, but Antonette could still see her mother sitting silently in the corner. She sat, staring at Antonette without uttering a word.

"Mother, Simon William admitted I am his daughter. Can you believe that?"

"You took my box, didn't you?" her mother replied coldly.

Antonette hated how her mother always acted like everything was under her control. She stood up angrily, and shouted, "So? As long as I can be his daughter, I don't care! And someday, I will get all his money!"

Her mother laughed hysterically. "You will get his money? Do you really think Simon William will treasure you? He despised you from the moment you were born. You are nothing but a product of his fleeting passion."

"Stop it! How can you say something like that to me?" Antonette yelled.

For once, her mother had no answer for her.

Antonette couldn't bear to stay any longer. As she walked out of the apartment, she turned back for one last word, "Mother, I promise you right now. I will never come back here!'

Her mother shouted hysterically at her disappearing figure, "Just remember how you got him to accept you! He will betray you in the end!"

As per their arrangement, Antonette went to the agreed-upon place and waited for Simon.

After a few minutes, he showed up alone, without any bodyguards. Antonette stood up at once to greet him, suddenly feeling a bit awkward. This would be the first time in her life to be alone with her father.

"Father," Antonette stammered.

"Don't call me that."

Antonette gave an embarrassed smile and sat back down.

As expected, Simon was unwilling to accept Antonette as his daughter. But the media were going crazy about this story. Under intense pressure, he had to do something to change the situation; otherwise, the William Group would suffer.

Despite Simon's ruthlessness, he could see Antonette certainly bore some resemblance to him, and he recalled the moment a long time ago when Jenny White had come to him with a paternity test. But he had rejected her. Now, Antonette came to him in another way. Was it fate?

"Move into my house tomorrow. I don't want people discussing this anymore," Simon said.

Trying to suppress her excitement, Antonette said, "Really, Father?"

Simon frowned. "Call me Mr. William, unless there is someone else around."

Although she could feel his distance, Antonette maintained her sweet smile and replied politely, "Yes, Mr. William."

Her attitude pleased Simon. And as long as she followed his orders, he would treat her nicely.

With that, Simon stood up and left.

Watching him walk away, Antonette clenched her fists. If being despised was the path to money and power, no matter what, she would take it.